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\section { Table of Prime Knots}
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A knot's \textit { crossing number} is the minimal number of crossings its projection must contain. In general, it is very difficult to determine a knot's crossing number.
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This table contains the 15 smallest prime knots, ordered by crossing number. \par
Mirror images are not included, even if the mirror image produces a nonisomorphic knot.
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% Images are from the appendix of the Knot book.
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\def \w { 24mm}
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\foreach \l /\c /\r in { %
{ 3_ 1} /{ 4_ 1} /{ 5_ 1} ,%
{ 5_ 2} /{ 6_ 1} /{ 6_ 2} ,%
{ 6_ 3} /{ 7_ 1} /{ 7_ 2} ,%
{ 7_ 3} /{ 7_ 4} /{ 7_ 5} ,%
{ 7_ 6} /{ 7_ 7} /{ 8_ 1} %
} {
\begin { minipage} { \w }
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { knot table/\l .png} \par
\vspace { 2mm}
{ \huge $ \l $ }
\end { center}
\end { minipage}
\begin { minipage} { \w }
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { knot table/\c .png} \par
\vspace { 2mm}
{ \huge $ \c $ }
\end { center}
\end { minipage}
\begin { minipage} { \w }
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [width=\linewidth] { knot table/\r .png} \par
\vspace { 2mm}
{ \huge $ \r $ }
\end { center}
\end { minipage}
\hfill ~\par
\vspace { 4mm}