Add slide rule warm-up
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This commit is contained in:
Mark 2025-02-13 13:31:38 -08:00
parent b4852e7fcd
commit a10774c116
8 changed files with 25163 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
% use [nosolutions] flag to hide solutions.
% use [solutions] flag to show solutions.
% Args:
% x, top scale y, label
line width=1mm,
text opacity=1
({#1}, {#2 + 1})
({#1}, {#2 - 1.1})
node [below] {#3};
\title{Warm-Up: Slide Rules}
\subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today}
Dad says that anyone who can't use
a slide rule is a cultural illiterate
and should not be allowed to vote.
\textit{Have Space Suit --- Will Travel, 1958}
\input{parts/0 logarithms.tex}
\input{parts/1 intro.tex}
\input{parts/2 multiplication.tex}
% Make sure the slide rule is on an odd page,
% so that double-sided printing won't require
% students to tear off problems.
\textbf{This page unintentionally left blank.}

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title = "Slide Rules"
handout = false
solutions = true

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Evaluate the following by hand:
\item $\log_{10}{(1000)}$
\item $\log_2{(64)}$
\item $\log_2{(\frac{1}{4})}$
\item $\log_x{(x)}$ for any $x$
\item $log_x{(1)}$ for any $x$
Prove the following:
\item $\log_b{(b^x)} = x$
\item $b^{\log_b{x}} = x$
\item $\log_b{(xy)} = \log_b{(x)} + \log_b{(y)}$
\item $\log_b{(\frac{x}{y})} = \log_b{(x)} - \log_b{(y)}$
\item $\log_b{(x^y)} = y \log_b{(x)}$
A good intro to the following sections is the linear slide rule:
\note{Note that these rules start at 0.}
{2 + 3 = 5}
Take two linear rules, offset one, and you add.
Do the same with a log scale, and you multiply! \\
After assembling the paper slide rule, you can make a visor with some transparent tape. Wrap a strip around the slide rule, sticky side out, and stick it to itself to form a ring. Cover the sticky side with another layer of tape, and trim the edges to make them straight. Use the edge of the visor to read your slide rule!

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers needed to quickly compute products long before computers conquered the world.
The \textit{slide rule} is an instrument that uses the logarithm to solve this problem. Before you continue, cut out and assemble your slide rule.
There are four scales on your slide rule, each labeled with a letter on the left side:
Each scale's ``generating function'' is on the right:
\item T: $\tan$
\item K: $x^3$
\item A,B: $x^2$
\item CI: $\frac{1}{x}$
\item C, D: $x$
\item L: $\log_{10}(x)$
\item S: $\sin$
Once you understand the layout of your slide rule, move on to the next page.

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@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
We'll use the C and D scales of your slide rule to multiply. \\
Say we want to multiply $2 \times 3$. First, move the \textit{left-hand index} of the C scale over the smaller number, $2$:
Then we'll find the second number, $3$ on the C scale, and read the D scale under it:
Of course, our answer is 6.
What is $1.15 \times 2.1$? \\
Use your slide rule.
{\cdscalefn(1.15) + \cdscalefn(2.1)}
Note that your answer isn't exact. $1.15 \times 2.1 = 2.415$, but an answer accurate within two decimal places is close enough for most practical applications. \\
Look at your C and D scales again. They contain every number between 1 and 10, but no more than that.
What should we do if we want to calculate $32 \times 210$? \\
Using your slide rule, calculate $32 \times 210$. \\
%\hint{$32 = 3.2 \times 10^1$}
{\cdscalefn(2.1) + \cdscalefn(3.2)}
Placing the decimal point correctly is your job. \\
$10^1 \times 10^2 = 10^3$, so our final answer is $6.72 \times 10^3 = 672$.
%This method of writing numbers is called \textit{scientific notation}. In the form $a \times 10^b$, $a$ is called the \textit{mantissa}, and $b$, the \textit{exponent}. \\
%You may also see expressions like $4.3\text{e}2$. This is equivalent to $4.3 \times 10^2$, but is more compact.
Compute the following:
\item $1.44 \times 52$
\item $0.38 \times 1.24$
\item $\pi \times 2.35$
\item $1.44 \times 52 = 74.88$
\item $0.38 \times 1.24 = 0.4712$
\item $\pi \times 2.35 = 7.382$
Note that the numbers on your C and D scales are logarithmically spaced.
Why does our multiplication procedure work? \\
%\hint{See \ref{logids}}
Now we want to compute $7.2 \times 5.5$:
{\cdscalefn(5.5) + \cdscalefn(7.2)}
No matter what order we go in, the answer ends up off the scale. There must be another way. \\
Look at the far right of your C scale. There's an arrow pointing to the $10$ tick, labeled \textit{right-hand index}. Move it over the \textit{larger} number, $7.2$:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
Now find the smaller number, $5.5$, on the C scale, and read the D scale under it:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
Our answer should be about $7 \times 5 = 35$, so let's move the decimal point: $5.5 \times 7.2 = 39.6$. We can do this by hand to verify our answer. \\
Why does this work? \par
\hint{Add a second $D$ scale.}
Consider the following picture, where I've put two D scales next to each other:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
(0, 0)
(0, -0.3)
node [below] {D};
(-10, 0)
(-10, -0.3)
node [below] {D};
{-10 + \cdscalefn(7.2)}
The second D scale has been moved to the right by $(\log{10})$, so every value on it is $(\log{10})$ smaller than it should be.
In other words, the answer we get from reverse multiplication is the following: $\log{a} + \log{b} - \log{10}$. \\
This reduces to $\log{(\frac{a \times b}{10})}$, which explains the misplaced decimal point in $7.2 \times 5.5$.
Compute the following using your slide rule:
\item $9 \times 8$
\item $15 \times 35$
\item $42.1 \times 7.65$
\item $6.5^2$
\item $9 \times 8 = 72$
\item $15 \times 35 = 525$
\item $42.1 \times 7.65 = 322.065$
\item $6.5^2 = 42.25$
Compute the following using your slide rule. \\
\item $135 \div 15$
\item $68.2 \div 0.575$
\item $(118 \times 0.51) \div 6.6$
\item $135 \div 15 = 9$
\item $68.2 \div 0.575 = 118.609$
\item $(118 \times 0.51) \div 6.6 = 9.118$

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@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
\ProvidesPackage{sliderule}[2022/08/22 Slide rule tools]
% Scale functions:
% See
% l: length of the rule
% n: the number on the rule
% A/B: (l/2) * log(n)
% C/D: l / log(n)
% CI: abs(l * log(10 / n) - l)
% K: (l/3) * log(n)
% L: n * l
% T: l * log(10 * tan(n))
% S: l * log(10 * sin(n))
\def\abscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth/2) * log10(#1)}
\def\cdscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(#1))}
\def\ciscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth - \cdscalefn(#1))}
\def\kscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth/3) * log10(#1)}
\def\lscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * #1)}
\def\tscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(10 * tan(#1)))}
\def\sscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(10 * sin(#1)))}
% Arguments:
% Label
% x of start
% y of start
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {0,..., 10}{
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * \i}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * \i}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks
\foreach \n in {0, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9} {
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Arguments:
% Label
% x of start
% y of start
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 9
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}{
({#1 + \abscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Numbers and marks 10 - 100
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \abscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 10 - 100
\foreach \n in {10,20,...,90} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 10
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {5,10,...,95}
} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2);
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2)
node [above] {1.5};
} {
\i=10 \OR \i=20 \OR \i=30 \OR \i=40 \OR
\i=60 \OR \i=70 \OR \i=80 \OR \i=90
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.15);
} {
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\ifthenelse{\i=0}{0}{.\i}}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {5,10,...,95}
} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2);
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2)
node [above] {1.5};
} {
\i=10 \OR \i=20 \OR \i=30 \OR \i=40 \OR
\i=60 \OR \i=70 \OR \i=80 \OR \i=90
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.15);
} {
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 9
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Numbers and marks 10 - 90
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Numbers and marks 100 - 1000
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(100 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(100 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 10 - 90
\foreach \n in {10,20,...,90} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 100 - 1000
\foreach \n in {100,200,...,900} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
} {
\foreach \i in {20,40,60,80}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {0,..., 10}{
({#1 + \lscalefn(\i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn(\i / 10)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\ifthenelse{\i=0}{0}{.\i}}};
% Submarks
\foreach \n in {0, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,19} {
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
\i=1 \OR \i=3 \OR \i=5 \OR \i=7 \OR
\i=9 \OR \i=11 \OR \i=13 \OR \i=15 \OR
\i=17 \OR \i=19
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.1);
} {
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.15);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
% First line
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.2);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 6 - 10
\foreach \i in {6,...,9,10,15,...,45}{
({#1 + \tscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks 6 - 10
\foreach \n in {6, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 15 - 45
\foreach \n in {10, 15, ..., 40} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,24}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
% First line
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.2);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {6,...,9,10,15,...,30,40,50,...,60,90}{
({#1 + \sscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks 6 - 10
\foreach \n in {6, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 15 - 30
\foreach \n in {10, 15, ..., 25} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,24}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 30
\foreach \n in {30} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,19}{
\i=2 \OR \i=4 \OR \i=6 \OR \i=8 \OR
\i=10 \OR \i=12 \OR \i=14 \OR \i=16 \OR
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 40 - 50
\foreach \n in {40, 50} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 60
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2 + 0.1);