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76 lines
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A \textit{link} is a set of knots intertwined with each other. \par
Just as with knots, we say that two links are \textit{isomorphic} if one can be deformed into the other.
The \textit{Whitehead link} is one of the simplest links we can produce. \par
It consists of two knots, so we say it is a \textit{link of two components}.
Two projections of the Whitehead link are shown below.
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/whitehead a.png}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/whitehead b.png}
The \textit{$n$-unlink} is the link that consists of $n$ disjoint unknots. \par
The 3-unlink is shown below:
\draw[circle] (0,0) circle (0.7);
\draw[circle] (2,0) circle (0.7);
\draw[circle] (4,0) circle (0.7);
We say a nontrivial link is \textit{Brunnian} if we get an $n$-unlink after removing any component.
The \textit{Borromean Rings} are a common example of this. If we were to cut any of the three rings, the other two would fall apart.
Find a Brunnian link with four components.
Find a Brunnian link with $n$ components.