Added variable and constant listing

This commit is contained in:
Mark 2023-08-02 15:36:55 -07:00
parent d4d8f41b00
commit ce14df866b
Signed by: Mark
6 changed files with 211 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -91,6 +91,96 @@ pub fn write(target: &Path) {
writeln!(file, "\t\t\t_ => None\n\t\t}}\n\t}}\n").unwrap();
"\tpub fn all_consts() -> &'static [Constant] {{\n",
"\t\treturn &["
for c in constants {
e = c["enum_name"].as_str().unwrap(),
writeln!(file, "\t\t]\n\t}}\n").unwrap();
"\tpub fn source_strings(&self) -> &'static [&'static str] {{\n",
"\t\tmatch self {{"
for c in constants {
"\t\t\tConstant::{e} => &[",
e = c["enum_name"].as_str().unwrap(),
if c["strings"].is_array() {
for s in c["strings"].as_array().unwrap() {
s = s.as_str().unwrap()
} else {
s = c["strings"].as_str().unwrap()
writeln!(file, "\t\t}}\n\t}}\n").unwrap();
"\tpub fn pretty_name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {{\n",
"\t\tmatch self {{"
for c in constants {
if c.as_table().unwrap().contains_key("pretty_name") {
"\t\t\tConstant::{e} => Some(&\"{s}\"),",
e = c["enum_name"].as_str().unwrap(),
s = c["pretty_name"].as_str().unwrap()
writeln!(file, "\t\t\t_ => None\n\t\t}}\n\t}}\n").unwrap();
"\tpub fn value(&self) -> Expression {{\n",

View File

@ -6,90 +6,108 @@
# strings: string or string array. What strings will be parsed as this constant.
# The first entry in this array tells daisy how to print this constant.
# value: value of this constant. Will be evaluated just like user input.
# unit: true if this constant represents a "fake unit"
# pretty_name: string, name of this constant in help texts.
# if this is missing, this constant will not be listed.
enum_name = "Pi"
pretty_name = "π"
strings = ["π", "pi"]
value = "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067"
enum_name = "Phi"
strings = ["φ", "phi", "goldenratio"]
pretty_name = "Golden ratio"
strings = ["φ", "phi"]
value = "1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448622705260462818902449707207204189391137"
enum_name = "Euler"
pretty_name = "Euler's number"
strings = "e"
value = "2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427"
enum_name = "LightSpeed"
pretty_name = "Speed of light"
strings = "c"
value = "299792458 meter/second"
enum_name = "ElectricConstant"
pretty_name = "Electric constant"
strings = ["ε₀", "epsilon_zero", "eps_zero", "electricconstant"]
value = "8.8541878128e-12 F/m"
enum_name = "ElectronCharge"
pretty_name = "Electron charge"
strings = ["electroncharge", "elementarycharge"]
value = "1.602176634e-19 C"
enum_name = "ElectronMass"
pretty_name = "Electron mass"
strings = ["me", "m_e", "electronmass"]
value = "9.1093837015-31 kg"
enum_name = "ProtonMass"
pretty_name = "Proton mass"
strings = ["mp", "m_p", "protonmass"]
value = "1.67262192369e-27 kg"
enum_name = "GravityConstant"
pretty_name = "Graviational constant"
strings = "G"
value = "6.67430e-11 (m^3)/(s^2 * kg)"
enum_name = "GravityEarth"
pretty_name = "Standard Earth gravity"
strings = ["g₀", "g_zero", "gravity"]
value = "9.80665 m/(s^2)"
enum_name = "BoltzmannConstant"
pretty_name = "Boltzmann constant"
strings = ["k_B", "boltzmannconstant"]
value = "1.380649e-23 J/K"
enum_name = "FaradayConstant"
pretty_name = "Faraday constant"
strings = ["faradayconstant"]
value = "9.64853321233100184e4 C/mol"
enum_name = "MagneticConstant"
pretty_name = "Magnetic constant"
strings = ["μ₀","mu_zero"]
value = "1.25663706212 N/(A*A)"
enum_name = "AvogadroConstant"
pretty_name = "Avogadro constant"
strings = ["N_A", "avogadroconstant"]
value = "6.02214076e23 mol^-1"
enum_name = "PlanckConstant"
pretty_name = "Planck constant"
strings = ["planckconstant"]
value = "6.62607015e-34 J/Hz"
enum_name = "Hbar"
pretty_name = "Reduced Planck constant"
strings = ["ℏ", "h_bar"]
value = "planckconstant / (2 pi)"
enum_name = "GasConstant"
pretty_name = "Gas constant"
strings = ["R", "gasconstant"]
value = "avogadroconstant * boltzmannconstant"
@ -112,95 +130,79 @@ value = "avogadroconstant * boltzmannconstant"
enum_name = "MPG"
strings = "mpg"
value = "mile/gallon"
unit = true
enum_name = "MPH"
strings = "mph"
value = "mile/hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "DPI"
strings = "dpi"
value = "dot/inch"
unit = true
enum_name = "PPI"
strings = "ppi"
value = "pixel/inch"
unit = true
enum_name = "FPS"
strings = "fps"
value = "frame/second"
unit = true
enum_name = "PCT"
strings = "pct"
value = "0.01"
unit = true
enum_name = "PPM"
strings = "ppm"
value = "1e-6"
unit = true
enum_name = "PPB"
strings = "ppb"
value = "1e-9"
unit = true
enum_name = "PPT"
strings = "ppt"
value = "1e-12"
unit = true
enum_name = "PPQ"
strings = "ppq"
value = "1e-15"
unit = true
enum_name = "WH"
strings = "Wh"
value = "W * hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "KWH"
strings = "kWh"
value = "kW * hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "MWH"
strings = "WMh"
value = "MW * hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "GWH"
strings = "GWh"
value = "GW * hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "TWH"
strings = "TWh"
value = "TW * hour"
unit = true
enum_name = "PWH"
strings = "PWh"
value = "PW * hour"
unit = true
value = "PW * hour"

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), ()>{
return Ok(());

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use std::io::Write;
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::parser::Constant;
use termion::{
@ -15,12 +17,13 @@ pub fn is_command(
"help" | "clear"
| "ops" | "operators"
| "fns" | "functions"
| "vars"
| "consts" | "constants"
=> true,
_ => false
fn draw_greeter(stdout: &mut RawTerminal<std::io::Stdout>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
@ -51,7 +54,8 @@ fn draw_greeter(stdout: &mut RawTerminal<std::io::Stdout>) -> Result<(), std::io
pub fn do_command(
stdout: &mut RawTerminal<std::io::Stdout>,
s: &String
s: &String,
context: &mut Context
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
match &s[..] {
@ -73,16 +77,15 @@ pub fn do_command(
" {c}clear{r} Clear the terminal\r\n",
" {c}quit{r} Exit daisy\r\n",
//" {c}units{r} List available units\r\n",
//" {c}const{r} List available constants\r\n",
" {c}consts{r} List built-in constants\r\n",
" {c}ops{r} List built-in operators\r\n",
" {c}fns{r} List built-in functions\r\n",
" {c}vars{r} List user-defined variables\r\n",
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
c = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::LightBlack), style::Italic),
t = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Magenta), style::Bold)
@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ pub fn do_command(
" unit conversion {c}to{r}\r\n",
" division (long) {c}per{r}\r\n",
" modulo (long) {c}mod{r}\r\n",
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ pub fn do_command(
" convert to base unit {c}tobase{r}\r\n",
" remove units {c}nounit{r}\r\n",
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
@ -154,6 +157,85 @@ pub fn do_command(
t = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Magenta), style::Bold)
"vars" => {
let v = context.get_variables();
if v.len() == 0 {
"You have not defined any variables.\r\n\n",
return Ok(());
"\r\n╞═══ {t}User-Defined Variables{r} ═══╡\r\n",
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
t = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Magenta), style::Bold)
let mut longest = 0;
for (key, _) in v {
if key.len() > longest {
longest = key.len();
for (key, value) in v {
let padding = " ".repeat(longest - key.len());
" {k}{p} = {c}{v}{r}\r\n",
k = key, v = value.to_string(),
p = padding,
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
c = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::LightBlack), style::Italic),
"consts" | "constants" => {
let a = Constant::all_consts();
"\r\n╞═══ {t}Built-in Constants{r} ═══╡\r\n",
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
t = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Magenta), style::Bold)
for c in a {
let Some(p) = c.pretty_name() else { continue };
// If you subtract with overflow here,
// your padding length is too short.
let padding = " ".repeat(25 - p.chars().count());
" {n}{p}: {c}{s}{r}",
p = padding,
n = p,
s = c.source_strings().join(", "),
r = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::Reset), style::Reset),
c = format!("{}{}", color::Fg(color::LightBlack), style::Italic),
write!(stdout, "\r\n")?;
_ => unreachable!("Bad command!")

View File

@ -38,4 +38,8 @@ impl Context {
pub fn get_variables(&self) -> &HashMap<String, Expression> {
return &self.variables

View File

@ -129,12 +129,14 @@ fn do_expression(
pub fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
let mut pb: PromptBuffer = PromptBuffer::new(64);
let mut context: Context = Context::new();
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
// Handle command-line arguments
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.iter().any(|s| s == "--help") {
command::do_command(&mut stdout, &String::from("help"))?;
command::do_command(&mut stdout, &String::from("help"), &mut context)?;
return Ok(());
} else if args.iter().any(|s| s == "--version") {
write!(stdout, "Daisy v{}\r\n", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
@ -145,8 +147,6 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
//let size = termion::terminal_size().unwrap();
//write!(stdout, "{:?}", size).unwrap();
let mut pb: PromptBuffer = PromptBuffer::new(64);
let mut context: Context = Context::new();
'outer: loop {
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ pub fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
if in_str.trim() == "quit" {
break 'outer;
} else if command::is_command(&in_str) {
command::do_command(&mut stdout, &in_str)?;
command::do_command(&mut stdout, &in_str, &mut context)?;
} else {
let r = do_expression(&mut stdout, &in_str, &mut context);
if let Ok(t) = r { context.push_hist(t); }