Migrated floatbase to bigdecimal

This commit is contained in:
mark 2023-09-03 15:57:46 -07:00
parent 4353548900
commit 47abd9d18e

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use rug::Float;
use rug::Assign;
use rug::ops::AssignRound;
use rug::ops::Pow;
use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;
use bigdecimal::Zero;
use bigdecimal::RoundingMode;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::ops::{
Add, Sub, Mul, Div,
@ -14,158 +14,203 @@ use std::ops::{
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use super::ScalarBase;
use super::PRINT_LEN;
use super::SHOW_SIG;
use super::MAX_LEN;
pub struct FloatBase where {
pub val: Float
pub val: BigDecimal
impl FloatBase {
pub fn from<T>(a: T) -> Option<FloatBase> where
Float: Assign<T> + AssignRound<T>
let v = Float::with_val(FLOAT_PRECISION, a);
return Some(FloatBase{ val: v });
pub fn new(s: &str) -> FloatBase {
return FloatBase {
val: s.parse().unwrap()
impl ToString for FloatBase {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
let (sign, mut string, exp) = self.val.to_sign_string_exp(10, Some(PRINT_LEN));
// Decimal, looks like xxx.xxx.
// May start with a zero.
let mut s = self.val.to_string();
// zero, nan, or inf.
let sign = if sign {"-"} else {""};
if exp.is_none() { return format!("{sign}{string}"); }
let exp = exp.unwrap();
// Remove negative sign from string
let neg = s.starts_with("-");
if neg { s = String::from(&s[1..]); }
// Power of ten
let mut p: i32 = {
if let Some(x) = s.find(".") {
x as i32
} else {
s.len() as i32
p -= 1;
// Remove trailing zeros.
// At this point, string is guaranteed to be nonzero.
while string.chars().last().unwrap() == '0' {
string.remove(string.len() - 1);
// We no longer need a decimal point in our string.
// also, trim off leading zeros and adjust power.
let mut s: &str = &s.replace(".", "");
s = &s[0..];
s = s.trim_end_matches('0');
while s.starts_with('0') {
s = &s[1..];
p -= 1;
let exp_u: usize;
if exp < 0 {
exp_u = (-exp).try_into().unwrap()
} else {
exp_u = exp.try_into().unwrap()
// Pick significant digits and round
let mut s = String::from(s);
if s.len() > SHOW_SIG {
let round;
if s.len() != SHOW_SIG + 1 {
round = s[SHOW_SIG..SHOW_SIG+1].parse().unwrap();
} else { round = 0; }
if exp_u >= PRINT_LEN {
// Exponential notation
let pre = &string[0..1];
let post = &string[1..];
s = String::from(&s[0..SHOW_SIG]);
if post.len() != 0 {"."} else {""},
//if exp > 0 {"+"} else {""},
exp - 1
} else {
if exp <= 0 { // Decimal, needs `0.` and leading zeros
} else if exp_u < string.len() { // Decimal, needs only `.`
} else { // Integer, needs trailing zeros
"0".repeat(exp_u - string.len())
if round >= 5 {
let new = s[s.len()-1..s.len()].parse::<u8>().unwrap() + 1u8;
if new != 10 {
s = format!("{}{new}", &s[0..s.len()-1]);
s = format!("{s}{}", "0".repeat(SHOW_SIG - s.len()));
// at this point, s is guaranteed to have exactly SHOW_SIG digits.
let neg = if neg {"-"} else {""};
macro_rules! foward {
( $x:ident ) => {
fn $x(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> {
Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.clone().$x()})
if (p.abs() as usize) < MAX_LEN {
if p >= 0 {
let q = p as usize;
let first = &s[0..q+1];
let mut rest = &s[q+1..];
rest = rest.trim_end_matches('0');
if rest == "" {
return format!("{neg}{first}");
} else {
return format!("{neg}{first}.{rest}");
} else {
let q = p.abs() as usize;
let t = format!("0.{}{s}", "0".repeat(q-1));
return format!("{neg}{}", t.trim_end_matches('0'));
// Print full scientific notation
} else {
let first = &s[0..1];
let mut rest = &s[1..];
rest = rest.trim_end_matches('0');
if rest == "" {
return format!("{neg}{first}e{p}");
} else {
return format!("{neg}{first}.{rest}e{p}");
impl ScalarBase for FloatBase {
fn from_f64(f: f64) -> Option<FloatBase> {
let v = Float::with_val(FLOAT_PRECISION, f);
return Some(FloatBase{ val: v });
fn from_string(s: &str) -> Option<FloatBase> {
let v = Float::parse(s);
let v = BigDecimal::from_str(s);
let v = match v {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return None
return Some(
FloatBase{ val:
Float::with_val(FLOAT_PRECISION, v)
return Some(FloatBase{ val: v });
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {self.val.is_zero()}
fn is_one(&self) -> bool {self.val == Float::with_val(FLOAT_PRECISION, 1)}
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool { self.val.is_sign_negative() }
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool { self.val.is_sign_positive() }
fn is_one(&self) -> bool {self.val == BigDecimal::from_str("1").unwrap()}
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool { self.val.sign() == num::bigint::Sign::Minus }
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool { self.val.sign() == num::bigint::Sign::Plus }
fn is_int(&self) -> bool {
self.fract() == FloatBase::from_f64(0f64)
fn is_int(&self) -> bool { self.val.is_integer() }
fn abs(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.abs() }) }
fn round(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.round(0) }) }
fn floor(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> {
let (_, scale) = self.val.as_bigint_and_exponent();
Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.with_scale_round(scale, RoundingMode::Down) })
fn log(&self, base: FloatBase) -> Option<FloatBase> {
Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.clone().log10() } / base.log10().unwrap())
fn ceil(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> {
let (_, scale) = self.val.as_bigint_and_exponent();
Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.with_scale_round(scale, RoundingMode::Up) })
fn pow(&self, base: FloatBase) -> Option<FloatBase> {
Some(FloatBase{ val: self.val.clone().pow(base.val)})
fn fract(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(self.clone() - self.floor().unwrap()) }
fn sin(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> {
let c0: BigDecimal = "1.276278962".parse().unwrap();
let c1: BigDecimal = "-.285261569".parse().unwrap();
let c2: BigDecimal = "0.009118016".parse().unwrap();
let c3: BigDecimal = "-.000136587".parse().unwrap();
let c4: BigDecimal = "0.000001185".parse().unwrap();
let c5: BigDecimal = "-.000000007".parse().unwrap();
// z should be between -0.25 to 0.25 (percent of a full circle)
let z: BigDecimal = self.val.clone() / 360f64;
let w = BigDecimal::from(4) * z;
let x: BigDecimal = 2 * w.clone() * w.clone() - 1;
let p = (
c0 * 1 +
c1 * x.clone() +
c2 * (2 * x.clone()*x.clone() - 1) +
c3 * (4 * x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone() - 3 * x.clone()) +
c4 * (8 * x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone() - 8 * x.clone()*x.clone() + 1) +
c5 * (16 * x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone() - 20 * x.clone()*x.clone()*x.clone() + 5 * x.clone())
) * w;
return Some(FloatBase{ val: p })
fn cos(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn tan(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn csc(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn sec(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn cot(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn asin(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn acos(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn atan(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn sinh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn cosh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn tanh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn csch(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn sech(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn coth(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn asinh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn acosh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn atanh(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn exp(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn ln(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn log10(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn log2(&self) -> Option<FloatBase> { Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() }) }
fn log(&self, _base: FloatBase) -> Option<FloatBase> {
Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() })
fn pow(&self, _base: FloatBase) -> Option<FloatBase> {
Some(FloatBase{ val: "1".parse().unwrap() })
@ -223,7 +268,7 @@ impl Div for FloatBase {
impl DivAssign for FloatBase where {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
self.val /= other.val;
self.val = self.val.clone() / other.val;
@ -240,11 +285,11 @@ impl Rem<FloatBase> for FloatBase {
fn rem(self, modulus: FloatBase) -> Self::Output {
if {
(!self.fract().unwrap().is_zero()) ||
(!self.is_int()) ||
} { panic!() }
FloatBase{val : self.val.trunc() % modulus.val.trunc()}
FloatBase{val : self.val.round(0) % modulus.val.round(0)}