mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 06:29:26 -08:00
Reworked unit prefixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fn write_wholeunit_main(mut file: &File, units: &Vec<Value>) {
for u in units {
"\t\t\tWholeUnit::{e} => \"{s}\",",
s = u["print"].as_str().unwrap(),
s = u["strings"].as_array().unwrap()[0][0].as_str().unwrap(),
e = u["enum_name"].as_str().unwrap()
@ -158,43 +158,6 @@ fn write_wholeunit_base_factor(mut file: &File, units: &Vec<Value>) {
/// Write all SI prefixes.
/// Used inside freeunit_from_string().
fn prefix_si(mut file: &File, enum_name: &str, s: &str) {
"\t\t", "\"{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::None}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"Q{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Quetta}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"R{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Ronna}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"Y{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Yotta}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"Z{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Zetta}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"E{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Exa}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"P{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Peta}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"T{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Tera}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"G{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Giga}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"M{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Mega}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"k{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Kilo}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"h{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Hecto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"da{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Deka}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"d{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Deci}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"c{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Centi}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"m{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Milli}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"u{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Micro}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"n{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Nano}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"p{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Pico}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"f{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Femto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"a{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Atto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"z{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Zepto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"y{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Yocto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"r{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Ronto}}),\n",
"\t\t", "\"q{s}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: Prefix::Quecto}}),",
e = enum_name,
s = s
/// Create freeunit_from_string().
/// Should only be run once.
fn write_freeunit_from_string(mut file: &File, units: &Vec<Value>) {
@ -207,33 +170,27 @@ fn write_freeunit_from_string(mut file: &File, units: &Vec<Value>) {
for u in units {
if u.as_table().unwrap().contains_key("parse") {
for s in u["parse"].as_array().unwrap() {
for s in u["strings"].as_array().unwrap() {
if s.as_array().unwrap().len() == 1 {
"\t\t\"{}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{}, prefix: Prefix::None}}),",
if u.as_table().unwrap().contains_key("parse_with_prefix") {
if u.as_table().unwrap()["parse_with_prefix"].is_array() {
for p in u["parse_with_prefix"].as_array().unwrap() {
} else {
for p in &s.as_array().unwrap()[1..] {
"\t\t\"{p}{u}\" => Some(FreeUnit{{whole: WholeUnit::{e}, prefix: str_to_prefix!(\"{p}\")}}),",
u = s.as_array().unwrap()[0].as_str().unwrap(),
p = p.as_str().unwrap(),
e = u["enum_name"].as_str().unwrap()
writeln!(file, "").unwrap();
@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
# Basic properties:
# enum_name: unique capitalized string. The name of this unit's enum element.
# print: string. What this unit will print as. This string will NOT be parsed into this unit.
# base: if true, this is a base unit. Optional, false if omitted.
# no_space: if true, don't put a space between this unit and its number. Optional, false if omitted.
# strings: array of arrays of strings. Specifies what strings are interpreted as this unit.
# Each entry looks like ["s", ...], where the first item is a string and ... is an optional list of valid prefixes. See `prefix.rs`.
# Note that the empty string must be in the list of prefixes if you want the string to be available without a prefix.
# Units with no prefix must be a one-element array.
# The first string in this array will be the string we print when displaying this unit.
# Base units (only apply if base = false):
@ -25,80 +29,74 @@
# u = base unit enum name
# p = base unit power
# Any unit included here MUST have `base = true`. THIS IS NOT CHECKED, THINGS WILL BREAK!
# Parsing:
# parse: array of strings. These strings will be parsed into this unit.
# parse_with_prefix: string or string array. Prefixes will be generated for this string, including the null prefix.
# Strings in `parse_with_prefix` MUST NOT be in `parse`.
enum_name = "Second"
print = "s"
parse_with_prefix = "s"
parse = ["sec", "second", "seconds"]
strings = [
["s", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["sec"], ["second"], ["seconds"]
base = true
enum_name = "Gram"
print = "g"
parse_with_prefix = "g"
parse = ["gram", "grams", "gramme", "grammes"]
strings = [
["g", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["gram"], ["grams"], ["gramme"], ["grammes"]
base = true
enum_name = "Meter"
print = "m"
parse_with_prefix = "m"
parse = ["meter", "meters"]
strings = [
["m", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["meter"], ["meters"]
base = true
enum_name = "Ampere"
print = "A"
parse_with_prefix = "A"
parse = ["ampere", "amperes"]
strings = [
["A", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["ampere"], ["amperes"], ["amp"]
base = true
enum_name = "Kelvin"
print = "K"
parse_with_prefix = "K"
parse = ["kelvin"]
strings = [
["K", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["Kelvin"], ["kelvin"]
base = true
enum_name = "Mole"
print = "mol"
parse_with_prefix = "mol"
parse = ["mole"]
strings = [
["mol", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base = true
enum_name = "Candela"
print = "cd"
parse_with_prefix = "cd"
parse = ["candela"]
strings = [
["cd", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base = true
@ -109,8 +107,9 @@ base = true
enum_name = "Minute"
print = "min"
parse = ["min", "minute", "minutes"]
strings = [
["min"], ["minute"], ["minutes"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "60"
@ -120,8 +119,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Hour"
print = "h"
parse = ["h", "hour", "hours"]
strings = [
["h"], ["hour"], ["hours"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "3600"
@ -131,8 +131,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Day"
print = "d"
parse = ["d", "day", "days"]
strings = [
["d"], ["day"], ["days"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "86400"
@ -142,8 +143,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Week"
print = "w"
parse = ["w", "week", "weeks"]
strings = [
["w"], ["week"], ["weeks"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "604800"
@ -153,8 +155,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Month"
print = "month"
parse = ["month", "months"]
strings = [
["month"], ["months"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "2629746"
@ -164,8 +167,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Fortnight"
print = "fortnight"
parse = ["fortnight", "fortnights"]
strings = [
["fortnight"], ["fortnights"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1209600"
@ -175,8 +179,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "GregorianYear"
print = "year"
parse = ["year", "years"]
strings = [
["year"], ["years"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "31557000"
@ -186,8 +191,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "JulianYear"
print = "julianYear"
parse = ["julianYear", "julianYears"]
strings = [
["julianYear"], ["julianYears"],
["julianyear"], ["julianyears"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "31557600"
@ -201,8 +208,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Angstrom"
print = "Å"
parse = ["Å", "angstrom"]
strings = [
["Å"], ["angstrom"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1e-10"
@ -212,8 +220,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Thou"
print = "thou"
parse = ["thou"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.0000254"
@ -223,8 +232,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Point"
print = "pt"
parse = ["pt", "point"]
strings = [
["pt"], ["point"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.0003514598"
@ -234,8 +244,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Inch"
print = "in"
parse = ["in", "inch", "inches"]
strings = [
["in"], ["inch"], ["inches"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.0254"
@ -245,8 +256,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Foot"
print = "ft"
parse = ["ft", "foot", "feet"]
strings = [
["ft"], ["foot"], ["feet"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.3048"
@ -256,8 +268,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Yard"
print = "yd"
parse = ["yd", "yard", "yards"]
strings = [
["yd"], ["yard"], ["yards"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.9144"
@ -267,8 +280,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Furlong"
print = "furlong"
parse = ["furlong", "furlongs"]
strings = [
["furlong"], ["furlongs"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "201.17"
@ -277,8 +291,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Rod"
print = "rod"
parse = ["rod", "rods"]
strings = [
["rod"], ["rods"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "5.0292"
@ -288,8 +303,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Mile"
print = "mi"
parse = ["mi", "mile", "miles"]
strings = [
["mi"], ["mile"], ["miles"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1609.344"
@ -299,8 +315,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "AstronomicalUnit"
print = "au"
parse = ["au", "AU", "astronomicalUnit", "astronomicalUnits"]
strings = [
["au"], ["AU"], ["astronomicalUnit"], ["astronomicalUnits"],
["astronomicalunit"], ["astronomicalunits"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "149597870700"
@ -310,8 +328,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Lightyear"
print = "ly"
parse = ["ly", "lightyear", "lightyears"]
strings = [
["ly"], ["lightyear"], ["lightyears"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "9460730472580800"
@ -321,8 +340,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Parsec"
print = "pc"
parse = ["pc", "parsec", "parsecs"]
strings = [
["pc"], ["parsec"], ["parsecs"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "3.085677581e16"
@ -335,8 +355,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Barn"
print = "b"
parse = ["b", "barn"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1e-28"
@ -346,8 +367,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 2} ]
enum_name = "Hectare"
print = "ha"
parse = ["hectare", "hectares"]
strings = [
["ha"], ["hectare"], ["hectares"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "10000"
@ -357,8 +379,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 2} ]
enum_name = "Acre"
print = "acre"
parse = ["acres"]
strings = [
["acre"], ["acres"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "4046.8564224"
@ -371,9 +394,11 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 2} ]
enum_name = "Liter"
print = "l"
parse_with_prefix = ["l", "L"]
parse = ["liter", "liters", "litre", "litres"]
strings = [
["l", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["L", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["liter"], ["liters"], ["litre"], ["litres"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.001"
@ -383,8 +408,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "USGallon"
print = "gal"
parse = ["gal", "gals", "usgal", "gallon", "gallons", "Gallon", "Gallons"]
strings = [
["gal"], ["gals"], ["usgal"], ["gallon"], ["gallons"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.003785411784"
@ -394,8 +420,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Quart"
print = "qt"
parse = ["quart", "quarts"]
strings = [
["qt"], ["quart"], ["quarts"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.000946352946"
@ -405,8 +432,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "ImperialGallon"
print = "impgal"
parse = ["imperialGallon", "imperialGallons"]
strings = [
["impgal"], ["imperialGallon"], ["imperialGallons"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.00454609"
@ -416,8 +444,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Hogshead"
print = "hogshead"
parse = ["hogshead", "hogsheads"]
strings = [
["hogshead"], ["hogsheads"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.2385" # 63 gallons
@ -427,8 +456,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Cup"
print = "cup"
parse = ["cup"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.0002365882365"
@ -438,8 +468,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Floz"
print = "floz"
parse = ["floz"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.0000295735295625"
@ -449,8 +480,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Pint"
print = "pint"
parse = ["pint", "pints"]
strings = [
["pint"], ["pints"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.00056826125"
@ -460,8 +492,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Tablespoon"
print = "tbsp"
parse = ["tbsp", "Tbsp", "tablespoon", "Tablespoon"]
strings = [
["tbsp"], ["Tbsp"], ["tablespoon"], ["Tablespoon"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.00001478676478125"
@ -471,8 +504,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Teaspoon"
print = "tsp"
parse = ["tsp", "Tsp", "teaspoon", "teaspoons"]
strings = [
["tsp"], ["Tsp"], ["teaspoon"], ["teaspoons"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.000005"
@ -485,9 +519,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 3} ]
enum_name = "Pascal"
print = "Pa"
parse_with_prefix = "Pa"
parse = ["pascal"]
strings = [
["Pa", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -496,8 +531,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Atmosphere"
print = "atm"
parse = ["atm", "atmosphere", "atmospheres"]
strings = [
["atm"], ["atmosphere"], ["atmospheres"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "101325000"
@ -506,8 +542,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Bar"
print = "bar"
parse_with_prefix = "bar"
strings = [
["bar", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "100000000"
@ -516,8 +553,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Barye"
print = "Ba"
parse = ["Ba", "Barye"]
strings = [
["Ba"], ["Barye"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "100"
@ -526,8 +564,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Psi"
print = "psi"
parse = ["psi"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "6894757.2931783"
@ -536,8 +575,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "MillimeterMercury"
print = "mmHg"
parse = ["mmhg", "mmHg"]
strings = [
["mmhg"], ["mmHg"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "133322.387415"
@ -546,8 +586,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Torr"
print = "torr"
parse = ["torr", "Torr"]
strings = [
["torr"], ["Torr"]
base_value_type = "fract"
base_value = [101325000, 760]
@ -556,8 +597,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "MeterSeaWater"
print = "MSW"
parse = ["MSW", "msw"]
strings = [
["MSW"], ["msw"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "10000000"
@ -566,8 +608,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "FootSeaWater"
print = "FSW"
parse = ["FSW", "fsw"]
strings = [
["FSW"], ["fsw"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "3064330"
@ -579,8 +622,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = -1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Gauss"
print = "G"
parse = ["G", "gauss"]
strings = [
["G"], ["gauss"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.1"
@ -590,9 +634,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Ampere", p
enum_name = "Tesla"
print = "T"
parse = ["tesla"]
parse_with_prefix = "T"
strings = [
["T", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -602,9 +647,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Ampere", p
enum_name = "Joule"
print = "J"
parse = ["joule", "joules"]
parse_with_prefix = "J"
strings = [
["J", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["joule"], ["joules"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -614,9 +660,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Meter", p =
enum_name = "Calorie"
print = "cal"
parse = ["calorie", "calories"]
parse_with_prefix = "cal"
strings = [
["cal"], ["calorie"], ["calories"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "4184"
@ -626,8 +672,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Meter", p =
enum_name = "BTU"
print = "BTU"
parse = ["btu", "BTU"]
strings = [
["btu"], ["BTU"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1055100"
@ -637,9 +684,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Meter", p =
enum_name = "Hertz"
print = "Hz"
parse = ["hertz"]
parse_with_prefix = "Hz"
strings = [
["Hz", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["hertz"], ["Hertz"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1"
@ -649,9 +697,11 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = -1} ]
enum_name = "Ohm"
print = "Ω"
parse = ["ohms"]
parse_with_prefix = ["ohm", "Ω"]
strings = [
["Ω", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["ohm", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["ohms", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -661,9 +711,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Ampere", p =
enum_name = "Siemens"
print = "S"
parse = ["℧", "mho", "mhos", "siemens"]
parse_with_prefix = "S"
strings = [
["S", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["℧"], ["mho"], ["mhos"], ["siemens"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.001"
@ -673,9 +724,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = -1}, { u = "Meter", p = -2}, { u = "Ampere", p
enum_name = "Coulomb"
print = "C"
parse = ["coulomb", "coulombs"]
parse_with_prefix = "C"
strings = [
["C", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["coulomb"], ["coulombs"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.001"
@ -685,9 +737,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Ampere", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Watt"
print = "W"
parse = ["watt", "Watt", "Watts", "watts"]
parse_with_prefix = "W"
strings = [
["W", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["watt"], ["Watt"], ["Watts"], ["watts"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -697,9 +750,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Volt"
print = "V"
parse = ["volt", "volts"]
parse_with_prefix = "V"
strings = [
["V", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["volt"], ["volts"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -709,9 +763,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Henry"
print = "H"
parse = ["henry", "henries", "henrys", "Henry", "Henries", "Henrys"]
parse_with_prefix = "H"
strings = [
["H", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["henry"], ["henries"], ["henrys"], ["Henry"], ["Henries"], ["Henrys"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -721,9 +776,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Farad"
print = "F"
parse = ["farad", "Farad", "farads", "Farads"]
parse_with_prefix = "F"
strings = [
["F", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["farad"], ["Farad"], ["farads"], ["Farads"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.001"
@ -733,9 +789,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = -1}, { u = "Meter", p = -2}, { u = "Second", p
enum_name = "ElectronVolt"
print = "eV"
parse = ["electronvolt"]
parse_with_prefix = "eV"
strings = [
["eV", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["electronvolt"], ["electronVolt"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1.602176634e-16"
@ -745,9 +802,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -2}, { u = "Meter", p =
enum_name = "Weber"
print = "Wb"
parse = ["weber"]
parse_with_prefix = "Wb"
strings = [
["Wb", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -761,8 +819,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Tonne"
print = "t"
parse = ["t", "tonne", "tonnes", "ton", "tons"]
strings = [
["t"], ["tonne"], ["tonnes"], ["ton"], ["tons"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000000"
@ -772,8 +831,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Ounce"
print = "oz"
parse = ["oz", "ounce", "ounces"]
strings = [
["oz"], ["ounce"], ["ounces"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "28.349523125"
@ -783,8 +843,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "Pound"
print = "lb"
parse = ["lb", "lbs", "pound", "pounds"]
strings = [
["lb"], ["lbs"], ["pound"], ["pounds"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "453.59237"
@ -794,8 +855,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "PoundForce"
print = "lbf"
parse = ["lbf", "poundforce"]
strings = [
["lbf"], ["poundforce"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "4448.2216152605"
@ -805,9 +867,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Newton"
print = "N"
parse = ["newton", "newtons"]
parse_with_prefix = "N"
strings = [
["N", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["newton"], ["newtons"], ["Newton"], ["Newtons"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1000"
@ -820,9 +883,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Gram", p = 1}, { u = "Meter", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p =
enum_name = "Katal"
print = "kat"
parse = ["katal"]
parse_with_prefix = "kat"
strings = [
["kat", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1"
@ -832,8 +896,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Mole", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -1} ]
enum_name = "Degree"
print = "°"
parse = ["°", "deg", "degree", "degrees"]
strings = [
["°"], ["deg"], ["degree"], ["degrees"]
base = true
no_space = true
@ -841,8 +906,9 @@ no_space = true
enum_name = "Radian"
print = "r"
parse = ["r", "radian", "radians"]
strings = [
["r"], ["radian"], ["radians"]
base_value_type = "approx"
base_value = "57.295779513"
@ -852,8 +918,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Degree", p = 1} ]
enum_name = "RPM"
print = "rpm"
parse = ["rpm"]
strings = [
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "360"
@ -865,9 +932,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Degree", p = 1}, { u = "Second", p = -1} ]
enum_name = "Becquerel"
print = "Bq"
parse = ["becquerel"]
parse_with_prefix = "Bq"
strings = [
["Bq", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1"
@ -877,9 +945,10 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Second", p = -1} ]
enum_name = "Gray"
print = "Gy"
parse = ["gray"]
parse_with_prefix = "Gy"
strings = [
["Gy", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "1"
@ -889,8 +958,9 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p = -2} ]
[[unit]] # Not radian, radioactivity unit
enum_name = "Rad"
print = "rad"
parse_with_prefix = "rad"
strings = [
["rad", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "0.01"
@ -904,41 +974,49 @@ base_units = [ { u = "Meter", p = 2}, { u = "Second", p = -2} ]
enum_name = "Bit"
print = "bit"
parse = ["bit", "bits"]
strings = [
["bit"], ["bits"]
base = true
enum_name = "Frame"
print = "frame"
parse = ["frame", "frames"]
strings = [
["frame"], ["frames"]
base = true
enum_name = "Pixel"
print = "px"
parse = ["px", "pixel", "pixels", "Pixel", "Pixels"]
strings = [
["px"], ["pixel"], ["pixels"], ["Pixel"], ["Pixels"]
base = true
enum_name = "Dot"
print = "dot"
parse = ["dot", "dots"]
strings = [
["dot"], ["dots"]
base = true
enum_name = "Byte"
print = "B"
parse = ["Bytes", "bytes", "Byte", "byte", "Octet", "Octets", "octets", "octet"]
parse_with_prefix = "B"
strings = [
["B", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["b", "","Q","R","Y","Z","E","P","T","G","M","k","h","da","d","c","m","u","n","p","f","a","z","y","r","q"],
["B", "Ei","Pi","Ti","Gi","Mi","Ki"],
["b", "Ei","Pi","Ti","Gi","Mi","Ki"],
["Bytes"], ["bytes"], ["Byte"], ["byte"], ["Octet"], ["Octets"], ["octets"], ["octet"]
base_value_type = "exact"
base_value = "8"
@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ pub use freeunit::FreeUnit;
use crate::quantity::Quantity;
use crate::quantity::Scalar;
use prefix::str_to_prefix;
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/units.rs"));
@ -32,7 +32,15 @@ pub enum Prefix {
@ -65,6 +73,14 @@ impl Prefix {
Prefix::Ronto => "1e-27",
Prefix::Quecto => "1e-30",
Prefix::BinExa => "1152921504606846976", // 2^60
Prefix::BinPeta => "1125899906842624", // 2^50
Prefix::BinTera => "1099511627776", // 2^40
Prefix::BinGiga => "1073741824", // 2^30
Prefix::BinMega => "1048576", // 2^20
Prefix::BinKilo => "1024", // 2^10
Prefix::None => { "1" }
@ -73,6 +89,41 @@ impl Prefix {
macro_rules! str_to_prefix {
("") => {Prefix::None};
("Q") => {Prefix::Quetta};
("R") => {Prefix::Ronna};
("Y") => {Prefix::Yotta};
("Z") => {Prefix::Zetta};
("E") => {Prefix::Exa};
("P") => {Prefix::Peta};
("T") => {Prefix::Tera};
("G") => {Prefix::Giga};
("M") => {Prefix::Mega};
("k") => {Prefix::Kilo};
("h") => {Prefix::Hecto};
("da") => {Prefix::Deka};
("d") => {Prefix::Deci};
("c") => {Prefix::Centi};
("m") => {Prefix::Milli};
("u") => {Prefix::Micro};
("n") => {Prefix::Nano};
("p") => {Prefix::Pico};
("f") => {Prefix::Femto};
("a") => {Prefix::Atto};
("z") => {Prefix::Zepto};
("y") => {Prefix::Yocto};
("r") => {Prefix::Ronto};
("q") => {Prefix::Quecto};
("Ei") => {Prefix::BinExa};
("Pi") => {Prefix::BinPeta};
("Ti") => {Prefix::BinTera};
("Gi") => {Prefix::BinGiga};
("Mi") => {Prefix::BinMega};
("Ki") => {Prefix::BinKilo};
pub (super) use str_to_prefix;
impl ToString for Prefix {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
@ -103,6 +154,14 @@ impl ToString for Prefix {
Prefix::Ronto => "r",
Prefix::Quecto => "q",
Prefix::BinExa => "Ei",
Prefix::BinPeta => "Pi",
Prefix::BinTera => "Ti",
Prefix::BinGiga => "Gi",
Prefix::BinMega => "Mi",
Prefix::BinKilo => "Ki",
Prefix::None => ""
Reference in New Issue
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