34 lines
785 B

# Ergodox Host Interface
Host software for [Betalupi Ergodox](https://git.betalupi.com/Mark/QMK).
## Features:
- Music visualizer ([here](https://git.betalupi.com/Mark/hostdox/src/branch/master/src/signal_processing))
- Spell checking with hunspell
## Permissions
You'll need to run this binary as a regular user. To allow access to raw hid, add the following udev rule and reboot:
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3297", ATTRS{idProduct}=="4976", TAG+="uaccess", GROUP="mark", MODE="660"
See the hidraw repo for more information.
## Dependencies:
- hunspell
- meson (for libmpdclient)
- ninja (for libmpdclient)
- gcc
## Building
``make submodules`` to initialize git submodules \
``make all`` to build, or ``make run`` to build and run.