328 lines
7.8 KiB

use galactica_content::{Content, FactionHandle, GunPoint, Outfit, ShipHandle, SystemObjectHandle};
use nalgebra::Isometry2;
use rand::{rngs::ThreadRng, Rng};
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Instant};
use super::{OutfitSet, ShipAutoPilot, ShipPersonality, ShipState};
/// Represents all attributes of a single ship
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ShipData {
// Metadata values
ct_handle: ShipHandle,
faction: FactionHandle,
outfits: OutfitSet,
personality: ShipPersonality,
/// Ship state machine. Keeps track of all possible ship state.
/// TODO: document this, draw a graph
state: ShipState,
// State values
// TODO: unified ship stats struct, like outfit space
hull: f32,
shields: f32,
gun_cooldowns: HashMap<GunPoint, f32>,
rng: ThreadRng,
// Utility values
/// The last time this ship was damaged
last_hit: Instant,
impl ShipData {
/// Create a new ShipData
pub(crate) fn new(
ct: &Content,
ct_handle: ShipHandle,
faction: FactionHandle,
personality: ShipPersonality,
) -> Self {
let s = ct.get_ship(ct_handle);
ShipData {
outfits: OutfitSet::new(s.space, &s.guns),
last_hit: Instant::now(),
rng: rand::thread_rng(),
// TODO: ships must always start landed on planets
state: ShipState::Flying {
autopilot: ShipAutoPilot::None,
// Initial stats
hull: s.hull,
shields: 0.0,
gun_cooldowns: s.guns.iter().map(|x| (x.clone(), 0.0)).collect(),
/// Set this ship's autopilot.
/// Panics if we're not flying.
pub fn set_autopilot(&mut self, autopilot: ShipAutoPilot) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Flying {
autopilot: ref mut pilot,
} => {
*pilot = autopilot;
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `set_autopilot` on a ship that isn't flying!")
/// Land this ship on `target`
/// This does NO checks (speed, range, etc).
/// That is the simulation's responsiblity.
/// Will panic if we're not flying.
pub fn start_land_on(&mut self, target_handle: SystemObjectHandle) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Flying { .. } => {
self.state = ShipState::Landing {
target: target_handle,
current_z: 1.0,
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `start_land_on` on a ship that isn't flying!")
/// When landing, update z position.
/// Will panic if we're not landing
pub fn set_landing_z(&mut self, z: f32) {
match &mut self.state {
ShipState::Landing {
ref mut current_z, ..
} => *current_z = z,
_ => unreachable!("Called `set_landing_z` on a ship that isn't landing!"),
/// Finish landing sequence
/// Will panic if we're not landing
pub fn finish_land_on(&mut self) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Landing { target, .. } => {
self.state = ShipState::Landed { target };
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `finish_land_on` on a ship that isn't landing!")
/// Land this ship on `target`
/// This does NO checks (speed, range, etc).
/// That is the simulation's responsiblity.
/// Will panic if we're not flying.
pub fn start_unland_to(&mut self, ct: &Content, to_position: Isometry2<f32>) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Landed { target } => {
let obj = ct.get_system_object(target);
self.state = ShipState::UnLanding {
from: target,
current_z: obj.pos.z,
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `start_unland_to` on a ship that isn't landed!")
/// When unlanding, update z position.
/// Will panic if we're not unlanding
pub fn set_unlanding_z(&mut self, z: f32) {
match &mut self.state {
ShipState::UnLanding {
ref mut current_z, ..
} => *current_z = z,
_ => unreachable!("Called `set_unlanding_z` on a ship that isn't unlanding!"),
/// Finish unlanding sequence
/// Will panic if we're not unlanding
pub fn finish_unland_to(&mut self) {
match self.state {
ShipState::UnLanding { .. } => {
self.state = ShipState::Flying {
autopilot: ShipAutoPilot::None,
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `finish_unland_to` on a ship that isn't unlanding!")
/// Called when collapse sequence is finished.
/// Will panic if we're not collapsing
pub fn finish_collapse(&mut self) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Collapsing => self.state = ShipState::Dead,
_ => {
unreachable!("Called `finish_collapse` on a ship that isn't collapsing!")
/// Add an outfit to this ship
pub fn add_outfit(&mut self, o: &Outfit) -> super::OutfitAddResult {
let r = self.outfits.add(o);
self.shields = self.outfits.get_shield_strength();
return r;
/// Remove an outfit from this ship
pub fn remove_outfit(&mut self, o: &Outfit) -> super::OutfitRemoveResult {
/// Try to fire a gun.
/// Will panic if `which` isn't a point on this ship.
/// Returns `true` if this gun was fired,
/// and `false` if it is on cooldown or empty.
pub(crate) fn fire_gun(&mut self, ct: &Content, which: &GunPoint) -> bool {
let c = self.gun_cooldowns.get_mut(which).unwrap();
if *c > 0.0 {
return false;
let g = self.outfits.get_gun(which);
if g.is_some() {
let g = ct.get_outfit(g.unwrap());
let gun = g.gun.as_ref().unwrap();
*c = 0f32.max(gun.rate + self.rng.gen_range(-gun.rate_rng..=gun.rate_rng));
return true;
} else {
return false;
/// Hit this ship with the given amount of damage
pub(crate) fn apply_damage(&mut self, mut d: f32) {
match self.state {
ShipState::Flying { .. } => {}
_ => {
unreachable!("Cannot apply damage to a ship that is not flying!")
if self.shields >= d {
self.shields -= d
} else {
d -= self.shields;
self.shields = 0.0;
self.hull = 0f32.max(self.hull - d);
self.last_hit = Instant::now();
if self.hull <= 0.0 {
// This ship has been destroyed, update state
self.state = ShipState::Collapsing
/// Update this ship's state by `t` seconds
pub(crate) fn step(&mut self, t: f32) {
match self.state {
ShipState::UnLanding { .. } | ShipState::Landing { .. } => {}
ShipState::Landed { .. } => {
// Cooldown guns
for (_, c) in &mut self.gun_cooldowns {
if *c > 0.0 {
*c = 0.0;
// Regenerate shields
if self.shields != self.outfits.get_shield_strength() {
self.shields = self.outfits.get_shield_strength();
ShipState::Flying { .. } => {
// Cooldown guns
for (_, c) in &mut self.gun_cooldowns {
if *c > 0.0 {
*c -= t;
// Regenerate shields
let time_since = self.last_hit.elapsed().as_secs_f32();
if self.shields != self.outfits.get_shield_strength() {
for g in self.outfits.iter_shield_generators() {
if time_since >= g.delay {
self.shields += g.generation * t;
if self.shields > self.outfits.get_shield_strength() {
self.shields = self.outfits.get_shield_strength();
ShipState::Collapsing {} | ShipState::Dead => {}
// Misc getters, so internal state is untouchable
impl ShipData {
/// Get this ship's state
pub fn get_state(&self) -> &ShipState {
/// Get a handle to this ship's content
pub fn get_content(&self) -> ShipHandle {
/// Get this ship's current hull.
/// Use content handle to get maximum hull
pub fn get_hull(&self) -> f32 {
/// Get this ship's current shields.
/// Use get_outfits() for maximum shields
pub fn get_shields(&self) -> f32 {
/// Get all outfits on this ship
pub fn get_outfits(&self) -> &OutfitSet {
/// Get this ship's personality
pub fn get_personality(&self) -> ShipPersonality {
/// Get this ship's faction
pub fn get_faction(&self) -> FactionHandle {
/// Get this ship's content handle
pub fn get_ship(&self) -> ShipHandle {