[outfit."plasma engines"] name = "Plasma Engines" thumbnail = "icon::engine" cost = 30 desc = """ This is the smallest of the plasma propulsion systems produced by Delta V Corporation, suitable for very light fighters and interceptors. Plasma engines are a bit more powerful than ion engines of the same size, but they are less energy efficient and produce more heat. """ space.engine = 20 engine.thrust = 100 engine.flare.sprite = "flare::ion" engine.flare.on_start = "rise:top" engine.flare.on_stop = "rise:bot" steering.power = 20 [outfit."shield generator"] thumbnail = "icon::shield" name = "Shield Generator" cost = 10 desc = """ This is the standard shield generator for fighters and interceptors, as well as for many non-combat starships. Although it is possible for a ship to have no shield generator at all, recharging its shield matrix only when landed in a hospitable spaceport, life in deep space is unpredictable enough that most pilots find shield generators to be well worth the space they take up. """ space.outfit = 5 shield.generation = 10 shield.strength = 500 shield.delay = 2.0 [outfit."blaster"] thumbnail = "icon::blaster" name = "Blaster" cost = 20 desc = """ Although not the most accurate or damaging of weapons, the Energy Blaster is popular because it is small enough to be installed on even the tiniest of ships. One blaster is not enough to do appreciable damage to anything larger than a fighter, but a ship equipped with several of them becomes a force to be reckoned with. """ space.weapon = 10 # Average delay between shots gun.rate = 0.2 # Random rate variation (each cooldown is +- this) gun.rate_rng = 0.1 # TODO: apply force to ship on fire gun.projectile.sprite = "projectile::blaster" # Height of projectile in game units gun.projectile.size = 6 gun.projectile.size_rng = 0.0 # Speed of projectile, in game units/second gun.projectile.speed = 300 gun.projectile.speed_rng = 10.0 # Lifetime of projectile, in seconds gun.projectile.lifetime = 2.0 gun.projectile.lifetime_rng = 0.2 gun.projectile.damage = 10.0 # Random variation of firing angle. # If this is 0, the projectile always goes straight. # If this is 10, projectiles will form a cone of 10 degrees # ( 5 degrees on each side ) gun.projectile.angle_rng = 2 # How much force this projectile will apply to an object it hits gun.projectile.force = 0.0 gun.projectile.collider.ball.radius = 2.0 gun.projectile.impact_effect = "blaster impact" gun.projectile.expire_effect.sprite = "effect::blaster" gun.projectile.expire_effect.lifetime = "inherit" gun.projectile.expire_effect.size = 3.0 gun.projectile.expire_effect.velocity.scale_parent = 1.0