#!/bin/sh # default values for arguments remarkable="${REMARKABLE_IP:-}" # remarkable IP address #remarkable="${REMARKABLE_IP:-}" # remarkable IP address landscape=true # rotate 90 degrees to the right output_path=/dev/video5 # display output through ffplay format=- # automatic output format webcam=true # not to a webcam hflip=false # horizontal flip webcam window_title=reStream # stream window title is reStream ssh_cmd() { echo "[SSH]" "$@" >&2 ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 \ -o PasswordAuthentication=no \ -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa \ -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa \ "root@$remarkable" "$@" } # kill reStream on remarkable at the end. # shellcheck disable=SC2016 exit_rm() { ssh_cmd 'kill $(pidof restream)' } trap exit_rm EXIT INT HUP # check if we are able to reach the remarkable if ! ssh_cmd true; then echo "$remarkable unreachable or you have not set up an ssh key." echo "If you see a 'Permission denied' error, please visit" echo "https://github.com/rien/reStream/#installation for instructions." trap - EXIT exit 1 fi if ssh_cmd "[ ! -f ~/restream ] && [ ! -f /opt/bin/restream ]"; then echo "The restream binary is not installed on your reMarkable." echo "Please install it using the instruction in the README:" echo "https://github.com/rien/reStream/#installation" exit 1 fi # store extra ffmpeg arguments in $@ set -- video_filters="colorlevels=rimin=0:rimax=29/255:gimin=0:gimax=29/255:bimin=0:bimax=29/255,transpose=3" # rotate 90 degrees if landscape=true $landscape && video_filters="$video_filters,transpose=1" if $webcam; then video_filters="$video_filters,format=pix_fmts=yuv420p" format="v4l2" # check if there is a modprobed v4l2 loopback device # use the first cam as default if there is no output_path already cam_path=$(v4l2-ctl --list-devices | sed -n '/^[^\s]\+platform:v4l2loopback/{n;s/\s*//g;p;q}') # fail if there is no such device if [ -e "$cam_path" ]; then if [ "$output_path" = "-" ]; then output_path="$cam_path" fi else echo "Could not find a video loopback device, did you" echo "sudo modprobe v4l2loopback" exit 1 fi fi # set each frame presentation time to the time it is received video_filters="$video_filters,setpts=(RTCTIME - RTCSTART) / (TB * 1000000)" set -- "$@" -vf "${video_filters#,}" if [ "$output_path" = - ]; then output_cmd=ffplay window_title_option="-window_title $window_title" else output_cmd=ffmpeg if [ "$format" != - ]; then set -- "$@" -f "$format" fi set -- "$@" "$output_path" fi set -e # stop if an error occurs # shellcheck disable=SC2089 restream_rs="PATH=\"\$PATH:/opt/bin/:.\" restream" listen_port=16789 ssh_cmd "$restream_rs --listen $listen_port" & sleep 1 # give some time to restream.rs to start listening receive_cmd="nc $remarkable $listen_port" # TODO: return this from stdout width=1872 height=1404 pixel_format="gray8" # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2090 $receive_cmd | pv | ( "$output_cmd" \ -vcodec rawvideo \ -loglevel "error" \ -f rawvideo \ -pixel_format "$pixel_format" \ -video_size "$width,$height" \ $window_title_option \ -i - \ "$@" \ ; kill $$ )