from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import clear as clear_screen from runstatus import CommandStatus import greeting commands = {} help_texts = {} def lamb_command(*, help_text: str): def inner(func): commands[func.__name__] = func help_texts[func.__name__] = help_text return inner def run(command, runner): return commands[command](runner) @lamb_command(help_text = "Show macros") def macros(runner): return CommandStatus( formatted_text = FormattedText([ ("#FF6600 bold", "\nDefined Macros:\n"), ] + [ ("#FFFFFF", f"\t{name} \t {exp}\n") for name, exp in runner.macro_table.items() ] ) ) @lamb_command(help_text = "Clear the screen") def clear(runner): clear_screen() @lamb_command(help_text = "Print this help") def help(runner): return CommandStatus( formatted_text = FormattedText([ ("#FF6600 bold", "\nUsage:\n"), ( "#FFFFFF", "\tWrite lambda expressions using your " ), ( "#00FF00", "\\" ), ( "#FFFFFF", " key.\n" + "\tMacros can be defined using " ), ("#00FF00", "="), ( "#FFFFFF", ", as in " ), ( "#AAAAAA bold", "T = λab.a\n" ), ( "#FFFFFF", "\tRun commands using " ), ( "#00FF00", ":" ), ( "#FFFFFF", ", for example " ), ( "#AAAAAA bold", ":help" ), ("#FF6600 bold", "\n\nCommands:\n") ] + [ ("#FFFFFF", f"\t{name} \t {text}\n") for name, text in help_texts.items() ] ) )