Reviewed-on: #5 Co-authored-by: Mark <> Co-committed-by: Mark <>
213 lines
4.5 KiB
213 lines
4.5 KiB
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#import "../macros.typ": *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
= Tropical Cubic Polynomials
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 3x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 1, 2, and 3.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3x #tp 6 = (x #tp 1)(x #tp 2)(x #tp 3)$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 1 * step), (3.5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 3 * step), (5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(1 * step, 3 * step),
(2 * step, 5 * step),
(3 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 6x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 1, 2.5, and 2.5.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3.5x #tp 6 = (x #tp 1)(x #tp 2.5)^2$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 1 * step), (3.5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (2 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(1 * step, 3 * step),
(2.5 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp 6x^2 #tp 6x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 2, 2, and 2.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 2x^2 #tp 4x #tp 6 = (x #tp 2)^3$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (1 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (2 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(2 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
If $f(x) = a x^3 #tp b x^2 #tp c x #tp d$, then $accent(f, macron)(x) = a x^3 #tp B x^2 #tp C x #tp d$ for some $B$ and $C$. \
Using the last three problems, find formulas for $B$ and $C$ in terms of $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$.
B = min(b, (a+c)/2, (2a+d)/2)
C = min(c, (b+d)/2, (a+2d)/2)
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
What are the roots of the following polynomial?
inset: 3mm,
3 x^6 #tp 4 x^5 #tp 2 x^4 #tp x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 4 x #tp 5
We have
accent(f, macron)(x) = 3x^6 #tp 2x^5 #tp 1x^4 #tp x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3x #tp 5
which has roots $-1$, $-1$, $-1$, $1$, $2$, $2$
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
f(x) = c_0 #tp c_1 x #tp c_2 x^2 #tp ... #tp c_n x^n
accent(f, macron)(x) = c_0 #tp C_1 x #tp C_2 x^2 #tp ... #tp C_(n-1) x^(n-1) #tp c_n x^n
Find a formula for each $C_i$ in terms of $c_0, c_1, ..., c_n$.
&= min_(l<=j<k)( (a_l - a_k) / (k-l) (k-j) + a_k ) \
&= min_(l<=j<k)( a_l (k-j) / (k-l) + a_k (j-l) / (k-l) )
which is a weighted average of some $a_l$ and $a_k$, with $l<=j<k$
With the same setup as the previous problem, \
find formulas for the roots $r_1, r_2, ..., r_n$.
The roots are the differences between consecutive coefficients of $accent(f, macron)$:
r_i = A_i - A_(i-1)
where we set $A_n = a_n$ and $A_0 = a_0$.
Can you find a geometric interpretation of these formulas \
in terms of the points $(-i, c_i)$ for $0 <= i <= n$?
The inequality #note([(for $l <= k < k$)])
A_j <= (a_l - a_k) / (k-l) (k-j)+a_k
states that the point $(-j,A_j)$ must lie on or below the line segment between the points $(-k, a_k)$ and $(-l, a_l)$.
This makes it easy to find the $A_j$ using a graph of the points $(-i, a_i)$ for $0 <= i <=n$.