180 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
180 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
% https://git.betalupi.com/Mark/latex-packages
% use [nosolutions] flag to hide solutions.
% use [solutions] flag to show solutions.
% Last built with version 1.1.0
% We put nodes in a separate layer, so we can
% slightly overlap with paths for a perfect fit
% Layer settings
% Layer hack, lets us write
% later = * in scopes.
layer/.style = {
execute at begin scope={\pgfonlayer{#1}},
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
% Arrowhead tweaks
>={Latex[ width=2mm, length=2mm ]},
label/.style = {
% For automatic red background in solutions
fill = \ORMCbgcolor,
draw = none
% Nodes
main/.style = {
fill = white
% Flow annotations
flow/.style = {
opacity = 1,
inner xsep = 2.5mm,
inner ysep = 2.5mm
% Paths
path/.style = {
line width = 4mm,
draw = black,
% Lengthen paths so they're
% completely under nodes.
line cap = rect,
opacity = 0.3
<Advanced 2>
<Fall 2022>
{Algorithms on Graphs: Flow}
<Part 1: Flow>
Prepared by Mark on \today
\subfile{parts/00 review}
\subfile{parts/01 flow}
\subfile{parts/02 residual}
\subfile{parts/03 fulkerson}
\problem{Maximum Cardinality Matching}
A \textit{matching} is a subset of edges in a bipartite graph. Nodes in a matching must not have more than one edge connected to them. \\
A matching is \textit{maximal} if it has more edges than any other matching.
Initial Graph \\
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A1) at (0mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (A2) at (0mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (A3) at (0mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (A4) at (0mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (A5) at (0mm, 0mm) {};
\node[main] (B1) at (20mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (B2) at (20mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (B3) at (20mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (B4) at (20mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (B5) at (20mm, 0mm) {};
% Edges
(A1) edge (B2)
(A1) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A2) edge (B4)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
Maximal Matching \\
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A1) at (0mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (A2) at (0mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (A3) at (0mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (A4) at (0mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (A5) at (0mm, 0mm) {};
\node[main] (B1) at (20mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (B2) at (20mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (B3) at (20mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (B4) at (20mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (B5) at (20mm, 0mm) {};
% Edges
\draw[opacity = 0.4]
(A1) edge (B2)
(A1) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A2) edge (B4)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
(A1) edge (B2)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
Devise an algorithm to find a maximal matching in any bipartite graph. \\
Find an upper bound for its runtime.
Turn this into a maximum flow problem and use FF. \\
Connect a node $S$ to all nodes in the left group and a node $T$ to all nodes in the right group. All edges have capacity 1.
Just like FF, this algorithm will take at most $\min(\# \text{ left nodes}, \# \text{ right nodes})$ iterations.
\end{document} |