handouts/Advanced/Cryptography/parts/4 DiffieHellman.tex
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\section{Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange}
One problem we encounter in computer science is \textit{secure key exchange}: How can two parties (usually called Alice and Bob) agree on a \say{key} without revealing anything to an eavesdropper (Eve)?
\node (A) at (0, 0) {Alice};
\node (B) at (4, 0) {Bob};
\node (E) at (2, -1) {Eve};
(A) edge (B)
(E) edge (2, 0)
A simple mathematical solution to the key exchange problem is the \textit{Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm}, detailed below.
Values that are \textit{public} are known to everyone. Values that are sent are also known to everyone: we assume that everyone can see what Alice and Bob send to each other.
Eve can read all public values, but she cannot change them in any way.
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
\node[anchor = center] at (\ex, 7.5) {\textbf{Setup}};
\draw[-] (\ex-4.5, 7) -- (\ex+4.5, 7);
\node[anchor = west] at (\ex-4, 6) {Let $p$ be a prime number};
\node[anchor = west] at (\ex-4, 5) {Let $g$ be a generator in $\mathbb{Z}_p^\times$};
\node[anchor = west] at (\ex-4, 4) {Both $g$ and $p$ are public.};
\node[anchor = center] at (4, 1.5) {\textbf{Alice}};
\draw[-] (-0.5, 1) -- (8.5, 1);
\node[anchor = west] at (0, 0) {Pick a random $a \in \mathbb{Z}_p^\times$};
\node[anchor = west] at (0, -1) {Set $A = g^a$};
\node[anchor = west] at (0, -3) {Publish $A$};
\draw[->] (6, -3) -- (\ex - 1, -3);
\node[anchor = west] at (0, -5) {\color{gray} Compute ...};
\node[anchor = center] at (\bx+4, 1.5) {\textbf{Bob}};
\draw[-] (\bx-0.5, 1) -- (\bx+8.5, 1);
\node[anchor = west] at (\bx, 0) {Pick a random $b \in \mathbb{Z}_p^\times$};
\node[anchor = west] at (\bx, -1) {Set $B = g^b$};
\node[anchor = west] at (\bx, -4) {Publish $B$};
\draw[->] (\bx - 1, -4) -- (\ex+1, -4);
\node[anchor = west] at (\bx, -5) {\color{gray} Compute ...};
\node[anchor = center] at (\ex, 1.5) {\textbf{Public}};
\draw[-] (\ex-2, 1) -- (\ex+2, 1);
\node[anchor = center] at (\ex, 0) {$p, g$};
\node[fill=white, anchor = center] at (\ex, -3) {$A$};
\node[fill=white, anchor = center] at (\ex, -4) {$B$};
Complete the algorithm. What should Alice and Bob compute? \par
What is their shared secret?
Let $p = 11$, $g = 2$, $a = 9$, and $b = 4$. \par
Run the algorithm. What is the resulting shared secret?
$g^b = 5$\par
$g^a = 6$\par
$g^{ab} = g^{ba} = 9$
Is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm secure? What information does Eve have? \par
What does Eve need to do to find the value Alice and Bob agreed on?
Now, say Eve can change information in transit. \par
That is, she can pretend to be Alice to send information to Bob. \par
How can she break this system? \par
\note[Note]{This is called a \textit{man-in-the-middle} attack.}