\section{Table of Prime Knots} A knot's \textit{crossing number} is the minimal number of crossings its projection must contain. \par Finding a knot's crossing number is a fairly difficult problem. \vspace{1mm} This table contains the a 20 smallest prime knots, ordered by crossing number. \par Mirror images are not included, even if the mirror image produces a nonisomorphic knot. \vfill % Images are from the appendix of the Knot book. { \def\w{24mm} \newcounter{knotcounter} \foreach \a in {% {3_1},{4_1},{5_1},{5_2},% {6_1},{6_2},{6_3},{7_1},% {7_2},{7_3},{7_4},{7_5},% {7_6},{7_7},{8_1},{8_2},% {8_3},{8_4},{8_5},{8_6}% }{ \stepcounter{knotcounter} \hfill \begin{minipage}{\w} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{knot table/\a.png} \par \vspace{2mm} {\huge $\a$} \end{center} \end{minipage} \ifnum\value{knotcounter}=4 \hfill~\par \vspace{4mm} \setcounter{knotcounter}{0} \fi } } \vfill \pagebreak