#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": * #import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1" #show: handout.with( title: [Warm-Up: Wild Tic-Tac-Toe], by: "Mark", ) #let ttt = align( center, cetz.canvas({ import cetz.draw: * let s = 0.7 // scale set-style(stroke: (thickness: 0.5mm * s)) line((-1 * s, 3 * s), (-1 * s, -3 * s)) line((1 * s, 3 * s), (1 * s, -3 * s)) line((3 * s, -1 * s), (-3 * s, -1 * s)) line((3 * s, 1 * s), (-3 * s, 1 * s)) }), ) #problem() In wild tic-tac-toe, players may place either an X or O on each move. The player that first completes a row of any three symbols wins. Show that the first player always has a winning strategy. #v(4mm) #table( stroke: none, align: center, columns: (1fr, 1fr, 1fr), ttt, ttt, ttt, ); #v(1fr) #problem() Now, say the first player to complete a row loses. Who has a winning strategy now? #v(4mm) #table( stroke: none, align: center, columns: (1fr, 1fr, 1fr), ttt, ttt, ttt, ); #v(1fr)