\section{Call Options} \definition{} A \textit{call option} is an agreement between a buyer (B) and a seller (S): \par \begin{contract}[frametitle={Contract: Call Option}] B pays S a premium $p$. \par In return, S agrees to sell B a certain commodity $\mathbb{X}$ for a fixed price $k$ at a future time $t$. \end{contract} \problem{} B has ten call options for $\mathbb{X}$ at $23\Rub$. The current price of $\mathbb{X}$ is $20\Rub$. \par How much profit can B make if these contracts expire when $\mathbb{X}$ is $30\Rub$? \par \hint{When the contract expires, B can buy 10 shares of $\mathbb{X}$ at the price the contract set.} \begin{solution} B has the right to buy 10 shares of $\mathbb{X}$ at $23\Rub$. \par If B immediately sells them, his profit is $-230 + 300 = 70\Rub$ \end{solution} \vfill \problem{} If B paid $10\Rub$ for the call options in \ref{firstcall}, how much money did he really make? \begin{solution} $-10 + (-230 + 300) = 60\Rub$ \end{solution} \vfill \problem{} Now, suppose that B bought and sold $\mathbb{X}$ directly instead of using a call option. \par How much profit would B have made? \begin{solution} Buy for $200\Rub$, sell for $300\Rub$.\par $-200 + 300 = 100\Rub$ \end{solution} \vfill Given the results of the previous problems, why would anybody buy a call option? \pagebreak \problem{} Suppose $\mathbb{X}$ is worth $x_0$ right now. \par Call options to buy $\mathbb{X}$ at $k$ are sold for $p$. \begin{itemize} \item What is the set of B's possible profit if.. \begin{itemize} \item B buys a call option? \item B buys $\mathbb{X}$ directly? \end{itemize} \hint{That is, what amounts of money can he make (or lose)?} \item Are call options priced above or below the price of their stock? Why? \item Why would anybody buy a call option? \end{itemize} \begin{solution} \textbf{Call Option:} $[p, \infty)$ \par If the price of $\mathbb{X}$ rises, there is no limit to how much money B can make. \par If the price falls, $B$ can choose to let his contract expire, losing only $p$. \vspace{2mm} \textbf{Direct:} $[x_0, \infty)$\par If the price of $\mathbb{X}$ rises, there is again no limit to how much money B can make. \par If the price falls, $B$ will lose everything he paid for his shares of $\mathbb{X}$. \vspace{2mm} Of course, call options are priced below their stock. There wouldn't be a reason to buy then if they were priced above! \end{solution} \vfill \problem{} Suppose $\mathbb{X}$ is worth $x_0$ right now. \par Call options to buy $\mathbb{X}$ at $k$ are sold for $p$. \par \vspace{2mm} Assume that S owns no stock---if B executes his contracts, she will buy stock and re-sell it to him. \par What are S's possible profits if she sells B a call option? \begin{solution} $(-\infty, ~p]$ If the price of $\mathbb{X}$ rises, S will have to re-sell shares to B at a loss. \par If the price falls, B could choose to buy shares from S at a loss, but he won't. \par In this case, S only keeps the premium B paid for the contract. \end{solution} \vfill \pagebreak