\section{Balance} \example{} Consider a mass $m_1$ on top of a pin in two-dimensional space. \par Due to gravity, the mass exerts a force on the pin at the point of contact. \par For simplicity, we'll say that the magnitude of this force is equal the mass of the object--- that is, $m_1$. \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \fill[color = black] (0, 0.1) circle[radius=0.1]; \node[above] at (0, 0.20) {$m_1$}; \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines] (0, 0) -- (-0.15, -0.3) -- (0.15, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[color = black, opacity = 0.5] (1, 0.1) circle[radius=0.1]; \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines, opacity = 0.5] (1, 0) -- (0.85, -0.3) -- (1.15, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[->, line width = 0.5mm] (1, 0) -- (1, -0.5) node[below] {$m_1$}; %\draw[->, line width = 0.5mm, dashed] (1, 0) -- (1, 0.5) node[above] {$-m_1$}; \fill[color = red] (1, 0) circle[radius=0.025]; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} The pin exerts an opposing force on the mass at the same point, and the system thus stays still. \remark{} Forces, distances, and torques in this handout will be provided in arbitrary (though consistent) units. \par We have no need for physical units in this handout. \example{} Now attach this mass to a massless rod and try to balance the resulting system. \par As you might expect, it is not stable: the rod pivots and falls down. \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \fill[color = black] (-0.3, 0.0) circle[radius=0.1]; \node[above] at (-0.3, 0.1) {$m_1$}; \draw[-, line width = 0.5mm] (-0.8, 0) -- (0.5, 0); \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines] (0, 0) -- (-0.15, -0.3) -- (0.15, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[color = black, opacity = 0.5] (1.2, 0.0) circle[radius=0.1]; \draw[-, line width = 0.5mm, opacity = 0.5] (0.7, 0) -- (1.9, 0); \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines, opacity = 0.5] (1.5, 0) -- (1.35, -0.3) -- (1.65, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[->, line width = 0.5mm] (1.2, 0) -- (1.2, -0.5) node[below] {$m_1$}; %\draw[->, line width = 0.5mm, dashed] (1.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0.5) node[above] {$f_p$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} This is because the force $m_1$ is offset from the pivot (i.e, the tip of the pin). \par It therefore exerts a \textit{torque} on the mass-rod system, causing it to rotate and fall. \pagebreak \definition{Torque} Consider a rod on a single pivot point. If a force with magnitude $m_1$ is applied at an offset $d$ from the pivot point, the system experiences a \textit{torque} with magnitude $m_1 \times d$. \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \draw[-, line width = 0.5mm] (-1.2, 0) -- (0.5, 0); \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines] (0, 0) -- (-0.15, -0.3) -- (0.15, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[->, line width = 0.5mm, dashed] (-0.8, 0) -- (-0.8, -0.5) node[below] {$m_1$}; \fill[color = red] (-0.8, 0.0) circle[radius=0.05]; \draw[-, line width = 0.3mm, double] (-0.8, 0.1) -- (-0.8, 0.2) -- (0, 0.2) node [midway, above] {$d$} -- (0, 0.1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} We'll say that a \textit{positive torque} results in \textit{clockwise} rotation, and a \textit{negative torque} results in a \textit{counterclockwise rotation}. As stated in \ref{fakeunits}, torque is given in arbitrary \say{torque units} consistent with our units of distance and force. \vspace{2mm} % I believe the convention used in physics is opposite ours, but that's fine. % Positive = clockwise is more intuitive given our setup, % and we only use torque to define CoM anyway. Look at the diagram above and convince yourself that this convention makes sense: \begin{itemize} \item $m_1$ is positive \note{(masses are usually positive)} \item $d$ is negative \note{($m_1$ is \textit{behind} the pivot)} \item therefore, $m_1 \times d$ is negative. \end{itemize} \definition{Center of mass} The \textit{center of mass} of a physical system is the point at which one can place a pivot \par so that the total torque the system experiences is 0. \par \note{In other words, it is the point at which the system may be balanced on a pin.} \problem{} Consider the following physical system: we have a massless rod of length $1$, with a mass of size 3 at position $0$ and a mass of size $1$ at position $1$. Find the position of this system's center of mass. \par \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines] (0, 0) -- (-0.15, -0.3) -- (0.15, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[-, line width = 0.5mm] (-0.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0); \fill[color = black] (-0.5, 0) circle[radius=0.1]; \node[above] at (-0.5, 0.2) {$3$}; \fill[color = black] (1.5, 0) circle[radius=0.08]; \node[above] at (1.5, 0.2) {$1$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \vfill \problem{} Do the same for the following system, where $m_1$ and $m_2$ are arbitrary masses. \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \draw[line width = 0.25mm, pattern=north west lines] (0.7, 0) -- (0.55, -0.3) -- (0.85, -0.3) -- cycle; \draw[-, line width = 0.5mm] (-0.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0); \fill[color = black] (-0.5, 0) circle[radius=0.1]; \node[above] at (-0.5, 0.2) {$m_1$}; \fill[color = black] (1.5, 0) circle[radius=0.08]; \node[above] at (1.5, 0.2) {$m_2$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \vfill \pagebreak \problem{} Consider a massless horizontal rod of infinite length. \par Attach $n$ masses $m_1, m_2, ..., m_n$ to it, placing each $m_i$ at position $x_i$. \par Find the resulting system's center of mass. \vfill \problem{} Extend \ref{massline} into two dimensions: \par Place $n$ masses $m_1, m_2, ..., m_n$ at positions $(x_1, y_1),~ (x_2, y_2),~ (x_3, y_3)$ on a massless plane. \par Find the coordinates of the resulting system's center of mass. \par \hint{If a plane balances on a pin, it does not tilt in the $x$ or $y$ direction.} \vfill \pagebreak