\section{Subgroups} \problem{}<s2s3share> What elements do $S_2$ and $S_3$ share? \vspace{2cm} Consider the sets $\{1, 2\}$ and $\{1,2,3\}$. Clearly, $\{1, 2\} \subset \{1, 2, 3\}$. \par Can we say something similar about $S_2$ and $S_3$? \vspace{2mm} Looking at \ref{s2s3share}, we may want to say that $S_2 \subset S_3$ since every element of $S_2$ is in $S_3$. \par This however, isn't as interesting as it could be. Remember that $S_2$ and $S_3$ are \textit{groups}, not \textit{sets}: \par their elements come with structure, which the \say{subset} relation does not capture. \vspace{2mm} To account for this, we'll define a similar relation: subgroups. \definition{} Let $G$ and $G'$ be groups. We say $G'$ is a \textit{subgroup} of $G$ (and write $G' \subset G$) if the following are true:\par (Note that $x, y$ are elements of $G$, and $xy$ is multiplication in $G$) \begin{itemize} \item the set of elements in $G'$ is a subset of the set of elements in $G$. \item the identity of $G$ is in $G'$ \item $x,y \in G' \implies xy \in G'$ \item $x \in G' \implies x^{-1} \in G'$ \end{itemize} The above definition may look faily scary, but the idea behind a subgroup is simple. \par Consider $S_3$ and $S_4$, the groups of permutations of $3$ and $4$ elements. \par \vspace{2mm} Say we have a set of four elements and only look at the first three. \par $S_3$ fully describes all the ways we can arrange those three elements: \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5] \node (1a) at (0, 0.5) {1}; \node (2a) at (1, 0.5) {2}; \node (3a) at (2, 0.5) {3}; \node (4a) at (3, 0.5) {4}; \node (2b) at (0, -2) {2}; \node (3b) at (1, -2) {3}; \node (1b) at (2, -2) {1}; \node (4b) at (3, -2) {4}; \draw[line width = 0.3mm, ->, ogreen] (4a) -- ($(4a) + (0, -1)$) -- ($(4b) + (0,1)$) -- (4b); \line{1a}{1b} \line{2a}{2b} \line{3a}{3b} \node[fill=white,draw=oblue,line width=0.3mm] at (1, -0.75) {$S_3$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \problem{} Show that $S_3$ is a subgroup of $S_4$. \vfill \pagebreak \definition{} Let $G$ and $H$ be groups. We say that $G$ and $H$ are \textit{isomorphic} (and write $A \simeq B$) \par if there is a bijection $f: G \to H$ with the following properties: \begin{itemize} \item $f(e_G) = e_H$, where $e_G$ is the identity in $G$ \item $f(x^{-1}) = f(x)^{-1}$ for all $x$ in $G$ \item $f(xy) = f(x)f(y)$ for all $x, y$ in $G$ \end{itemize} Intuitively, you can think of isomorphism as a form of equivalence. \par If two groups are isomorphic, they only differ by the names of their elements. \par The function $f$ above tells us how to map one set of labels to the other. \problem{} Show that $\mathbb{Z}_7^\times$ and $\mathbb{Z}_9^\times$ are isomorphic. \hint{ Build a bijection with the above properties. \\ Remember that a group is fully defined by its multiplication table. } \vfill \problem{} Show that $\mathbb{Z}_{10}^\times$ and $\mathbb{Z}_5^\times$, and $\mathbb{Z}_4$ are isomorphic. \hint{ Build a bijection with the above properties. \\ Remember that a group is fully defined by its multiplication table. } \vfill \problem{} Show that isomorphism is transitive. \par That is, if $A \simeq B$ and $B \simeq C$, then $A \simeq C$. \vfill \pagebreak \problem{}<firstindex> How many subgroups of $S_4$ are isomorphic to $S_3$? \par \vfill \problem{} What are the orders of $S_3$ and $S_4$? \par How is this related to \ref{firstindex}? \begin{solution} $|S_4| = |S_3| \times [S_4 : S_3]$ \vspace{2mm} This solution is written using index notation, \par but the class doesn't need to know what it means yet. \end{solution} \vfill \problem{} $S_4$ also has $S_2$ and the trivial group as subgroups. \par How many instances of each does $S_4$ contain? \vfill \problem{} $(\mathbb{Z}_4, +)$ is also a subgroup of $S_4$. Find it! \par How many subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}_4$ are isomorphic to $S_4$?. \begin{solution} A good hint is \say{look at generators.} \vspace{4mm} There are four instances of $\mathbb{Z}_4$ in $S_4$, each of which is generated by a 4-cycle of $S_n$. \par (i.e, the group generated by $(1234)$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_4$) \end{solution} \vfill \pagebreak