\documentclass[ solutions, hidewarning, singlenumbering, nopagenumber ]{../../resources/ormc_handout} \usepackage{../../resources/macros} \usepackage{chessboard} \usepackage{xskak} \title{Warm Up: Jump Chess} \uptitler{\smallurl{}} \subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today} \begin{document} \maketitle Consider a normal game of chess with the following modification: we allow queens and rooks to jump as far across the board as they want, within their usual range of movement. As a result, queens and rooks may check the opposing king from a distance, ignoring any pieces in between. \vspace{2mm} With these modified rules, the outcome of a game can be determined. \par Who wins, or do black and white draw with ideal play? \par (As in regulation chess, white moves first.) \begin{center} \newchessgame \chessboard[normalboard,showmover=false] \end{center} \begin{solution} Win for white in 5 moves. \vspace{2mm} Trap black in the top row. If Black is kept in check every move, his ability to respond is limited and the game tree remains small. \vspace{2mm} Capture an opposing rook with Rxa8+. The king is in check and can't move, so black must capture this rook. If black recaptures with his other rook, respond with Qh5\#. Otherwise, black must recapture Qxa8. Now go Qa4+. If black captures with his queen Qxa4, then Rxh8\#. So, black must move Kd8. \vspace{2mm} Finish with the following: \par Qd4+ Ke8 \par Rxh8+ Qxh8 \par Qxh8\# \end{solution} \end{document}