

\title{Warm Up: Jump Chess}
\subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today}



	Consider a normal game of chess with the following modification:
	we allow queens and rooks to jump as far across the board as they want,
	within their usual range of movement.
	As a result, queens and rooks may check the opposing
	king from a distance, ignoring any pieces in between.

	With these modified rules, the outcome of a game can be determined. \par
	Who wins, or do black and white draw with ideal play? \par
	(As in regulation chess, white moves first.)


		Win for white in 5 moves.


		Trap black in the top row. If Black is kept in check
		every move, his ability to respond is limited and the game tree
		remains small.


		Capture an opposing rook with Rxa8+.
		The king is in check and can't move, so black must capture this rook.
		If black recaptures with his other rook, respond with Qh5\#.

		Otherwise, black must recapture Qxa8. Now go Qa4+.
		If black captures with his queen Qxa4, then Rxh8\#.
		So, black must move Kd8.


		Finish with the following: \par
		Qd4+ Ke8 \par
		Rxh8+ Qxh8 \par

