\section{Proofs by Contradiction} \definition{} A very common (and somewhat contraversial) proof technique is \textit{proof by contradiction}. It works as follows: \vspace{2mm} Say we want to prove a statement $P$. Assume that $P$ is false, and show that this implies a false statement. In other words, we show that $P$ can't \textit{not} be true. \par If it's false, we either get a known impossibility ($1 = 2$, pigs fly, et cetera), \par or we find that (not $P$) $\implies$ (not (not $P$)), which is a contradiction in itself. \problem{} Show that the set of integers has no maximum using a proof by contradiction. \begin{solution} Assume there is a maximal integer $x$. \par $x + 1$ is also an integer. \par $x + 1$ is larger than $x$, which contradicts our original assumtion! \vspace{2mm} This is a \textit{proof by infinite descent}, a special type of proof by contradiction.\par Such proofs have the following structure: \begin{itemize} \item Assume there is a smallest (or largest) object with property $X$. \item Show that we have an even smaller object that has the same property $X$. \end{itemize} \end{solution} \vfill \definition{} We say a number $x \in \mathbb{R}$ is \textit{rational} if we can write $x$ as $\nicefrac{p}{q}$, \par where $p, q$ are integers with no common factors. \problem{} Show that $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational. \par \hint{Start by chasing definitions. \say{Not irrational} $=$ \say{rational.}} \begin{solution} Suppose $\sqrt{2}$ is rational. Then, there exist $p, q$ so that $\sqrt{2} = \frac{p}{q}$. \vspace{2mm} Multiply by $q$ and square to find that $2q^2 = p^2$, which implies that $p^2$ is even. \par This then implies that $p$ is even, \par which implies that $p^2$ is divisible by 4, \par which implies that $q^2$ is divisible by 2, \par and thus we see that $q$ is also even. \vspace{2mm} $p$ and $q$ are both even, so they cannot be coprime. \par Therefore, we cannot write $\sqrt{2}$ as $\nicefrac{p}{q}$ for comprime $p, q$, \par and $\sqrt{2}$ is therefore irrational. \end{solution} \vfill \pagebreak