\documentclass[ solutions, hidewarning, singlenumbering, nopagenumber ]{../../../lib/tex/ormc_handout} \usepackage{../../../lib/tex/macros} \usepackage[linguistics]{forest} \title{Warm-Up: What's an AST?} \uptitler{\smallurl{}} \subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today. \\ Based on a true story.} \begin{document} \maketitle Say you have a valid string of simple arithmetic that contains no unary operators (like $3!$ or $-4$) and no parenthesis: $$ 3 + 9 \times 8 \div 5 \land 6 $$ You may assume that all numbers and operators in this string consist of exactly one character. \\ Devise an algorithm that turns this string into a tree (as shown below), respecting the order of operations $[\land, \times, \div, +, -]$. \begin{center} \begin{forest} [$+$ [3] [$\div$ [$\times$[9][8]] [$\land$[5][6]] ] ] \end{forest} \end{center} \end{document}