\documentclass[ solutions, singlenumbering, nopagenumber ]{../../../lib/tex/ormc_handout} \usepackage{../../../lib/tex/macros} \title{Warm-Up: Travellers} \uptitler{\smallurl{}} \subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today} \begin{document} \maketitle \problem{} Four travellers are on a plane, each moving along a straight line at an arbitrary constant speed. \par No two of their paths are parallel, and no three intersect at the same point. \par We know that traveller A has met travelers B, C, and D, \par and that traveller B has met C and D (and A). Show that C and D must also have met. \par \begin{solution} When a body travels at a constant speed, its graph with respect to time is a straight line. \par So, we add time axis in the third dimension, perpendicular to our plane. \par Naturally, the projection of each of these onto the plane corresponds to a road. Now, note that two intersecting lines define a plane and use the conditions in the problem to show that no two lines are parallel. \end{solution} \end{document}