\section{Set Basics} \definition{} A \textit{set} is a collection of objects. \par If $a$ is an element of set $S$, we write $a \in S$. This is pronounced \say{$a$ in $S$.} \par The position of each element in a set or the number of times it is repeated doesn't matter. \par All that matters is \textit{which} elements are in the set. \vspace{2mm} We say two sets $A$ and $B$ are equal if every element of $A$ is in $B$, and every element of $B$ is in $A$. This is known as the \textit{principle of extensionality.} \problem{} Convince yourself that $\{a, b\} = \{b, a\} = \{a, b, a, b, b\}$. \definition{} A set $A$ is a \textit{subset} of a set $B$ if every element of $A$ is in $B$. \par For example, $\{a, b\}$ is a subset of $\{a, b, c\}$. This is written $\{a, b\} \subseteq \{a, b, c\}$. \par Note that the \say{subset} symbol resembles the \say{less than or equal to} symbol. \vspace{2mm} We can also write $\{a, b\} \subset \{a, b, c\}$, which denotes a \textit{strict subset.} \par The relationship between $\subseteq$ and $\subset$ is the same as the relationship between $\leq$ and $<$. \par For example, $\{a, b, c\} \subseteq \{a, b, c\}$ is true, but $\{a, b, c\} \subset \{a, b, c\}$ is false. \definition{} The \textit{empty set}, usually written $\varnothing$, is the unique set containing no elements. \par \note[Note]{The $\varnothing$ symbol is called \say{varnothing.} If you'd like to know why, ask an instructor.} \problem{} Which of the following are true? \begin{itemize} \item $\{1, 3\} = \{3, 3, 1\}$ \item $\{1, 2\} \subset \{2\}$ \item $\{1, 2\} \subset \{1, 2\}$ \item $\{1, 2\} \subseteq \{1, 2\}$ \item $\{2\} \subseteq \{1, 2\}$ \item $\varnothing \subseteq \{1, 2\}$ \end{itemize} \vfill \pagebreak \problem{} Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. Convince yourself that $A \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq A$ implies $A = B$. \vspace{2mm} \hint{Whenever you start a proof, you should first look at definitions. \\ As stated on the previous page, $A = B$ if every element in $A$ is in $B$ and every element of $B$ is in $A$.} \vspace{2mm} As we saw before, the $\subseteq$ relation behaves a lot like the $\leq$ relation. \par The statement above is very similar to the statement \say{$x \leq y$ and $y \geq x$ implies $x = y$}. \definition{} Let $A$ be a set. The \textit{power set} of $A$, written $\mathcal{P}(A)$, is the set of all subsets of $A$. \problem{} What is the power set of $\{1, 2, 3\}$? \par \hint{It has eight elements.} \vfill \problem{} Let $A$ be a set with $n$ elements. \par How many elements does $\mathcal{P}(A)$ have? \par \hint{Binary may help.} \vfill \pagebreak \definition{Set Operations} $A \cap B$ is the \textit{intersection} of $A$ and $B$. \par It is the set of objects that are in both $A$ and $B$. \vspace{3mm} $A \cup B$ is the \textit{union} of $A$ and $B$. \par It is the set of objects that are in either $A$ or $B$. \vspace{3mm} $A - B$ is the \textit{difference} of $A$ and $B$. \par It is the set of objects that are in $A$ but are not in $B$. \problem{} What is $\{a, b, c\} \cap \{b, c, d\}$? \vfill \problem{} What is $\{a, b, c\} \cup \{b, c, d\}$? \vfill \problem{} What is $\{a, b, c\} - \{b, c, d\}$? \vfill \pagebreak