\section{Introduction} A certain enchanted forest is inhabited by talking birds. Each of these birds has a name, and will respond whenever it hears the name of another. Suppose you are exploring this forest and come across the bird $A$. You call the name of bird $B$. $A$ hears you and responds with the name of some other bird, which we will designate $AB$. Bird $AB$ is, by definition, $A$'s response to $B$. \vspace{2mm} As you wander around this forest, you quickly discover two interesting facts: \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 1mm] \item $A$'s response to $B$ mustn't be the same as $B$'s response to $A$. \item Given three birds $A$, $B$, and $C$, $(AB)C$ and $A(BC)$ are not necessarily the same bird. \\ Bird $A(BC)$ is $A$'s response to bird $BC$, while $(AB)C$ is $AB$'s response to $C$. \\ Thus, $ABC$ is ambiguous. Parenthesis are mandatory. \end{enumerate} \vspace{2mm} You also find that this forest has two laws: \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 1mm] \item \textit{The Law of Composition}: \\ For any two birds $A$ and $B$, there must be a bird $C$ so that $Cx = A(Bx)$ \item \textit{The Law of the Mockingbird}: \\ The forest must contain the Mockingbird $M$, which always satisfies $Mx = xx$. \\ In other words, the Mockingbird's response to any bird $x$ is the same as $x$'s response to itself. \end{enumerate} \vfill \definition{} We say a bird $A$ is fond of a bird $B$ if $A$ responds to $B$ with $B$. \\ In other words, $A$ is fond of $B$ if $AB = B$. \vfill \definition{} We say a bird $C$ \textit{composes} $A$ with $B$ if for any bird $x$, $$ Cx = A(Bx) $$ In other words, this means that $C$'s response to $x$ is the same as $A$'s response to $B$'s response to $x$. \\ Note that $C$ is exactly the kind of bird the Law of Composition guarantees. \vfill \pagebreak