\ProvidesPackage{macros}[2023/10/16 ORMC Macros]


% Link to this repo, used in titles


% A row of stars, for showing difficulty
% first arg: filled stars
% second arg: total stars
	\advance\count254 by -1%
	\ifnum #1 > 0
		% The $$ are required around \bigstar.
		% the special \odot chess piece breaks
		% star sizing if they are omitted.
			{\oncolor $\bigstar$}%
		\ifnum\count255 < #1
		\advance\count255 by 1
		{\oncolor $\bigstar$}%
	\ifnum \count255 < #2%
			{\offcolor $\bigstar$}%
		\ifnum\count255 < \count254
		\advance\count255 by 1

% Ruble symbol with tweaks
		\dimendef\H=0 %
			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.07\H}}% Move to bottom of main line
			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{.90\H}}% P main line
			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.3\H}{.90\H}}% P top line
			\pgfpatharc{90}{-90}{.21\H}% P circle
			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{-.08\H}{.48\H}}% P bottom line
			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.08\H}{.31\H}}% Bonus line move
			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.34\H}{.31\H}}% Bonus line draw
			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.23\H}{0pt}}% Before space
			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0.55\H}{0pt}}% After space

% Ruble symbol, per official Kremlin specification
%	\begingroup
%		\dimendef\H=0 %
%		\settoheight\H{P}%
%		\begin{pgfpicture}%
%			\pgfsetlinewidth{.1\H}%
%			\pgfsetrectcap
%			\pgfsetmiterjoin
%			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.05\H}}%
%			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{.95\H}}%
%			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.35\H}{.95\H}}%
%			\pgfpatharc{90}{-90}{.225\H}%
%			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{-.05\H}{.5\H}}%
%			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.05\H}{.34\H}}%
%			\pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.38\H}{.34\H}}%
%			\pgfusepath{stroke}%
%			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.175\H}{0pt}}%
%			\pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{.7\H}{0pt}}%
%		\end{pgfpicture}%
%	\endgroup