% use [nosolutions] flag to hide solutions. % use [solutions] flag to show solutions. \documentclass[ solutions, singlenumbering ]{../../resources/ormc_handout} \usepackage{mathtools} % for \coloneqq \usepackage{alltt} \newenvironment{helpbox}[1][0.5]{ \begin{center} \begin{tcolorbox}[ colback=white!90!black, colframe=white!90!black, coltitle=black, center title, width = #1\textwidth, leftrule = 0mm, rightrule = 0mm, toprule = 0mm, bottomrule = 0mm, left = 1mm, right = 1mm, top = 1mm, bottom = 1mm, toptitle = 1mm, lefttitle = 1mm, titlerule = 1pt, title={\textbf{Things you will need:}} ] }{ \end{tcolorbox} \end{center} } % Logic block comment \newcommand{\cmnt}[1]{ \textcolor{gray}{\# #1} } \newcommand{\thus}{\(\Rightarrow\)} \newcommand{\qed}{\(\blacksquare\)} \begin{document} \maketitle {To Mock a Mockingbird} { Prepared by Mark on \today \\ Based on a book of the same name. } \input{parts/00 intro} \input{parts/01 tmam} \end{document}