% use [nosolutions] flag to hide solutions. % use [solutions] flag to show solutions. \documentclass[ solutions, singlenumbering ]{../../resources/ormc_handout} % Set to true to show knot measurements. % Only used in tikzset.tex \newif{\ifDebugKnot} %\DebugKnottrue \DebugKnotfalse \input{tikzset.tex} % Problems from "Why knot" % % Create largest crossing number with cord % Human knot number: how many humans do you need to make the knot? % Human knot number for trefoil composition? % (looks like a wrap around center string) % % Figure-8 knot: mirror without letting go %\usepackage{lua-visual-debug} \begin{document} \maketitle {Knots} { Prepared by Mark on \today } \input{parts/0 intro.tex} \input{parts/1 composition.tex} \input{parts/table} \end{document}