\documentclass[ solutions, hidewarning, singlenumbering, nopagenumber ]{../../../lib/tex/ormc_handout} \usepackage{../../../lib/tex/macros} % x,y,scale,style \def\ttt#1#2#3#4{ \draw[#4] (#1, #2+#3) -- (#1+#3+#3+#3, #2+#3); \draw[#4] (#1, #2+#3+#3) -- (#1+#3+#3+#3, #2+#3+#3); \draw[#4] (#1+#3, #2) -- (#1+#3, #2+#3+#3+#3); \draw[#4] (#1+#3+#3, #2) -- (#1+#3+#3, #2+#3+#3+#3); } \geometry{ paper = letterpaper, top = 25mm, bottom = 30mm, left = 20mm, right = 20mm, headheight = 75mm, footskip = 15mm } % misere ttt % Numerical Tic Tac Toe is a variation invented by the mathematician Ronald Graham. % The numbers 1 to 9 are used in this game. The first player plays with the odd numbers, % the second player plays with the even numbers. All numbers can be used only once. % The player who puts down 15 points in a line wins (sum of 3 numbers). % This game can be generalized to a n × n board. % In Treblecross, both players play with the same symbol. % The game is played on a 1-by-n board with k equal to 3. % The player who makes a three in a row of Xs (or black chips) wins the game \title{Warm-Up: Big-Tac-Toe} \uptitler{\smallurl{}} \subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today.} \begin{document} \maketitle We have large tic-tac-toe grid, each cell of which contains another. On each turn, one player puts their glyph into a cell of a small grid. When the next player goes, they must make their move in the small grid in the same position as the previous player's move. \begin{itemize} \item The first player to move may pick any small grid to start in. \item If a player is directed to a grid that is \textit{full}, that player may go anywhere. \par A sub-grid that is \say{won} but not full may still be played in. \end{itemize} \vspace{2mm} The first player to complete a line of three \say{won} subgrids wins the game. \vfill\null\hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill\null\vfill \problem{} Play a few rounds of this game with someone nearby. \par Can either player force a win? \vfill \problem{} Modify the rules of this game to disallow play in won subgrids. \par How does your strategy change? \vfill \pagebreak \null\vfill\null\hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill\null\vfill \vfill\null\hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65] \ttt{0}{0}{4}{line width=0.5mm} \ttt{0.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{0.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{4.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{0.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{4.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hfill\null\vfill \end{document}