\section{Combinators} \definition{} A \textit{free variable} in a $\lm$-expression is a variable that isn't bound to any input. \par For example, $b$ is a free variable in $\lm a. b$. The same is true of $\star$ in any of the previous pages. A \textit{combinator} is a function with no free variables. \definition{The Kestrel} Notable combinators are often named after birds.\hspace{-0.5ex}\footnotemark{} We've already met a few: \par The \textit{Idiot}, $I = \lm a.a$ \par The \textit{Mockingbird}, $M = \lm f.ff$ \par The \textit{Cardinal}, $C = \lm fgx.(~ f(g(x)) ~)$ \footnotetext{Raymond Smullyan's \textit{To Mock a Mockingbird} is responsible for this.} \vspace{2ex} Another notable combinator is $K$, the \textit{Kestrel}: $$ K = \lm ab . a $$ \problem{} What does the Kestrel do? Explain in plain English. \par \hint{What is $(K~\heartsuit~\star)$?} \vspace{2cm} \problem{} Reduce $(K~I)$ to derive the \textit{Kite}. How does the Kite compare to the Kestrel? \par We'll call the Kite KI. \begin{solution} $\text{KI} = \lm ab . b$. \end{solution} \vfill \pagebreak