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3 Commits
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c5d14cb917 | |||
ede934369b | |||
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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
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Executable file
Executable file
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/// Typst handout library, used for all documents in this repository.
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/// Compile with the following command to hide solutions:
/// `typst compile main.typ --input show_solutions=false`
/// Solutions are shown by default. This behavior
/// is less surprising than hiding content by default.
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Normal file
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/main.tex
Executable file
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/main.tex
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
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\uptitlel{Advanced 2}
\title{Fast Inverse Square Root}
\subtitle{Prepared by Mark on \today}
Dad says that anyone who can't use
a slide rule is a cultural illiterate
and should not be allowed to vote.
\textit{Have Space Suit --- Will Travel, 1958}
%\input{parts/0 logarithms.tex}
%\input{parts/1 intro.tex}
%\input{parts/2 multiplication.tex}
%\input{parts/3 division.tex}
\input{parts/4 float.tex}
\input{parts/5 approximate.tex}
\input{parts/6 quake.tex}
% Make sure the slide rule is on an odd page,
% so that double-sided prints won't require
% students to tear off problems.
\textbf{This page unintentionally left blank.}
% pages=1,
% fitpaper=true
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/0 logarithms.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/0 logarithms.tex
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
The \textit{logarithm} is the inverse of the exponent. That is, if $b^p = c$, then $\log_b{c} = p$. \par
In other words, $\log_b{c}$ asks the question ``what power do I need to raise $b$ to to get $c$?''
In both $b^p$ and $\log_b{c}$, the number $b$ is called the \textit{base}.
Evaluate the following by hand:
\item $\log_{10}{(1000)}$
\item $\log_2{(64)}$
\item $\log_2{(\frac{1}{4})}$
\item $\log_x{(x)}$ for any $x$
\item $log_x{(1)}$ for any $x$
Prove the following identities:
\item $\log_b{(b^x)} = x$
\item $b^{\log_b{x}} = x$
\item $\log_b{(xy)} = \log_b{(x)} + \log_b{(y)}$
\item $\log_b{(\frac{x}{y})} = \log_b{(x)} - \log_b{(y)}$
\item $\log_b{(x^y)} = y \log_b{(x)}$
A good intro to the following sections is the linear slide rule:
{2 + 3 = 5}
Take two linear rulers, offset one, and you add. \par
If you do the same with a log scale, you multiply!
Note that the slide rules above start at 0.
After assembling the paper slide rule, you can make a visor with some transparent tape. Wrap a strip around the slide rule, sticky side out, and stick it to itself to form a ring. Cover the sticky side with another layer of tape, and trim the edges to make them straight. Use the edge of the visor to read your slide rule!
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/1 intro.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/1 intro.tex
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
\section{Slide Rules}
Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers needed to quickly solve complex equations even before computers were invented.
The \textit{slide rule} is an instrument that uses the logarithm to solve this problem. \par
Before you continue, tear off the last page of this handout and assemble your slide rule.
There are four scales on your slide rule, each labeled with a letter on the left side:
Each scale's ``generating function'' is on the right:
\item T: $\tan$
\item K: $x^3$
\item A,B: $x^2$
\item CI: $\frac{1}{x}$
\item C, D: $x$
\item L: $\log_{10}(x)$
\item S: $\sin$
Once you understand the layout of your slide rule, move on to the next page.
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/2 multiplication.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/2 multiplication.tex
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@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
We'll use the C and D scales of your slide rule to multiply. \par
Say we want to multiply $2 \times 3$. First, move the \textit{left-hand index}
of the C scale over the smaller number, $2$:
Then we'll find the second number, $3$ on the C scale, and read the D scale under it:
Of course, our answer is 6.
What is $1.15 \times 2.1$? \par
Use your slide rule.
{\cdscalefn(1.15) + \cdscalefn(2.1)}
Note that your answer isn't exact. $1.15 \times 2.1 = 2.415$, but an answer accurate within
two decimal places is close enough for most practical applications.
Look at your C and D scales again. They contain every number between 1 and 10, but no more than that.
What should we do if we want to calculate $32 \times 210$? \par
Using your slide rule, calculate $32 \times 210$.
{\cdscalefn(2.1) + \cdscalefn(3.2)}
Placing the decimal point correctly is your job. \par
$10^1 \times 10^2 = 10^3$, so our final answer is $6.72 \times 10^3 = 672$.
Compute the following:
\item $1.44 \times 52$
\item $0.38 \times 1.24$
\item $\pi \times 2.35$
\item $1.44 \times 52 = 74.88$
\item $0.38 \times 1.24 = 0.4712$
\item $\pi \times 2.35 = 7.382$
Note that the numbers on your C and D scales are logarithmically spaced.
Why does our multiplication procedure work?
Now we want to compute $7.2 \times 5.5$:
{\cdscalefn(5.5) + \cdscalefn(7.2)}
No matter what order we go in, the answer ends up off the scale. There must be another way.
Look at the far right of your C scale. There's an arrow pointing to the $10$ tick, labeled \textit{right-hand index}.
Move it over the \textit{larger} number, $7.2$:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
Now find the smaller number, $5.5$, on the C scale, and read the D scale under it:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
Our answer should be about $7 \times 5 = 35$, so let's move the decimal point: $5.5 \times 7.2 = 39.6$.
We can do this by hand to verify our answer.
Why does this work?
Consider the following picture, where we have two D scales next to each other:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(7.2) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
(0, 0)
(0, -0.3)
node [below] {D};
(-10, 0)
(-10, -0.3)
node [below] {D};
{-10 + \cdscalefn(7.2)}
The second D scale has been moved to the right by $(\log{10})$, so every value on it is $(\log{10})$
smaller than it should be.
In other words, the answer we get from reverse multiplication is $\log{a} + \log{b} - \log{10}$. \par
This reduces to $\log{(\frac{a \times b}{10})}$, and explains the misplaced decimal point in $7.2 \times 5.5$.
Compute the following using your slide rule:
\item $9 \times 8$
\item $15 \times 35$
\item $42.1 \times 7.65$
\item $9 \times 8 = 72$
\item $15 \times 35 = 525$
\item $42.1 \times 7.65 = 322.065$
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/3 division.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/3 division.tex
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Now that you can multiply, division should be easy. All you need to do is work backwards. \\
Let's look at our first example again: $3 \times 2 = 6$.
We can easily see that $6 \div 3 = 2$
{Align here}
and that $6 \div 2 = 3$:
{Align here}
If your left-hand index is off the scale, read the right-hand one. \\
Consider $42.25 \div 6.5 = 6.5$:
\cdscale{\cdscalefn(6.5) - \cdscalefn(10)}{1}{C}
{Align here}
Place your decimal points carefully.
Compute the following using your slide rule. \par
\item $135 \div 15$
\item $68.2 \div 0.575$
\item $(118 \times 0.51) \div 6.6$
\item $135 \div 15 = 9$
\item $68.2 \div 0.575 = 118.609$
\item $(118 \times 0.51) \div 6.6 = 9.118$
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/4 float.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/4 float.tex
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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
\section{\texttt{int}s and \texttt{float}s}
A \textit{signed 32-bit integer} (equivalently, a \texttt{long int}) consists of thirty-two binary digits, \par
and is used represent a subset of the integers.
The first bit of a \texttt{long} tells us its sign:
\item if the first bit of a \texttt{long} is \texttt{1}, it represents a negative number;
\item if the first bit is \texttt{0}, it represents a positive number.
We do not need negative numbers today, so we will assume that the first bit is always zero. \par
\note{If you'd like to know how negative integers are written, look up \say{two's complement} after class.}
We'll denote binary strings with the prefix \texttt{0b}. \par
Underscores are added between every eight digits for readability, and have no meaning.
The value of a positive signed \texttt{long} is simply the value of its binary digits. \par
For example:
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000000\_00000000} = 0$
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000000\_00000011} = 3$
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000000\_00100000} = 32$
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000000\_10000010} = 130$
Remember---we only need positive integers today. Assume the \say{sign} bit is always \texttt{0}.
What is the largest number that can be represented with a \texttt{long}?
$\texttt{0b01111111\_11111111\_11111111\_11111111} = 2^{31}$
What is the smallest possible number that can be represented with a \texttt{long}? \par
You do not need to know \textit{how} negative numbers are represented. \par
Assume that we do not skip any integers, and don't forget about zero.
There are $2^{64}$ possible 32-bit patterns,
of which 1 represents zero and $2^{31}$ represent positive numbers.
We therefore have access to $2^{64} - 1 - 2^{31}$ negative numbers,
giving us a minimum representable value of $-2^{31} + 1$.
What is the value of the following longs?
\item \texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000101\_00111001}
\item \texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000001\_00101100}
\item \texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000100\_10110000}
\hint{The third conversion is easy---look carefully at the second.}
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000101\_00111001} = 1337$
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000001\_00101100} = 300$
\item $\texttt{0b00000000\_00000000\_00000010\_01011000} = 1200$
Notice that the third long is the second shifted left twice (i.e, multiplied by 4)
A \textit{signed 32-bit floating-point decimal} (equivalently, a \textit{float})
consists of 32 binary digits, and is used to represent a subset of the real numbers.
These 32 bits are interpreted as follows:
\node[anchor=south west] at (0, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (0.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{b}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (0.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (0.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{\_}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (1.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (1.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (1.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (1.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (2.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (2.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (2.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (2.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (3.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{\_}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (3.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (3.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (3.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (4.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (4.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (4.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (4.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (5.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{\_}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (5.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (5.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (5.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (6.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (6.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (6.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (6.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (7.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (7.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{\_}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (7.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (7.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (8.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (8.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (8.50, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (8.75, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (9.00, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\node[anchor=south west] at (9.25, 0) {\texttt{\texttt{0}}};
\draw (0.50, 0) -- (0.95, 0) node [midway, below=1mm] {sign};
\draw (1.05, 0) -- (3.15, 0) node [midway, below=1mm] {exponent};
\draw (3.30, 0) -- (9.70, 0) node [midway, below=1mm] {fraction};
In other words:
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = 1mm]
\item The first bit denotes the sign of the float's value. We'll label it $s$. \par
If $s = 1$, this float is negative; if $s = 0$, it is positive.
\item The next 8 bits represent the \textit{exponent} of this float. \par
We'll call the value of these eight bits $E$. \par
Naturally, $0 \leq E \leq 255$
\item The remaining 23 bits represent the \textit{fraction} of this float. \par
These 23 bits are interpreted as the fractional part of a binary decimal. \par
For example, the bits \texttt{0b1010000\_00000000\_00000000} represents $0.5 + 0.125 = 0.625$.
The final value of a float with sign $s$, exponent $E$, and fraction $F$ is
(-1)^s ~\times~ 2^{E - 127} ~\times~ \left(1 + \frac{F}{2^{23}}\right)
Notice that this is very similar to decimal scientific notation, which is written as
(\pm 1) ~\times~ 10^{e} ~\times~ (f)
What is the value of \texttt{0b01000001\_10101000\_00000000\_00000000} if it is interpreted as a float? \par
\hint{$21 \div 16 = 1.3125$}
This is 21:
&=~ 2^{131} \times \biggl(1 + \frac{2^{21} + 2^{19}}{2^{23}}\biggr) \\
&=~ 2^{4} \times (1 + 0.25 + 0.0625) \\
&=~ 16 \times (1.3125) \\
&=~ 21
Encode $12.5$ as a float. \par
\hint{$12.5 \div 8 = 1.5625$}
What is the value of the resulting 32 bits if they are interpreted as a long? \par
\hint{A sum of powers of two is fine.}
&=~ 8 \times 1.5625 \\
&=~ 2^{3} \times \biggl(1 + (0.5 + 0.0625)\biggr) \\
&=~ 2^{130} \times \biggl(1 + \frac{2^{22} + 2^{19}}{2^{23}}\biggr)
This is \texttt{0b01000001\_01001000\_00000000\_00000000}, \par
which is $2^{30} + 2^{24} + 2^{22} + 2^{19} = 11,095,237,632$
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/5 approximate.tex
Normal file
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/5 approximate.tex
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Say we have a bit string $x$. \par
Let $x_f$ denote the value of $x$ interpreted as a float, \par
and let $x_i$ denote the value of $x$ interpreted as an integer.
Let $x = \texttt{0b01000001\_01001000\_00000000\_00000000}$. \
What are $x_f$ and $x_i$?
$x_f = 12.5$ \par
$x_i = 2^{30} + 2^{24} + 2^{22} + 2^{19} = 11,095,237,632$
For small values of $a$, $\log_2(1 + a)$ is approximately equal to $a$. \par
Note that this equality is exact for $a = 0$ and $a = 1$, since $\log_2(1) = 0$ and $\log_2(2) = 1$.
We'll add a \say{correction term} $\varepsilon$ to this approximation, so that $\log_2(1 + a) \approx a + \varepsilon$.
TODO: why? Graphs.
Use the fact that $\log_2(1 + a) \approx a + \varepsilon$ to approximate $\log_2(x_f)$ in terms of $x_i$, \par
Let $E$ and $F$ be the exponent and float bits of $x_f$. \par
We then have:
&=~ \log_2 \left( 2^{E-127} \times \left(1 + \frac{F}{2^{23}}\right) \right) \\
&=~ E-127 + \log_2\left(1 + \frac{F}{2^{23}}\right) \\
&\approx~ E-127 + \frac{F}{2^{23}} + \varepsilon \\
&=~ \frac{1}{2^{23}}(2^{23}E + F) - 127 + \varepsilon \\
&=~ \frac{1}{2^{23}}(x_i) - 127 + \varepsilon
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/6 quake.tex
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/parts/6 quake.tex
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
\section{The Fast Inverse Square Root}
The following code is present in \textit{Quake III Arena} (1999):
float Q_rsqrt( float number ) {
long i = * ( long * ) &number;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
return * ( float * ) &i;
It defines a method \texttt{Q\_rsqrt} that consumes a float named \texttt{number} and quickly approximates its inverse
square root (in other words, \texttt{Q\_rsqrt} computes $1/\sqrt{\texttt{number}}$).
If we rewrite this using the notation we're familiar with, we get the following:
\frac{1}{\sqrt{n_f}} \approx \kappa - (n_i \div 2)
Where $\kappa$ is the magic constant $6240089$ (which is \texttt{0x5f3759df} in hexadecimal)
Find the exact value of $\kappa$ in terms of $\varepsilon$. \par
\hint{Remember that $\varepsilon$ is the correction term in the approximation $\log_2(1 + a) = a + \varepsilon$.}
Rewrite $\log_2(1 / \sqrt{x})$ in terms of $\log_2{x}$.
Say $g_f = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n_f}}$---that is, $g_f$ is the value we want to compute. \par
&=\log_2(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n_f}}) \\
&=\frac{-1}{2}\log_2(n_f) \\
&=\frac{-1}{2}\left( \frac{n_i}{2^{23}} + \varepsilon - 127 \right)
But we also know that
&=\frac{g_i}{2^{23}} + \varepsilon - 127
\frac{g_i}{2^{23}} + \varepsilon - 127
&=\frac{-1}{2}\left( \frac{n_i}{2^{23}} + \varepsilon - 127 \right) \\
&=\frac{-1}{2}\left( \frac{n_i}{2^{23}} \right) + \frac{3}{2}(\varepsilon - 127) \\
&=\frac{-1}{2}\left(n_i \right) + 2^{23}\frac{3}{2}(\varepsilon - 127) \\
&=2^{23}\frac{3}{2}(\varepsilon - 127) - \frac{n_i}{2}
thus, $\kappa = 2^{23}\frac{3}{2}(\varepsilon - 127)$.
src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/resources/rule.svg
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/resources/rule.svg
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/sliderule.sty
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src/Advanced/Fast Inverse Root/sliderule.sty
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@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
\ProvidesPackage{sliderule}[2022/08/22 Slide rule tools]
% Scale functions:
% See
% l: length of the rule
% n: the number on the rule
% A/B: (l/2) * log(n)
% C/D: l / log(n)
% CI: abs(l * log(10 / n) - l)
% K: (l/3) * log(n)
% L: n * l
% T: l * log(10 * tan(n))
% S: l * log(10 * sin(n))
\def\abscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth/2) * log10(#1)}
\def\cdscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(#1))}
\def\ciscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth - \cdscalefn(#1))}
\def\kscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth/3) * log10(#1)}
\def\lscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * #1)}
\def\tscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(10 * tan(#1)))}
\def\sscalefn(#1){(\sliderulewidth * log10(10 * sin(#1)))}
% Arguments:
% Label
% x of start
% y of start
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {0,..., 10}{
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * \i}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * \i}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks
\foreach \n in {0, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9} {
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + (\sliderulewidth / 10) * (\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Arguments:
% Label
% x of start
% y of start
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 9
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}{
({#1 + \abscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Numbers and marks 10 - 100
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \abscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 10 - 100
\foreach \n in {10,20,...,90} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \abscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 10
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {5,10,...,95}
} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2);
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2)
node [above] {1.5};
} {
\i=10 \OR \i=20 \OR \i=30 \OR \i=40 \OR
\i=60 \OR \i=70 \OR \i=80 \OR \i=90
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.15);
} {
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \cdscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\ifthenelse{\i=0}{0}{.\i}}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {5,10,...,95}
} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2);
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.2)
node [above] {1.5};
} {
\i=10 \OR \i=20 \OR \i=30 \OR \i=40 \OR
\i=60 \OR \i=70 \OR \i=80 \OR \i=90
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.15);
} {
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2) --
({#1 + \ciscalefn(\n + \i / 100)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 1 - 9
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Numbers and marks 10 - 90
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(10 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Numbers and marks 100 - 1000
\foreach \i in {1,..., 10}{
({#1 + \kscalefn(100 * \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(100 * \i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\i}};
% Submarks 1 - 9
\foreach \n in {1, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 10 - 90
\foreach \n in {10,20,...,90} {
\foreach \i in {1,..., 9}
} {
\foreach \i in {2,4,6,8}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 100 - 1000
\foreach \n in {100,200,...,900} {
\foreach \i in {10,20,...,90}
} {
\foreach \i in {20,40,60,80}
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \kscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {0,..., 10}{
({#1 + \lscalefn(\i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn(\i / 10)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\ifthenelse{\i=10}{1}{\ifthenelse{\i=0}{0}{.\i}}};
% Submarks
\foreach \n in {0, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,19} {
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
\i=1 \OR \i=3 \OR \i=5 \OR \i=7 \OR
\i=9 \OR \i=11 \OR \i=13 \OR \i=15 \OR
\i=17 \OR \i=19
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.1);
} {
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \lscalefn((\n + (\i / 20))/10)}, #2 + 0.15);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
% First line
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.2);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks 6 - 10
\foreach \i in {6,...,9,10,15,...,45}{
({#1 + \tscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks 6 - 10
\foreach \n in {6, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 15 - 45
\foreach \n in {10, 15, ..., 40} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,24}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \tscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.1);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9);
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.7);
\draw[black] ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.9) -- ({#1 + \sliderulewidth}, #2 + 0.7);
% First line
\draw[black] ({#1}, #2) -- ({#1}, #2 + 0.2);
\draw ({#1 - 0.1}, #2 + 0.5) node[left] {#3};
% Numbers and marks
\foreach \i in {6,...,9,10,15,...,30,40,50,...,60,90}{
({#1 + \sscalefn(\i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\i)}, #2 + 0.3)
node[above] {\i};
% Submarks 6 - 10
\foreach \n in {6, ..., 9} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 10)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 15 - 30
\foreach \n in {10, 15, ..., 25} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,24}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 5)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 30
\foreach \n in {30} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,19}{
\i=2 \OR \i=4 \OR \i=6 \OR \i=8 \OR
\i=10 \OR \i=12 \OR \i=14 \OR \i=16 \OR
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i / 2)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 40 - 50
\foreach \n in {40, 50} {
\foreach \i in {1,...,9}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10 \OR \i=15 \OR \i=20
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(\n + \i)}, #2 + 0.1);
% Submarks 60
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{
\i=5 \OR \i=10
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2 + 0.2);
} {
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2) --
({#1 + \sscalefn(60 + \i * 2)}, #2 + 0.1);
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/macros.typ
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/macros.typ
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
// Shorthand, we'll be using these a lot.
#let tp =
#let tm =
#let graphgrid(inner_content) = {
inset: 3mm,
import cetz.draw: *
let x = 5.25
(0, 0), (x, x), step: 0.75,
stroke: luma(100) + 0.3mm
if (inner_content != none) {
mark((0, x + 0.5), (0, x + 1), symbol: ">", fill: black, scale: 1)
mark((x + 0.5, 0), (x + 1, 0), symbol: ">", fill: black, scale: 1)
(0, x + 0.25),
(0, 0),
(x + 0.25, 0),
stroke: 0.75mm + black,
/// Adds extra padding to an equation.
/// Used as follows:
/// #eqmbox($
/// f(x) = -2(x #tp 2)(x #tp 8)
/// $)
/// Note that there are newlines between the $ and content,
/// this gives us display math (which is what we want when using this macro)
#let eqnbox(eqn) = {
inset: 3mm,
#let dotline(a, b) = {
stroke: (
dash: "dashed",
thickness: 0.5mm,
paint: ored,
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/main.typ
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/main.typ
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#show: doc => handout(
group: "Advanced 2",
quarter: link(
title: [Tropical Polynomials],
by: "Mark",
subtitle: "Based on a handout by Bryant Mathews",
#include "parts/00 arithmetic.typ"
#include "parts/01 polynomials.typ"
#include "parts/02 cubic.typ"
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/meta.toml
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/meta.toml
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title = "Tropical Polynomials"
handout = true
solutions = true
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/00 arithmetic.typ
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/00 arithmetic.typ
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#import "../macros.typ": *
= Tropical Arithmetic
The _tropical sum_ of two numbers is their minimum:
x #tp y = min(x, y)
The _tropical product_ of two numbers is their sum:
x #tm y = x + y
- Is tropical addition commutative? \
#note([i.e, does $x #tp y = y #tp x$?])
- Is tropical addition associative? \
#note([i.e, does $(x #tp y) #tp z = x #tp (y #tp z)$?])
- Is there a tropical additive identity? \
#note([i.e, is there an $i$ so that $x #tp i = x$ for all real $x$?])
- Is tropical addition commutative?\
Yes, $min(min(x,y),z) = min(x,y,z) = min(x,min(y,z))$
- Is tropical addition associative? \
Yes, $min(x,y) = min(y,x)$
- Is there a tropical additive identity? \
No. There is no $n$ where $x <= n$ for all real $x$
Let's expand $#sym.RR$ to include a tropical additive identity.
- What would be an appropriate name for this new number?
- Give a reasonable definition for...
- the tropical sum of this number and a real number $x$
- the tropical sum of this number and itself
- the tropical product of this number and a real number $x$
- the tropical product of this number and itself
#sym.infinity makes sense, with
$#sym.infinity #tp x = x$; #h(1em)
$#sym.infinity #tp #sym.infinity = #sym.infinity$; #h(1em)
$#sym.infinity #tm x = #sym.infinity$; #h(1em) and
$#sym.infinity #tm #sym.infinity = #sym.infinity$
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Do tropical additive inverses exist? \
Is there an inverse $y$ for every $x$ so that $x #tp y = #sym.infinity$?
No. Unless $x = #sym.infinity$, there is no x where $min(x, y) = #sym.infinity$
Is tropical multiplication associative? \
#note([Does $(x #tm y) #tm z = x #tm (y #tm z)$ for all $x,y,z$?])
#solution([Yes, since (normal) addition is associative])
Is tropical multiplication commutative? \
#note([Does $x #tm y = y #tm x$ for all $x, y$?])
#solution([Yes, since (normal) addition is commutative])
Is there a tropical multiplicative identity? \
#note([Is there an $i$ so that $x #tm i = x$ for all $x$?])
#solution([Yes, it is 0.])
Do tropical multiplicative inverses always exist? \
For every $x != #sym.infinity$, does there exist an inverse $y$ so that $x #tm y = i$, \
where $i$ is the additive identity?
#solution([Yes, it is $-x$. For $x != 0$, $x #tm (-x) = 0$])
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Is tropical multiplication distributive over addition? \
#note([Does $x #tm (y #tp z) = x #tm y #tp x #tm z$?])
#solution([Yes, $x + min(y,z) = min(x+y, x+z)$])
Fill the following tropical addition and multiplication tables
#let col = 10mm
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
align: center,
stroke: none,
columns: (col, col, col, col, col, col),
align: center,
box(inset: 3pt, $1$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $2$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $3$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $4$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $#sym.infinity$), [], [], [], [], [],
columns: (col, col, col, col, col, col),
align: center,
box(inset: 3pt, $0$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $1$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $2$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $3$), [], [], [], [], [],
box(inset: 3pt, $4$), [], [], [], [], [],
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
align: center,
stroke: none,
columns: (col, col, col, col, col, col),
align: center,
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $#sym.infinity$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $#sym.infinity$),
columns: (col, col, col, col, col, col),
align: center,
box(inset: 3pt, $0$),
box(inset: 3pt, $0$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $1$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $5$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $2$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $5$),
box(inset: 3pt, $6$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $3$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $5$),
box(inset: 3pt, $6$),
box(inset: 3pt, $7$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $4$),
box(inset: 3pt, $5$),
box(inset: 3pt, $6$),
box(inset: 3pt, $7$),
box(inset: 3pt, $8$),
Expand and simplify $f(x) = (x #tp 2)(x #tp 3)$, then evaluate $f(1)$ and $f(4)$ \
Adjacent parenthesis imply tropical multiplication
(x #tp 2)(x #tp 3)
&= x^2 #tp 2x #tp 3x #tp (2 #tm 3) \
&= x^2 #tp (2 #tp 3)x #tp (2 #tm 3) \
&= x^2 #tp 2x #tp 5
Also, $f(1) = 2$ and $f(4) = 5$.
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/01 polynomials.typ
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/01 polynomials.typ
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#import "../macros.typ": *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
= Tropical Polynomials
A _polynomial_ is an expression formed by adding and multiplying numbers and a variable $x$. \
Every polynomial can be written as
inset: 3mm,
c_0 + c_1 x + c_2 x^2 + ... + c_n x^n
for some nonnegative integer $n$ and coefficients $c_0, c_1, ..., c_n$. \
The _degree_ of a polynomial is the largest $n$ for which $c_n$ is nonzero.
The _fundamental theorem of algebra_ implies that any non-constant polynomial with real coefficients
can be written as a product of polynomials of degree 1 or 2 with real coefficients.
For example, the polynomial $-160 - 64x - 2x^2 + 17x^3 + 8x^4 + x^5$ \
can be written as $(x^2 + 2x+5)(x-2)(x+4)(x+4)$
A similar theorem exists for polynomials with complex coefficients. \
These coefficients may be found using the roots of this polynomial. \
As it turns out, there are formulas that determine the roots of quadratic, cubic, and quartic #note([(degree 2, 3, and 4)]) polynomials. There are no formulas for the roots of polynomials with larger degrees---in this case, we usually rely on approximate roots found by computers.
In this section, we will analyze tropical polynomials:
- Is there a fundamental theorem of tropical algebra?
- Is there a tropical quadratic formula? How about a cubic formula?
- Is it difficult to find the roots of tropical polynomials with large degrees?
A _tropical_ polynomial is a polynomial that uses tropical addition and multiplication. \
In other words, it is an expression of the form
inset: 3mm,
c_0 #tp (c_1 #tm x) #tp (c_2 #tm x^2) #tp ... #tp (c_n #tm x^n)
where all exponents represent repeated tropical multiplication.
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Draw a graph of the tropical polynomial $f(x) = x^2 #tp 1x #tp 4$. \
#hint([$1x$ is not equal to $x$.])
$f(x) = min(2x , 1+x, 4)$, which looks like:
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (4 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 1 * step), (7 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 4 * step), (8 * step, 4 * step))
(0, 0),
(1 * step, 2 * step),
(3 * step, 4 * step),
(7.5 * step, 4 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Now, factor $f(x) = x^2 #tp 1x #tp 4$ into two polynomials with degree 1. \
In other words, find $r$ and $s$ so that
inset: 3mm,
x^2 #tp 1x #tp 4 = (x #tp r)(x #tp s)
we will call $r$ and $s$ the _roots_ of $f$.
Because $(x #tp r)(x #tp s) = x^2 #tp (r #tp s)x #tp s r$, we must have $r #tp s = 1$ and $r #tm s = 4$. \
In standard notation, we need $min(r, s) = 1$ and $r + s = 4$, so we take $r = 1$ and $s = 3$:
f(x) = x^2 #tp 1x #tp 4 = (x #tp 1)(x #tp 3)
How can we use the graph to determine these roots?
#solution([The roots are the corners of the graph.])
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Graph $f(x) = -2x^2 #tp x #tp 8$. \
#hint([Use half scale. 1 box = 2 units.])
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (8 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0.5 * step, 0), (4 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 4 * step), (8 * step, 4 * step))
(0.5 * step, 0),
(1 * step, 1 * step),
(4 * step, 4 * step),
(7.5 * step, 4 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Find a factorization of $f$ in the form $a(x #tp r)(x#tp s)$.
We (tropically) factor out $-2$ to get
f(x) = -2(x^2 #tp 2x #tp 10)
by the same process as the previous problem, we get
f(x) = -2(x #tp 2)(x #tp 8)
Can you see the roots $r$ and $s$ in the graph? \
How are the roots related to the coefficients of $f$? \
#hint([look at consecutive coefficients: $0 - (-2) = 2$])
The roots are the differences between consecutive coefficients of $f$:
- $0-(-2) = 2$
- $8 - 0 = 8$
Find a tropical polynomial that has roots $4$ and $5$ \
and always produces $7$ for sufficiently large inputs.
We are looking for $f(x) = a x^2 #tp b x #tp c$. \
Since $f(#sym.infinity) = 7$, we know that $c = 7$. \
Using the pattern from the previous problem, we'll subtract $5$ from $c$ to get $b = 2$, \
and $4$ from $b$ to get $a = -2$.
And so, $f(x) = -2x^2 #tp 2x #tp 7$
Subtracting roots in the opposite order does not work.
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Graph $f(x) = 1x^2 #tp 3x #tp 5$.
The graphs of all three terms intersect at the same point:
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 1 * step), (3.5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 5 * step), (8 * step, 5 * step))
dotline((0, 3 * step), (5 * step, 8 * step))
(0, 1 * step),
(2 * step, 5 * step),
(7.5 * step, 5 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Find a factorization of $f$ in the form $a(x #tp r)(x#tp s)$.
f(x) = 1x^2 #tp 3 x #tp 5 = 1(x #tp 2)^2
How is this graph different from the previous two? \
How is this polynomial's factorization different from the previous two? \
How are the roots of $f$ related to its coefficients?
The factorization contains the same term twice. \
Also note that the differences between consecutive coefficients of $f$ are both two.
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Graph $f(x) = 2x^2 #tp 4x #tp 4$.
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 2 * step), (3 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 4 * step), (5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 4 * step), (8 * step, 4 * step))
(0, 2 * step),
(1 * step, 4 * step),
(7.5 * step, 4 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Find a factorization of $f$ in the form $a(x #tp r)(x#tp s)$, or show that one does not exist.
We can factor out a 2 to get $f(x) = 2(x^2 #tp 2x #tp 2)$,
but $x^2 #tp 2x #tp 2$ does not factor. \
There are no $a$ and $b$ with minimum 2 and sum 2.
Find a polynomial that has the same graph as $f$, but can be factored.
2x^2 #tp 3x #tp 4 = 2(x #tp 1)^2
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
The _fundamental thorem of tropical algebra_ states that for every tropical polynomial $f$, \
there exists a _unique_ tropical polynomial $accent(f, macron)$ with the same graph that can be factored \
into linear factors.
Whenever we say "the roots of $f$", we really mean "the roots of $accent(f, macron)$." \
$f$ and $accent(f, macron)$ might be the same polynomial.
If $f(x) = a x^2 #tp b x #tp c$, then $accent(f, macron)(x) = a x^2 #tp B x #tp c$ for some $B$. \
Find a formula for $B$ in terms of $a$, $b$, and $c$. \
#hint([there are two cases to consider.])
If we want to factor $a(x^2 #tp (b-a)x #tp (c-a))$, we need to find $r$ and $s$ so that
- $min(r,s) = b-a$, and
- $r + s = c - a$
This is possible if and only if $2(b-a) <= c-a$, \
or equivalently if $b <= (a+c) #sym.div 2$
*Case 1:* If $b <= (a + c #sym.div) 2$, then $accent(f, macron) = f$ and $b = B$.
*Case 2:* If $b > (a + c #sym.div) 2$, then
accent(f, macron)(x)
&= a x^2 #tp ((a+c)/2)x #tp c \
&= a(x #tp (c-a)/2)^2
has the same graph as $f$, and thus $B = (a+c) #sym.div 2$
We can combine these results as follows:
B = min(b, (a+c)/2)
Find a tropical quadratic formula in terms of $a$, $b$, and $c$ \
for the roots $x$ of a tropical polynomial $f(x) = a x^2 #tp b x #tp c$. \
again, there are two cases. \
Remember that "roots of $f$" means "roots of $accent(f, macron)$".
*Case 1:* If $b <= (a+c) #sym.div 2$, then $accent(f, macron) = f$ has roots $b-a$ and $c-b$, so
accent(f, macron)(x) = a(x #tp (b-a))(x #tp (c-b))
*Case 2:* If $b > (a+c) #sym.div 2$, then $accent(f, macron)$ has root $(c-a) #sym.div$ with multiplicity 2, so
accent(f, macron)(x) = a(x #tp (c-a)/2)^2
It is interesting to note that the condition $2b < a+ c$ for there to be two distinct roots becomes $b^2 > a c$ in tropical notation. This is reminiscent of the discriminant condition for standard polynomials!
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/02 cubic.typ
Normal file
src/Advanced/Tropical Polynomials/parts/02 cubic.typ
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
#import "@local/handout:0.1.0": *
#import "../macros.typ": *
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.1"
= Tropical Cubic Polynomials
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 3x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 1, 2, and 3.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3x #tp 6 = (x #tp 1)(x #tp 2)(x #tp 3)$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 1 * step), (3.5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 3 * step), (5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(1 * step, 3 * step),
(2 * step, 5 * step),
(3 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 6x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 1, 2.5, and 2.5.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3.5x #tp 6 = (x #tp 1)(x #tp 2.5)^2$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 1 * step), (3.5 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (2 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(1 * step, 3 * step),
(2.5 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
Consider the polynomial $f(x) = x^3 #tp 6x^2 #tp 6x #tp 6$. \
- sketch a graph of this polynomial
- use this graph to find the roots of $f$
- write (and expand) a product of linear factors with the same graph as $f$.
- Roots are 2, 2, and 2.
- $accent(f, macron)(x) = x^3 #tp 2x^2 #tp 4x #tp 6 = (x #tp 2)^3$
import cetz.draw: *
let step = 0.75
dotline((0, 0), (2.66 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (1 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (2 * step, 8 * step))
dotline((0, 6 * step), (8 * step, 6 * step))
(0, 0),
(2 * step, 6 * step),
(7.5 * step, 6 * step),
stroke: 1mm + oblue,
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
If $f(x) = a x^3 #tp b x^2 #tp c x #tp d$, then $accent(f, macron)(x) = a x^3 #tp B x^2 #tp C x #tp d$ for some $B$ and $C$. \
Using the last three problems, find formulas for $B$ and $C$ in terms of $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$.
B = min(b, (a+c)/2, (2a+d)/2)
C = min(c, (b+d)/2, (a+2d)/2)
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
What are the roots of the following polynomial?
inset: 3mm,
3 x^6 #tp 4 x^5 #tp 2 x^4 #tp x^3 #tp x^2 #tp 4 x #tp 5
We have
accent(f, macron)(x) = 3x^6 #tp 2x^5 #tp 1x^4 #tp x^3 #tp 1x^2 #tp 3x #tp 5
which has roots $-1$, $-1$, $-1$, $1$, $2$, $2$
#pagebreak() // MARK: page
f(x) = c_0 #tp c_1 x #tp c_2 x^2 #tp ... #tp c_n x^n
accent(f, macron)(x) = c_0 #tp C_1 x #tp C_2 x^2 #tp ... #tp C_(n-1) x^(n-1) #tp c_n x^n
Find a formula for each $C_i$ in terms of $c_0, c_1, ..., c_n$.
&= min_(l<=j<k)( (a_l - a_k) / (k-l) (k-j) + a_k ) \
&= min_(l<=j<k)( a_l (k-j) / (k-l) + a_k (j-l) / (k-l) )
which is a weighted average of some $a_l$ and $a_k$, with $l<=j<k$
With the same setup as the previous problem, \
find formulas for the roots $r_1, r_2, ..., r_n$.
The roots are the differences between consecutive coefficients of $accent(f, macron)$:
r_i = A_i - A_(i-1)
where we set $A_n = a_n$ and $A_0 = a_0$.
Can you find a geometric interpretation of these formulas \
in terms of the points $(-i, c_i)$ for $0 <= i <= n$?
The inequality #note([(for $l <= k < k$)])
A_j <= (a_l - a_k) / (k-l) (k-j)+a_k
states that the point $(-j,A_j)$ must lie on or below the line segment between the points $(-k, a_k)$ and $(-l, a_l)$.
This makes it easy to find the $A_j$ using a graph of the points $(-i, a_i)$ for $0 <= i <=n$.
@ -143,10 +143,12 @@ def build_typst(source_dir: Path, out_subdir: Path) -> IndexEntry | None:
@ -164,6 +166,8 @@ def build_typst(source_dir: Path, out_subdir: Path) -> IndexEntry | None:
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