Minor cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Mark 2023-12-06 12:10:37 -08:00
parent fbc7d87577
commit f33be5fab2
Signed by: Mark
GPG Key ID: C6D63995FE72FD80
6 changed files with 134 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -136,71 +136,11 @@ $\odot$}}
This handout contains a set of problems. \par
Each is marked with a few gold stars, which you collect by presenting a solution.
Below each problem is a list of hints, written next to their cost. \par
To get a hint, you must pay the marked number of stars. \par
Hints are usually provided in order, and are the same for all groups. \par
There is one exception: instructors may offer certain hints for a reduced fee,
judging by your explanation of what you have so far.
This exception is for groups that are stuck on the last bit of a problem. \par
If they've solved most of it, give them the information they already know
for a steep discount (or even for free).
An example problem is below.
\generic{Problem $0$:}
This is a problem that's worth four points. \par
Two hints are available. The first costs two stars (of the four available). \par
The second costs one of the two stars available \textit{after} revealing the first hint.
Hint 1:
\hintcontent{2}{4}{This is a hint. Only instructors see this.}
Hint 2:
\hintcontent{1}{2}{This is another hint.}
You may notice that hints often cost a significant fraction of their problem's score. \par
This is intentional---don't ask for hints unless you're very, very stuck.
\section{Simple problems}
\section{Slightly harder problems}
%\section{Very difficult problems}
\input{parts/00 rules}
\input{parts/01 intro}
\input{parts/02 easy}
\input{parts/03 medium}
%\input{parts/04 hard}
\chessboard \hfill \chessboard \par
\chessboard \hfill \chessboard \par

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
This handout contains a set of problems. \par
Each is marked with a few gold stars, which you collect by presenting a solution.
Below each problem is a list of hints, written next to their cost. \par
To get a hint, you must pay the marked number of stars. \par
Hints are usually provided in order, and are the same for all groups. \par
There is one exception: instructors may offer certain hints for a reduced fee,
judging by your explanation of what you have so far.
This exception is for groups that are stuck on the last bit of a problem. \par
If they've solved most of it, give them the information they already know
for a steep discount (or even for free).
An example problem is below.
\generic{Problem $0$:}
This is a problem that's worth four points. \par
Two hints are available. The first costs two stars (of the four available). \par
The second costs one of the two stars available \textit{after} revealing the first hint.
Hint 1:
\hintcontent{2}{4}{This is a hint. Only instructors see this.}
Hint 2:
\hintcontent{1}{2}{This is another hint.}
You may notice that hints often cost a significant fraction of their problem's score. \par
This is intentional---don't ask for hints unless you're very, very stuck.

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
\section{Simple problems}
% Sherlock, A little exercise
\problem{A little exercise}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
\section{Slightly harder problems}
% Sherlock, A matter of direction
\problem{A matter of direction}
@ -38,6 +39,16 @@ Did White start on the north or south side of the board? \par
% Arabian Knights 1
\problem{Where is the king?}
@ -195,7 +206,8 @@ White to move. Which side of the board did each color start on? \par
% Arabian Knights 4
\problem{A missing piece}
There is a piece at G4, marked with a $\odot$. \par
What is it, and what is its color? \par
@ -207,35 +219,72 @@ What is it, and what is its color? \par
Hint 1:
Double-checks make all positions seem impossible... \par
Try E1 and F2 anyway. Can you add pieces to make it make sense? \par
Don't forget about promotion.
What color is the missing piece? Count captures.\par
Look at the region bounded by A1 and B3. How did the bishop get there? \par
\note[Note]{This is Part 1}
Hint 2:
What was White's last move? \par
What does this tell us about White's king? \par
\note[Note]{This is Part 2}
Hint 3:
Now, look at the region bounded by G1 and H3. \par
In Part 1, we found that all of White's pieces were captured---including the H1 rook. \par
How did it get off its home square to be captured? \par
What does this tell us about the bishop on H1? \par
\note[Note]{This is Part 3}
Hint 4:
The black bishop on H2 must have been promoted on G1. \par
Which pawn was it, and how did it get there? (Remember, we counted captures in Part 1). \par
In what order did the cross capture by the G1 and H1 pawns occur? \par
\note[Note]{This is Part 4}
Hint 5:
Which black pieces are still missing? \par
Remember that White cannot castle through check.
\textbf{Hints to give:} (in this order)
\item How did the black bishop on A2 get there? \note{(Part 1)}
\item How many captures has Black made? \note{(Part 1)}
\item What color is the missing piece? \note{(Part 1)}
\item What was White's last move? What does this imply? \note{(Part 2)}
\item Which white pieces were captured? \par
How did they move from their starting positions? \note{(Part 3)}
\item How did the bishop on H2 get to where it is now? \note{(Part 3)}
\item Which pawn was promoted to the bishop now on H2? \note{(Part 4)}
\item Which black pieces are still missing? \note{(Conclusion)}
\item Remember that White cannot castle through check. \note{(Conclusion)}
% \textbf{Hints to give:} (in this order)
% \begin{itemize}
% \item How did the black bishop on A2 get there? \note{(Part 1)}
% \item How many captures has Black made? \note{(Part 1)}
% \item What color is the missing piece? \note{(Part 1)}
% \item What was White's last move? What does this imply? \note{(Part 2)}
% \item Which white pieces were captured? \par
% How did they move from their starting positions? \note{(Part 3)}
% \item How did the bishop on H2 get to where it is now? \note{(Part 3)}
% \item Which pawn was promoted to the bishop now on H2? \note{(Part 4)}
% \item Which black pieces are still missing? \note{(Conclusion)}
% \item Remember that White cannot castle through check. \note{(Conclusion)}
% \end{itemize}

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
\section{Very difficult problems}
% Arabian Knights 5
\problem{The hidden castle}