Added TTT warmup

This commit is contained in:
Mark 2023-10-26 09:02:51 -07:00
parent 9fe9a1aa25
commit a460f4f376
Signed by: Mark

Misc/Warm-Ups/ttt.tex Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
% x,y,scale,style
\draw[#4] (#1, #2+#3) -- (#1+#3+#3+#3, #2+#3);
\draw[#4] (#1, #2+#3+#3) -- (#1+#3+#3+#3, #2+#3+#3);
\draw[#4] (#1+#3, #2) -- (#1+#3, #2+#3+#3+#3);
\draw[#4] (#1+#3+#3, #2) -- (#1+#3+#3, #2+#3+#3+#3);
paper = letterpaper,
top = 25mm,
bottom = 30mm,
left = 20mm,
right = 20mm,
headheight = 75mm,
footskip = 15mm
\title{Warm-Up: Big-Tac-Toe}
\subtitle{Prepared by \githref{Mark} on \today.}
We have large tic-tac-toe grid, each cell of which contains another.
On each turn, one player puts their glyph into a cell of a small grid. When the next player goes,
they must make their move in the small grid in the same position as the previous player's move.
\item The first player to move may pick any small grid to start in.
\item If a player is directed to a grid that is \textit{full}, that player may go anywhere. \par
A sub-grid that is \say{won} but not full may still be played in.
The first player to complete a line of three \say{won} subgrids wins the game.
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\ttt{8.5}{8.5}{1}{line width=0.25mm}
Play a few rounds of this game with someone nearby. \par
Can either player force a win?
Modify the rules of this game to disallow play in won subgrids. \par
How does your strategy change?
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