diff --git a/lib/tex/macros.sty b/lib/tex/macros.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9a6497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tex/macros.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{../../../lib/tex/macros}[2023/10/16 ORMC Macros]
+% Link to this repository
+% A row of stars, for showing difficulty
+% first arg: filled stars
+% second arg: total stars
+ \def\oncolor{\color{ogrape}}%
+ \def\offcolor{\color{black!30!white}}%
+ %
+ \count255=1%
+ \count254=#2%
+ \advance\count254 by -1%
+ \ifnum #1 > 0
+ % The $$ are required around \bigstar.
+ % the special \odot chess piece breaks
+ % star sizing if they are omitted.
+ \loop
+ {\oncolor $\bigstar$}%
+ \ifnum\count255 < #1
+ \advance\count255 by 1
+ \repeat%
+ \else%
+ {\oncolor $\bigstar$}%
+ \fi%
+ %
+ \ifnum \count255 < #2%
+ \loop
+ {\offcolor $\bigstar$}%
+ \ifnum\count255 < \count254
+ \advance\count255 by 1
+ \repeat%
+ \fi%
+% Ruble symbol with tweaks
+ \begingroup
+ \dimendef\H=0 %
+ \settoheight\H{P}%
+ \begin{pgfpicture}%
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{.1\H}%
+ \pgfsetrectcap
+ \pgfsetmiterjoin
+ \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.07\H}}% Move to bottom of main line
+ \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{.90\H}}% P main line
+ \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.3\H}{.90\H}}% P top line
+ \pgfpatharc{90}{-90}{.21\H}% P circle
+ \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{-.08\H}{.48\H}}% P bottom line
+ \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.08\H}{.31\H}}% Bonus line move
+ \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.34\H}{.31\H}}% Bonus line draw
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}%
+ \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.23\H}{0pt}}% Before space
+ \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0.55\H}{0pt}}% After space
+ \end{pgfpicture}%
+ \endgroup
+% Ruble symbol, per official specification
+% \begingroup
+% \dimendef\H=0 %
+% \settoheight\H{P}%
+% \begin{pgfpicture}%
+% \pgfsetlinewidth{.1\H}%
+% \pgfsetrectcap
+% \pgfsetmiterjoin
+% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.05\H}}%
+% \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{.95\H}}%
+% \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.35\H}{.95\H}}%
+% \pgfpatharc{90}{-90}{.225\H}%
+% \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{-.05\H}{.5\H}}%
+% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.05\H}{.34\H}}%
+% \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{.38\H}{.34\H}}%
+% \pgfusepath{stroke}%
+% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{-.175\H}{0pt}}%
+% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{.7\H}{0pt}}%
+% \end{pgfpicture}%
+% \endgroup
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/tex/ormc_handout.cls b/lib/tex/ormc_handout.cls
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b103fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tex/ormc_handout.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2023 Mark (mark@betalupi.com)
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program. If not, see .
+\ProvidesClass{../../../lib/tex/ormc_handout}[2023/05/29 2.0.2 ORMC Handout]
+% ------------------ %
+% Option Definitions %
+% ------------------ %
+% Standard LaTeX
+% ORMC-specific
+\newif{\if@solutions} % If false, solutions and instructor notes are hidden.
+\newif{\if@singlenumbering} % If true, the same counter is used for all objects.
+\newif{\if@nopagenumber} % If true, don't number pages.
+\newif{\if@shortwarning} % If true, show a smaller solutions warning
+\newif{\if@nowarning} % If true, do not show solution warning
+\newif{\if@unfinished} % If true, show an "unfinished" warning at the top of each page
+% Standard LaTeX options
+% ORMC-specific options
+\DeclareOption*{\ClassWarning{ormc_handout}{\CurrentOption ignored}}
+ 10pt,
+ solutions,
+ multinumbering,
+ pagenumber,
+ longwarning,
+ yeswarning
+% Set letterpaper by default.
+% This is overridden by geometry anyway,
+% so we don't need an option.
+% Hack to allow script option override.
+% To force a build with solutions, compile a file containing the following:
+% `\def\argYesSolutions{1}\input{}`
+% ------------------------------- %
+% Minimal LaTeX class %
+% Based on article.cls, %
+% version 2022/07/02 v1.4n %
+% ------------------------------- %
+% Lengths
+\setlength\parskip{0\p@ \@plus \p@}
+\@lowpenalty 51
+\@medpenalty 151
+\@highpenalty 301
+\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty
+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
+% Counters
+% Enum labels
+\renewcommand\theenumii{\@alph\c@enumii} % spell:disable-line
+\renewcommand\theenumiv{\@Alph\c@enumiv} % spell:disable-line
+\newcommand\labelitemi{\labelitemfont \textbullet}
+\newcommand\labelitemii{\labelitemfont \bfseries \textendash}
+\newcommand\labelitemiii{\labelitemfont \textasteriskcentered}
+\newcommand\labelitemiv{\labelitemfont \textperiodcentered}
+% Required by enumitem, not sure why.
+ \list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin\let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}%
+\newcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont\bfseries #1}
+% Font switching
+% Figures and tables
+\renewcommand \thefigure {\@arabic\c@figure}
+ \vskip\abovecaptionskip
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ #1: #2\par
+ \else
+ \global \@minipagefalse
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip%
+% Miscellaneous
+\newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
+\newcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@}
+\newcommand\subitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{20\p@}}
+\newcommand\subsubitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{30\p@}}
+\newcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus3\p@\relax}
+ \kern-3\p@
+ \hrule\@width.4\columnwidth
+ \kern2.6\p@%
+ \parindent 1em%
+ \noindent
+ \hb@xt@1.8em{\hss\@makefnmark}#1%
+ \ifcase\month\or
+ January\or
+ February\or
+ March\or
+ April\or
+ May\or
+ June\or
+ July\or
+ August\or
+ September\or
+ October\or
+ November\or
+ December
+ \fi%
+ \space\number\day, \number\year
+% ------------ %
+% Minor Tweaks %
+% ------------ %
+% We probably don't need enumitem for this.
+% TODO: apply these edits above, in plain LaTeX.
+% ------------- %
+% Package Setup %
+% ------------- %
+% Set up page geometry.
+% TODO: can we do this with plain tex?
+ paper = letterpaper,
+ top = 25mm,
+ bottom = 30mm,
+ left = 30mm,
+ right = 30mm,
+ headheight = 75mm,
+ footskip = 15mm,
+ headsep = 75mm,
+\RequirePackage{enumitem} % List customization
+\RequirePackage{etoolbox} % For utilities like \undef
+\RequirePackage{xparse} % For \NewDocumentCommand and etc
+\RequirePackage{xcolor} % For colored text
+\RequirePackage{tikz} % Used by \boxlinehack
+\RequirePackage{comment} % Used to hide solutions
+\RequirePackage{bophook} % Call a command on every page
+\RequirePackage{tcolorbox} % For solution boxes
+\RequirePackage{hyperref} % For custom references & clickable links
+\tcbuselibrary{breakable} % Allows tcolorboxes to break across pages
+\tcbuselibrary{skins} % Allows additional tcolorbox customization
+\RequirePackage[ % Provides \say{} for quoted text.
+ left = ``,
+ right = '',
+ leftsub = `,
+ rightsub = '
+% Not used by this class, but likely to be used in documents
+\TabPositions{1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm}
+% Colorlinks must be false.
+% if it is set, references inside hints
+% will not be the correct color!
+ hidelinks,
+ colorlinks=false,
+ %pdftitle={title},
+ %pdfauthor={Mark},
+ %pdfcreator={Mark}
+ \AtBeginPage{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
+ \path
+ (current page.north) ++ (0, -1)
+ node[
+ anchor=center,
+ draw,
+ below,
+ text=ored,
+ draw=ored,
+ fill=white,
+ inner sep = 2mm,
+ line width = 0.6mm,
+ ] {
+ \textbf{Incomplete Handout:}
+ this handout is not done, it may need edits!
+ }
+ ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }
+% ----------- %
+% Style Setup %
+% ----------- %
+ \pagestyle{empty}
+ \pagestyle{plain}
+\setlist{noitemsep, topsep=0mm}
+% ------------- %
+% Handout Title %
+% ------------- %
+% These are in LaTeX by default, but we don't use them here.
+% Undef them to avoid confusion.
+% Additional title parameters
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[
+ enhanced,
+ breakable,
+ colback=white,
+ colframe=ored,
+ boxrule=0.6mm,
+ arc=0mm,
+ outer arc=0mm,
+ ]
+ \large\centering\color{ored}
+ \textbf{Instructor's Handout} \par
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+% digital boxes may look better with:
+% drop shadow=gray,
+% smart shadow arc=false
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[
+ enhanced,
+ breakable,
+ colback=white,
+ colframe=ored,
+ boxrule=0.6mm,
+ arc=0mm,
+ outer arc=0mm,
+ ]
+ \color{ored}
+ \begingroup
+ \large\centering
+ \textbf{Instructor's Handout} \par
+ \endgroup
+ \vspace{1ex}
+ This file contains solutions and notes. \par
+ Compile with the ``nosolutions'' flag before distributing. \par
+ Click \href{https://betalupi.com/handouts}{\texttt{[here]}}
+ for the latest version of this handout. \par
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+% hyperref already defines maketitle.
+ \begingroup
+ \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth}
+ \centering
+ % Left and right headers (uptitle)
+ \if\@uptitlel\relax\else\textsc{\@uptitlel}\fi \hfill\null%
+ \if\@uptitler\relax\else\textsc{\@uptitler}\fi \par
+ % Main title
+ \rule{\linewidth}{0.2mm} \par
+ \vspace{4mm}
+ {\huge \@title} \par
+ \if\@subtitle\relax\else\vspace{2mm} \@subtitle \par\fi
+ \vspace{1mm}
+ \rule{\linewidth}{0.2mm} \par
+ % Solution warning
+ \if@nowarning\else\if@solutions%
+ \if@shortwarning \@shortwarning%
+ \else \@longwarning%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \end{minipage} \par
+ \vspace{2ex}
+ \endgroup
+% ---------------- %
+% Handout Sections %
+% ---------------- %
+% Helper command that creates a label with custom text.
+% Args: label name, custom text
+% newlabel is redefined by hyperref,
+% and its second arg takes two parts without hyperref and four with it.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{%
+ % This is broken
+ \@bsphack
+ \begingroup
+ \def\label@name{#1}%
+ \def\@currentlabel{#2}%
+ \label@hook
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{%
+ \string\newlabel{#1}{%
+ {\@currentlabel}%
+ {\thepage}%
+ {\@currentlabelname}%
+ {\@currentHref}%
+ {}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \@esphack
+ }{
+ % This works as intended
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\newlabel{#1}{{#2}{\thepage}}}%
+ }
+% Starred sections are not numbered.
+\NewDocumentCommand{\section}{ s m d<> }{
+ \par
+ \IfBooleanF{#1}{\stepcounter{section_counter}}
+ \vspace{4mm}
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}{%
+ {\bf\Large \hfill \IfNoValueTF{#2}{Unnamed Section}{#2} \hfill\null}%
+ }{%
+ {\bf\Large \hfill Part \arabic{section_counter}\IfNoValueF{#2}{: #2} \hfill\null}%
+ \IfNoValueF{#3}{\@customlabel{#3}{Part \arabic{section_counter}}}%
+ } \\*
+ \vspace{2mm}
+% Generic object.
+% Same format as \problem, \theorem, etc, but has no counter.
+\NewDocumentCommand{\generic}{ m d<> }{
+ \par
+ \vspace{3mm}
+ {\bf\normalsize #1} \\*
+ \IfNoValueF{#2}{\@customlabel{#2}{#1}}
+% Make a new section type.
+% Args: command, counter, title.
+ \NewDocumentCommand{#1}{ m d<> }{
+ \stepcounter{#2}
+ \generic{#3 \arabic{#2}:\IfNoValueF{##1}{ ##1}}
+ \IfNoValueF{##2}{\@customlabel{##2}{#3 \arabic{#2}}}
+ \IfNoValueF{##2}{\@customlabel{num:##2}{\arabic{#2}}}
+ }
+ \newcounter{object_counter}
+ \def\@problemcounter{object_counter}
+ \@newobj{\definition}{object_counter}{Definition}
+ \@newobj{\theorem}{object_counter}{Theorem}
+ \@newobj{\proposition}{object_counter}{Proposition}
+ \@newobj{\example}{object_counter}{Example}
+ \@newobj{\remark}{object_counter}{Remark}
+ \newcounter{problem_counter}
+ \newcounter{theorem_counter}
+ \newcounter{definition_counter}
+ \newcounter{example_counter}
+ \newcounter{proposition_counter}
+ \newcounter{remark_counter}
+ \def\@problemcounter{problem_counter}
+ \@newobj{\definition}{definition_counter}{Definition}
+ \@newobj{\theorem}{theorem_counter}{Theorem}
+ \@newobj{\proposition}{proposition_counter}{Proposition}
+ \@newobj{\example}{example_counter}{Example}
+ \@newobj{\remark}{remark_counter}{Remark}
+% These must be defined manually, since
+% problems and problemparts use two counters.
+\NewDocumentCommand{\problem}{ m d<> }{
+ \setcounter{problempartcounter}{0}
+ \stepcounter{\@problemcounter}
+ \generic{Problem \arabic{\@problemcounter}:\IfNoValueF{#1}{ #1}}
+ \IfNoValueF{#2}{\@customlabel{num:#2}{\arabic{\@problemcounter}}}
+ \IfNoValueF{#2}{\@customlabel{#2}{Problem \arabic{\@problemcounter}}}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\problempart}{ m d<> }{
+ \stepcounter{problempartcounter}
+ \generic{Part \arabic{problempartcounter}:\IfNoValueF{#1}{ #1}}
+ \IfNoValueF{#2}{\@customlabel{num:#2}{\arabic{problempartcounter}}}
+ \IfNoValueF{#2}{\@customlabel{#2}{Problem \arabic{\@problemcounter}.\arabic{problempartcounter}}}
+% ---------------- %
+% Box environments %
+% ---------------- %
+% Keep track of the current background color.
+% Useful for transparent tikz drawings.
+% Make a box environment.
+% These can safely be nested.
+% Args: title, back color, frame color.
+ % \linehack draws a line across a tcolorbox.
+ % tcolorbox only supports two sections, but
+ % this hack allows us to have more.
+ \def\linehack{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \path[use as bounding box]
+ (0, 0) --
+ (\linewidth, 0);
+ \draw[color=#3, dashed, dash phase=1mm]
+ (0 - \kvtcb@leftlower-\kvtcb@boxsep, 0) --
+ (\linewidth + \kvtcb@rightlower + \kvtcb@boxsep, 0);
+ \end{tikzpicture} \par
+ \vspace{2mm}
+ }
+ % Keep track of the current background color.
+ % Useful for transparent tikz drawings.
+ \def\ORMCbgcolor{#2}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[
+ enhanced,
+ breakable,
+ colback=#2,
+ colframe=#3,
+ colbacktitle=#3,
+ titlerule=0.6mm,
+ title={\textbf{#1}},
+ title after break={\textbf{#1 (continued)}},
+ frame style={draw=none,fill=none},
+ boxrule=0mm, % We need this even with hidden borders for correct spacing
+ arc=0mm,
+ outer arc=0mm
+ ]
+ \raggedright
+} {
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{ORMCbox}{Example Solution}{black!10!white}{black!65!white}
+} {
+ \end{ORMCbox}
+ \newenvironment{solution}{
+ \begin{ORMCbox}{Solution}{ored!10!white}{ored}
+ } {
+ \end{ORMCbox}
+ }
+ \newenvironment{instructornote}{
+ \begin{ORMCbox}{Note for Instructors}{ocyan!10!white}{ocyan}
+ } {
+ \end{ORMCbox}
+ }
+ \excludecomment{solution}
+ \excludecomment{instructornote}
+% -------------------- %
+% Misc helper commands %
+% -------------------- %
+% Inline note
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ilnote}{ +m }{\begingroup\color{gray}#1\endgroup}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\note}{ d[] +m }{
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}{\ilnote{#2}}{\ilnote{\textit{#1:} #2}}\par