2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
\documentclass [
2023-03-23 09:51:10 -07:00
2023-05-25 21:44:07 -07:00
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
2023-01-12 10:30:53 -08:00
]{ ../../resources/ormc_ handout}
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
\usepackage { tikz}
2023-05-25 21:44:07 -07:00
\title { The Sysadmin's Warm-Up}
\subtitle { Prepared by Mark on \today }
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
\begin { document}
Most of you have seen a hard drive. Many have touched one, and a lucky few have poked around inside one. These devices have two interesting properties:
\begin { enumerate}
\item They hold valuable data
\item They eventually fail
\end { enumerate}
2023-07-26 18:03:43 -07:00
Needless to say, this is a problem. \par
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
We need to design a system that allows hard drives to fail without data loss.
\definition { }
2023-07-26 18:03:43 -07:00
You can think of a hard drive as a long string of bits. \par
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
Assume all hard drives can store 1 TiB of data.
\begin { center}
\begin { tikzpicture}
\node [above] at (1/2, 0) { Drive A} ;
\draw (0cm, 0cm) -- (0cm, -3cm);
\draw (1cm, 0cm) -- (1cm, -3cm);
\foreach \i in { 0,...,-6} {
\draw (0cm,\i cm / 2) -- (1cm ,\i cm / 2);
\node at (1/2, - 1 / 4) { 1} ;
\node at (1/2, - 3 / 4) { 1} ;
\node at (1/2, - 5 / 4) { 0} ;
\node at (1/2, - 7 / 4) { ...} ;
\node at (1/2, - 9 / 4) { 1} ;
\node at (1/2, -11 / 4) { 0} ;
\node [above] at (5/2, 0) { Drive B} ;
\draw (2cm, 0cm) -- (2cm, -3cm);
\draw (3cm, 0cm) -- (3cm, -3cm);
\foreach \i in { 0,...,-6} {
\draw (2cm,\i cm / 2) -- (3cm ,\i cm / 2);
\node at (5/2, - 1 / 4) { 0} ;
\node at (5/2, - 3 / 4) { 1} ;
\node at (5/2, - 5 / 4) { 0} ;
\node at (5/2, - 7 / 4) { ...} ;
\node at (5/2, - 9 / 4) { 0} ;
\node at (5/2, -11 / 4) { 1} ;
\end { tikzpicture}
\end { center}
\problem { }
Suppose we have two hard drives. How can we arrange our data so that...
\begin { enumerate}
2023-01-12 18:56:54 -08:00
\item We get 1 TiB of usable storage
2023-01-10 08:09:57 -08:00
\item We lose no data if any one drive fails
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
\end { enumerate}
\problem { }
Suppose we have three hard drives. How can we arrange our data so that...
\begin { enumerate}
2023-01-12 18:56:54 -08:00
\item We get 2 TiB of usable storage
2023-01-10 08:09:57 -08:00
\item We lose no data if any one drive fails
2023-01-09 22:00:41 -08:00
\end { enumerate}
\end { document}