131 lines
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131 lines
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\definition{Independent Sets}
An \textit{independent set} is a set of vertices\footnotemark{} in which no two are connected. $\{B, C, D, E\}$ form an independent set in the following graph:
\footnotetext{\say{Node} and \say{Vertex} are synonyms in graph theory.}
node distance = 12mm,
hatch/.style = {
pattern=north west lines,
pattern color=gray
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A) {$A$};
% Patterns are transparent.
% Fill nodes first so paths don't show through
\node[main, draw = white] (B1) [above left of = A] {$\phantom{B}$};
\node[main, draw = white] (C1) [below left of = A] {$\phantom{C}$};
\node[main, draw = white] (D1) [below right of = A] {$\phantom{D}$};
\node[main, draw = white] (E1) [above right of = A] {$\phantom{E}$};
\node[main, hatch] (B) [above left of = A] {$B$};
\node[main, hatch] (C) [below left of = A] {$C$};
\node[main, hatch] (D) [below right of = A] {$D$};
\node[main, hatch] (E) [above right of = A] {$E$};
% Edges
(A) edge (B)
(A) edge (C)
(A) edge (D)
(A) edge (E)
\definition{Vertex Covers}
A \textit{vertex cover} is a set of vertices that includes at least one endpoint of each edge. $B$ and $D$ form a vertex cover of the following graph:
node distance = 12mm,
hatch/.style = {
pattern=north west lines,
pattern color=gray
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A) {$A$};
% Patterns are transparent.
% Fill nodes first so paths don't show through
\node[main, draw = white] (B1) [right of = A] {$\phantom{B}$};
\node[main, hatch] (B) [right of = A] {$B$};
\node[main, draw = white] (D1) [below of = B] {$\phantom{D}$};
\node[main, hatch] (D) [below of = B] {$D$};
\node[main] (C) [right of = B] {$C$};
\node[main] (E) [right of = D] {$E$};
% Edges
(A) edge (B)
(B) edge (C)
(B) edge (D)
(D) edge (E)
% Flow
(B) -- (A)
(B) -- (C)
(B) -- (D)
(D) -- (E)
Let $G$ be a graph with a set of vertices $V$. \\
Show that $S \subset V$ is an independent set iff $(V - S)$ is a vertex cover. \\
\hint{$(V - S)$ is the set of elements in $V$ that are not in $S$.}
Suppose $S$ is an independent set.
\item [$\implies$] All edges are in $(V - S)$ or connect $(V - S)$ and $S$.
\item [$\implies$] $(V - S)$ is a vertex cover.
Suppose $S$ is a vertex cover.
\item [$\implies$] There are no edges with both endpoints in $(V - S)$.
\item [$\implies$] $(V - S)$ is an independent set.
Consider the following two problems:
\item Given a graph $G$, determine if it has an independent set of size $\geq k$.
\item Given a graph $G$, determine if it has a vertex cover of size $\leq k$.
Show that these are equivalent. In other words, show that an algorithm that solves one can be used to solve the other.
This is a direct consequence of \ref{IndepCover}. You'll need to show that the size constraints are satisfied, but that's fairly easy to do.