Let $a_1, a_2, a_3, ... $ (abbreviated $a_n$ in this handout) be a sequence of real numbers. \par
We say a number $u$ is an \textit{upper bound} of $a_n$ if $a_i \leq u ~ \forall i$. \par
If $a_n$ has an upper bound, we could say it is \textit{bounded from above}.
\definition{Monotonically increasing}
We say a sequence of real numbers $a_n$ is \textit{monotonically increasing} if $m < n \implies a_m < a_n$.
\definition{Limits (informal)}
The \textit{limit} of a sequence is a point to which the sequence gets \say{closer} to. \par
Not all sequences have limits. \par
Don't let this hand-wavy definition bother you too much, we'll see a proper definition soon.
Any monotonically increasing sequence that is bounded from above has a unique limit. \par
Let $a_1=2$, and $a_{n+1}=2+\sqrt{a_n}$. \par
Show that the sequence $a_n$ is monotonically increasing and bounded above. Find its limit.
\textbf{$a_n$ is monotonically increasing:} Show this by induction. \par
\textbf{$a_n$ is bounded:} Induction again. Show that $\sqrt{a_n} < 2$. \par
\textbf{$\lim_{n \to\infty}a_n =4$:} Use the fact that $\lim_{n\to\infty} a_n =\lim_{n\to\infty}a_{n+1}$, the hit the resulting equation with some algebra. Note that $1$ cannot be a solution, since $a_n \geq2\ \forall n$.
Show that both assumptions of \ref{limexists} are necessary: \par
Find an example of a monotonically increasing sequence that does not have a limit, \par
and of a bounded sequence that does not have a limit.
\definition{Limits (formal)}
Let $a_n$ be a sequence.
$L$ is the \textit{limit} of this sequence if for any $\varepsilon < 0$, \par
$|a_n - A + B - a_n| \leq |a_n - A| + |B - a_n|$, \par
And since $|a_n - A + B - a_n| = |B - A|$, we have \par
$|B - A| < 2\epsilon\ \forall n > N$. \par
This should be true for all $\epsilon > 0$. \par
Let's set $\epsilon=\frac{|B-A|}{4}$, which is greater than zero iff $A \neq B$\par
Then, $|B-A| < \frac{|B-A|}{2}$, which is impossible\textsuperscript{*}. \par
Therefore, if both $A$ and $B$ are limits of $[a_n]$, $A$ and $B$ must be equal.
\textsuperscript{*}Note that we can also set $\epsilon=\frac{|B-A|}{2}$, which gives $|B-A| < |B-A|$. This is also false, and the proof still works. However, the extra $\frac{\hspace{2em}}{2}$ gives a clearer explanation.