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2022-11-21 22:01:21 -08:00
\problem{Maximum Cardinality Matching}
A \textit{matching} is a subset of edges in a bipartite graph. Nodes in a matching must not have more than one edge connected to them. \\
A matching is \textit{maximal} if it has more edges than any other matching.
Initial Graph \\
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A1) at (0mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (A2) at (0mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (A3) at (0mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (A4) at (0mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (A5) at (0mm, 0mm) {};
\node[main] (B1) at (20mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (B2) at (20mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (B3) at (20mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (B4) at (20mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (B5) at (20mm, 0mm) {};
% Edges
(A1) edge (B2)
(A1) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A2) edge (B4)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
Maximal Matching \\
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (A1) at (0mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (A2) at (0mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (A3) at (0mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (A4) at (0mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (A5) at (0mm, 0mm) {};
\node[main] (B1) at (20mm, 24mm) {};
\node[main] (B2) at (20mm, 18mm) {};
\node[main] (B3) at (20mm, 12mm) {};
\node[main] (B4) at (20mm, 6mm) {};
\node[main] (B5) at (20mm, 0mm) {};
% Edges
\draw[opacity = 0.4]
(A1) edge (B2)
(A1) edge (B3)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A2) edge (B4)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
(A1) edge (B2)
(A2) edge (B1)
(A4) edge (B3)
(A5) edge (B4)
2023-01-08 09:10:54 -08:00
Create an algorithm that finds a maximal matching in any bipartite graph. \\
Find an upper bound for its runtime. \\
\hint{Can you modify an algorithm we already know?}
2022-11-21 22:01:21 -08:00
Turn this into a maximum flow problem and use FF. \\
Connect a node $S$ to all nodes in the left group and a node $T$ to all nodes in the right group. All edges have capacity 1.
Just like FF, this algorithm will take at most $\min(\# \text{ left nodes}, \# \text{ right nodes})$ iterations.
2023-01-08 09:10:54 -08:00
\problem{Supply and Demand}
2022-11-21 22:01:21 -08:00
Say we have a network of cities and power stations. Stations produce power; cities consume it.
Each station produces a limited amount of power, and each city has limited demand.
We can represent this power grid as a graph, with cities and stations as nodes and transmission lines as edges.
A simple example is below. There are two cities ($2$ and $4$) and two stations (both $-3$).
We'll represent station capacity with a negative number, since they \textit{consume} a negative amount of energy.
node distance = 25mm,
main/.style = {
fill = white,
minimum size = 8mm
% Nodes
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (S1) {$-3$};
\node[main] (S2) [below left of = S1] {$-3$};
\node[main] (C1) [below right of = S1] {$2$};
\node[main] (C2) [below right of = S2] {$4$};
% Edges
(S1) edge node[label] {$3$} (S2)
(S1) edge node[label] {$3$} (C1)
(S2) edge node[label] {$2$} (C1)
(S2) edge node[label] {$2$} (C2)
(C1) edge node[label] {$2$} (C2)
2023-01-08 09:10:54 -08:00
We'd like to know if there exists a \textit{feasible circulation} in this network---that is, can we supply our cities with the energy they need without exceeding the capacity of our power plants and transmission lines?
2022-11-21 22:01:21 -08:00
\textbf{Your job:} Devise an algorithm that solve this problem.
\note{\textbf{Bonus:} Say certain edges have a lower bound on their capacity, meaning that we must send \textit{at least} that much flow down the edge. Modify your algorithm to account for these additional constraints.}
Create a source node $S$, and connect it to each station with an edge. Set the capacity of that edge to the capacity of the station. \\
Create a sink node $T$ and do the same for cities.
This is now a maximum-flow problem with one source and one sink. Apply FF.
To solve the bonus problem, we'll modify the network before running the algorithm above.
Say an edge from $A$ to $B$ has minimum capacity $l$ and maximum capacity $u \geq l$. Apply the following transformations:
\item Add $l$ to the capacity of $A$
\item Subtract $l$ from the capacity of $B$
\item Subtract $l$ from the total capacity of the edge.
Do this for every edge that has a lower bound then apply the algorithm above.