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\section{Regular languages}
We say a language is \textit{regular} if it is recognized by some $DFA$.
Draw a DFA over $\{A, B\}$ that accepts strings which do not start and end with the same letter. \par
\hint{Modify the DFA in \ref{SameStartAndEnd}.}
Let $L$ be a regular language over an alphabet $Q$. \par
Show that $Q^* - L$ is also regular. \par
\hint{$Q^* - L$ is the set of objects in $Q^*$ but not in $L$. This is often called the \textit{complement} of $L$.}
Invert accepting and rejecting states.
Draw a DFA over the alphabet $\{A, B\}$ that accepts strings which have even length and do not start and end with the same letter. \par
Let $L_1$, $L_2$ be two regular languages over an alphabet $Q$. \par
Show that their union and intersection are also regular.
Consider a product of automatons where each state is a pair of states in the first and second automaton and every transition works if it was applied to both elements in pair.
For union, we call the state $(s_1, s_2)$ accepting if $s_1$ OR $s_2$ is accepting in their respective automaton.
For intersection, we call it accepting if $s_1$ AND $s_2$ are accepting in their respective automaton.
\theorem{Pumping Lemma}
Let $A$ be a regular language. \par
There then exists a number $p$, called the \textit{pumping length}, so that any string $s \in A$ of length at least $p$ may be divided into three pieces $s = xyz$ satisfying the following:
\item $|y| > 0$ \tab~\tab \hint{In other words, the segment $y$ is not the empty string.}
\item $|xy| \leq p$. \tab~\tab \hint{$|s|$ is the length of a string.}
\item $\forall i > 0$, $x y^i z \in A$ \tab \hint{$y^i$ means that $y$ is repeated $i$ times. $y^0$ is the empty string.}
When $s$ is divided into $xyz$, either $x$ or $z$ may be the empty string, but $y$ must not be empty. \par
Notice that without the first condition, this theorem is trivially true.
In english, the pumping lemma states that in any regular language, any string of sufficient length contains a substring that can be \say{pumped} (or repeated) to generate more strings in that language.
Check that the pumping lemma holds with $p = 3$ for the following DFA. \par
\hint{This is the same DFA as in \ref{fibonacci}. What kind of strings does it accept?}
\begin{scope}[layer = nodes]
\node[main] (0) at (0, 0) {$\phantom{0}$};
\node[accept] (1) at (3, 0) {$\phantom{0}$};
\node[main] (2) at (5, 0) {$\phantom{0}$};
\node[start] (s) at (-2, 0) {\texttt{start}};
(s) edge (0)
(0) edge[loop above] node[label] {\texttt{b}} (0)
(0) edge[bend left] node[label] {\texttt{a}} (1)
(1) edge[bend left] node[label] {\texttt{b}} (0)
(1) edge node[label] {\texttt{a}} (2)
(2) edge[loop above] node[label] {\texttt{a,b}} (2)
How can we use the pumping lemma to show that a language is \textbf{not} regular?
%\part{b} Suppose that there is a regular language $L$ in the alphabet $\{a\}$. $L$ contains all strings of $a$'s whose length is some set $S$. Derive from the pumping lemma that if $S$ is infinite then it contains some arithmetic progression.
% \part{c} Prove directly that if $S$ is infinite, than it contains some arithmetic progression. \textit{Hint: look at the first cycle in the DFA you get while reading $aaa\dots$.}
Prove the pumping lemma. \par
\hint{Look at the first cycle in the DFA you get while reading $s$.}
Look at the first place where we come to an already visited state while reading the word. Say the first time we came to this state after reading $x$ and the second time after reading $xy$. Then $y$ doesn't move us from this state and we can omit it or repeat any number of times we want.
Show that the following languages are not regular: \par
% \item $\{a^{n^2}\}$, the language of all strings over the alphabet $\{a\}$ which have a square length. \par
% $\{a^{n^2}\} = \{ \varepsilon, \texttt{a}, \texttt{aaaa}, \texttt{aaaaaaaaa}, ... \}$
\item $\{0^n1^n ~|~ n \in \mathbb{Z}^+_0\}$ over $\{0, 1\}$, which is the shorthand for the set $\{\varepsilon, 01, 0011, \dots\}$
\item The language ADD over the alphabet $\Sigma = \{0, 1, +, =\}$ where \par
$\text{ADD} = \{ ~ \text{\say{x=y+z}} ~|~ x, y, z ~ \text{are binary integers, and $x$ is the sum of $y$ and $z$}\}$
\item The language of all palindromes over the english alphabet
% \textbf{Part A:} \par
% Follows from parts b-c of the previous problem;
% \vspace{2mm}
\textbf{Part A:} \par
Assume this language is regular. Let $p$ be the pumping length. The string $0^p1^p$ must then be accepted, implying that the string $0^{p-|y|}1^p$ (or $0^{p+|y|}1^p$) is also accepted.
\textbf{Part B:} \par
By pumping $10^{p+1}=10^p+10^p$
\textbf{Part C:} \par
By pumping $a^pba^p$
Let $w$ be a string over an alphabet $A$. \par
If $a \in A$, $|w|_a$ is the number of times the letter $a$ occurs in $w$.
For the following problems, we will use the alphabet $\{a, b\}$.
Show that the language $L_p = \Bigl\{w ~\Bigl|~ \text{$p$ divides } |w|_a - |w|_b \Bigr\}$ is regular for any prime $p$.
Show that $L = \Bigl\{ w ~\Big|~ |w|_a - |w|_b = \pm 1 \Bigr\}$ is not regular.
Prove that there are infinitely many primes.