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\section { Definitions}
\generic { $ \lm $ Notation:}
$ \lm $ notation is used to define functions, and looks like $ ( \lm ~ \text { input } ~ . ~ \text { output } ) $ . \\
Consider the following statement:
I = \lm a . a
This tells us that $ I $ is a function that takes its input, $ a $ , to itself. We'll call this the \textit { identity function} . \\
To apply functions, put them next to their inputs. We'll omit the usual parentheses to save space.
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(I~\star ) =
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(\lm \tzm { b} a. a)~\tzmr { a} \star =
\begin { tikzpicture} [
remember picture,
\draw [->,gray,shorten >=5pt,shorten <=3pt]
(a.center) to (b.center);
\end { tikzpicture}
Functions are left-associative: If $ A $ and $ B $ are functions, $ ( A~B~ \star ) $ is equivalent to $ ( ( A~B ) ~ \star ) $ . As usual, we'll use parentheses to group terms if we want to override this order: $ ( A~ ( B~ \star ) ) \neq ( A~B~ \star ) $ \\
In this handout, all types of parentheses ( $ ( ) , [ ] , $ etc ) are equivalent.
\generic { $ \beta $ -Reduction:}
$ \beta $ -reduction is a fancy name for \say { simplifying an expression.} We've already done it once above.
Let's make another function:
M = \lm f . f f
$ M $ takes a function as an input and calls it on itself. What is $ ( M~I ) $ ?
(M~I) =
((\lm \tzm { b} f.f f)~\tzmr { a} I) =
(I~I) =
((\lm \tzm { d} a.a)~\tzmr { c} I) =
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\begin { tikzpicture} [
remember picture,
\draw [->,gray,shorten >=5pt,shorten <=3pt]
(a.center) to (b.center);
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\draw [->,gray,shorten >=5pt,shorten <=3pt]
(c.center) to (d.center);
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\end { tikzpicture}
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We cannot reduce this any further, so we stop. Our expression is now in \textit { $ \beta $ -normal form} .
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\problem { }
Reduce the following expressions:
\begin { itemize}
\item $ I~I $
\item $ I~I~I $
\item $ ( \lm a . ( a~a~a ) ) ~ I $
\item $ ( \lm a . ( \lm b . a ) ) ~ M ~ I $
\end { itemize}
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\generic { Currying:}
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Lambda functions are only allowed to take one argument, but we can emulate multivariable functions through \say { currying.}
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Before we begin, let's review \textit { function composition} . With \say { normal} functions, composition is written as $ ( f \circ g ) ( x ) = f ( g ( x ) ) $ . This means \say { $ f $ of $ g $ of $ x $ } .
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To demonstrate currying, we'll make a function $ C $ in lambda calculus, which takes two functions ($ f $ and $ g $ ), an input $ x $ , and produces $ f $ applied to $ g $ applied to $ x $ . \\
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In other words, we want a $ C $ so that $ C~f~g~x = f~ ( g~x ) $
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We'll define this $ C $ as follows:
C = \lm f . (\lm g . (\lm x . f(g(x))))
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This looks awfully scary, so let's take this expression apart. \\
C is a function that takes one argument ($ f $ ) and returns a function (underlined):
C = \lm f .(~~\tzm { a} \lm g . (\lm x . f(g(x))) \tzm { b} ~~)
\begin { tikzpicture} [
remember picture
\node [below = 1ex] at (a.center) (aa) { } ;
\node [below = 1ex] at (b.center) (bb) { } ;
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\path [draw = gray] (aa) to (bb);
\end { tikzpicture}
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The function it returns does the same thing. It takes an argument $ g $ , and returns \textit { another} function:
C = \lm f . (~~ \lm g . (~~\tzm { a} \lm x . f(g(x)) \tzm { b} ~~) ~~)
\begin { tikzpicture} [
remember picture
\node [below = 1ex] at (a.center) (aa) { } ;
\node [below = 1ex] at (b.center) (bb) { } ;
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\path [draw = gray] (aa) to (bb);
\end { tikzpicture}
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This last function $ \lm x. f ( g ( x ) ) $ takes one argument, and returns $ f ( g ( x ) ) $ . Since this function is inside the previous two, it has access to their arguments, $ f $ and $ g $ .
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So, currying allows us to create multivariable functions by nesting single-variable functions. \\
As you saw above, such expressions can get very long. We'll use a bit of shorthand to make them more palatable. If we have an expression with repeated function definitions, we'll combine their arguments under one $ \lm $ .
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For example,
C = \lm f . (\lm g . (\lm x . f(g(x))))
will become
C = \lm fgx.(~f(g(x))~)
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This is only notation. \textbf { Curried functions are not multivariable functions!} They must be evaluated one variable at a time, just like their un-curried version. Substituting all curried variables in one go may cause errors, as you'll see below.
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\problem { }
Evaluate $ C~M~I~ \star $ \\
Then, evaluate $ C~I~M~I $ \\
\hint { Place parentheses first. Remember, function application is left-associative.}
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\definition { $ \alpha $ -equivalence}
We say two functions are \textit { $ \alpha $ -equivalent} if they differ only by the names of their variables:
$ I = \lm a.a = \lm b.b = \lm \heartsuit . \heartsuit = ... $
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\generic { $ \alpha $ -Conversion:}
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Variables inside functions are \say { scoped.} We must take care to keep separate variables separate.
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For example, take the functions \\
$ A = \lm a b . a $ \\
$ B = \lm b . b $
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We could say that $ ( A~B ) = \lm b . ( \lm b . b ) $ , and therefore
= (~ (\lm \tzm { b} b . (\lm b . b))~\tzmr { a} I ~)
= \lm I . I
\begin { tikzpicture} [
remember picture,
\draw [->,gray,shorten >=5pt,shorten <=3pt]
(a.center) to (b.center);
\end { tikzpicture}
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Which is, of course, incorrect. $ \lm I . I $ is not a valid function.
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Notice that both $ A $ and $ B $ use the input $ b $ . However, each $ b $ is \say { bound} to a different function. The two $ b $ s are therefore distinct.
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Let's rewrite $ B $ as $ \lm c . c $ and try again:
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(A~B) = \lm b . ( \lm c . c) = \lm bc . c
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Now, we correctly find that $ ( A~B~I ) = ( \lm bc . c ) ~I = \lm c . c = B = I $ .
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\problem { }
Let $ C = \lm abc.b $ \\
Reduce $ ( C~a~c~b ) $ .
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\begin { solution}
I'll rewrite $ ( C~a~c~b ) $ as $ ( C~a _ 1 ~c _ 1 ~b _ 1 ) $ :
\begin { align*}
C = (\lm abc.b) & = (\lm a.\lm b.\lm c.b) \\
(\lm a.\lm b.\lm c.b)~a_ 1 & = (\lm b.\lm c.b) \\
(\lm b.\lm c.b)~c_ 1 & = (\lm c.c_ 1) \\
(\lm c.c_ 1)~b_ 1 & = c_ 1
\end { align*}
\end { solution}
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\problem { }
Reduce $ ( ( \lm a.a ) ~ \lm bc.b ) ~d~ \lm eg.g $
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\begin { solution}
$ ( ( \lm a.a ) ~ \lm bc.b ) ~d~ \lm eg.g $ \\
$ = ( \lm bc.b ) ~d~ \lm eg.g $ \\
$ = ( \lm c.d ) ~ \lm eg.g $ \\
$ = d $
\end { solution}
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