# This file defines all constants daisy knows about. # Each is an entry in the `constant` array. # # Parameters: # enum_name: capitalized string. Name of this constant's enum. # strings: string or string array. What strings will be parsed as this constant. # The first entry in this array tells daisy how to print this constant. # value: value of this constant. Will be evaluated just like user input. # unit: true if this constant represents a "fake unit" [[constant]] enum_name = "Pi" strings = ["π", "pi"] value = "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067" [[constant]] enum_name = "Phi" strings = ["φ", "phi", "goldenratio"] value = "1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448622705260462818902449707207204189391137" [[constant]] enum_name = "Euler" strings = "e" value = "2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427" [[constant]] enum_name = "LightSpeed" strings = "c" value = "299792458 meter/second" [[constant]] enum_name = "ElectricConstant" strings = ["ε₀", "epsilon_zero", "eps_zero", "electricconstant"] value = "8.8541878128e-12 F/m" [[constant]] enum_name = "ElectronCharge" strings = ["electroncharge", "elementarycharge"] value = "1.602176634e-19 C" [[constant]] enum_name = "ElectronMass" strings = ["me", "m_e", "electronmass"] value = "9.1093837015-31 kg" [[constant]] enum_name = "ProtonMass" strings = ["mp", "m_p", "protonmass"] value = "1.67262192369e-27 kg" [[constant]] enum_name = "GravityConstant" strings = "G" value = "6.67430e-11 (m^3)/(s^2 * kg)" [[constant]] enum_name = "GravityEarth" strings = ["g₀", "g_zero", "gravity"] value = "9.80665 m/(s^2)" [[constant]] enum_name = "BoltzmannConstant" strings = ["k_B", "boltzmannconstant"] value = "1.380649e-23 J/K" [[constant]] enum_name = "FaradayConstant" strings = ["faradayconstant"] value = "9.64853321233100184e4 C/mol" [[constant]] enum_name = "MagneticConstant" strings = ["μ₀","mu_zero"] value = "1.25663706212 N/(A*A)" [[constant]] enum_name = "AvogadroConstant" strings = ["N_A", "avogadroconstant"] value = "6.02214076e23 mol^-1" [[constant]] enum_name = "PlanckConstant" strings = ["planckconstant"] value = "6.62607015e-34 J/Hz" [[constant]] enum_name = "Hbar" strings = ["ℏ", "h_bar"] value = "planckconstant / (2 pi)" [[constant]] enum_name = "GasConstant" strings = ["R", "gasconstant"] value = "avogadroconstant * boltzmannconstant" [[constant]] enum_name = "MPG" strings = "mpg" value = "mile/gallon" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "MPH" strings = "mph" value = "mile/hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "DPI" strings = "dpi" value = "dot/inch" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PPI" strings = "ppi" value = "pixel/inch" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "FPS" strings = "fps" value = "frame/second" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PCT" strings = "pct" value = "0.01" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PPM" strings = "ppm" value = "1e-6" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PPB" strings = "ppb" value = "1e-9" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PPT" strings = "ppt" value = "1e-12" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PPQ" strings = "ppq" value = "1e-15" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "WH" strings = "Wh" value = "W * hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "KWH" strings = "kWh" value = "kW * hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "MWH" strings = "WMh" value = "MW * hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "GWH" strings = "GWh" value = "GW * hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "TWH" strings = "TWh" value = "TW * hour" unit = true [[constant]] enum_name = "PWH" strings = "PWh" value = "PW * hour" unit = true