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2023-11-28 09:28:24 -08:00
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% 5 - 7 pages
% TNR, 1 in margins
% However, while describing methods and results, I want each individual to emphasize the methods that they learned and used in the project (this is broadly interpreted, this could be things like learning new methods, learning how to code something new, learning how to collect and polish data, skills like learning how to read papers, or visualization tools). Projects are a great way to get hands on experience and learn from your peers, so I also want to hear about what you gained from doing the project! It is perfectly reasonable for different people to have different strengths, I have no objection to this. I want to hear what were challenges that YOU faced, how you overcame them, and what you were able to take away from doing this project!
% 2. Each group should also submit a copy of their code ( a general working code is fine, you don't have to resubmit the code each time you change a line).
% Good practices for the project report:
% Use figures and tables freely
% Make your figures nice
% Add a short desc to figs and tables
% acknowledge anyone that has helped you, as well as cite any references that you have used. You can add an acknowledgement section after contributions statement.
% Lastly, it is good practice to make sure all your results are reproducible. To do this, you need to tell people exactly what parameters you used to generate each plot. If this list is small, you can include in in the figure caption, or you can include it in the text body or in the Appendix.
\begin{adjustbox}{minipage=0.7\textwidth, margin=0pt \smallskipamount, center}
Celeste--AI \\
Mark Ponomarenko\footnotemark[1], Timothy Chang, Ricardo Parada, Kelly Chang.
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2mm} \\
% Hack to get the footnote in the title at the bottom of the page.
\footnotetext{Wrote this paper.}
% 10ish line summary
From \textit{Super Mario Bros} \cite{pt-mario} and \textit{Atari} \cite{atari} to \textit{Go} \cite{alphago} and even \textit{Starcraft} \cite{sc2ai}, various forms of machine learning have been used to create game-playing algorithms. A common technique used for this task is reinforcement learning, especially deep $Q$-Learning. In this paper, we present a novel attempt to use these reinforcement-learning techniques to solve the first stage of \textit{Celeste Classic} \cite{celesteclassic}.
\section{Contribution Statement}
\tag{code} \tag{hypothesis} \tag{model design} \tag{literature review} \tag{research} \tag{report}
\tag{code} \tag{model design} \tag{report} \tag{literature review} \tag{plots}
\tag{code} \tag{hypothesis} \tag{model design} \tag{research} \tag{code debugging} \tag{report}
\tag{code} \tag{hypothesis} \tag{model design} \tag{organization} \tag{report} \tag{presentation}
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Our code is available at \texttt{}