-- Load libaries. -- We only need to load these once. -- These are global variables, all scripts can access them gears = require("gears") awful = require("awful") naughty = require("naughty") beautiful = require("beautiful") menubar = require("menubar") wibox = require("wibox") configuration_dir = gears.filesystem.get_configuration_dir() require("awful.autofocus") -- Quick debug function debug_message = function(msg) naughty.notify({title = "Debug message:", text = tostring(msg)}) end -- These must be loaded in order. -- Make sure you've created conf.lua! conf = require("conf") conf.sound_dir = configuration_dir .. "theme/resources/sounds/" conf.icon_dir = configuration_dir .. "theme/resources/icons/" layoutmanager = require("desktop.layoutmanager") layoutmanager.layouts = conf.layouts bin = require("bin") wrapper = require("wrapper") wrapper.ibus.set(1) beautiful.init(require("theme")) desktop = require("desktop") -- Autostart for i, v in ipairs(conf.startup_commands) do awful.spawn(v) end -- Enable hotkeys help widget for VIM and other apps -- when client with a matching name is opened: --require("awful.hotkeys_popup.keys") -- Check for errors dofile(configuration_dir .. "errors.lua") terminal = conf.terminal menubar.utils.terminal = terminal ------------------ -- Load Modules -- ------------------ -- Load key bindings local binds = require("binds") root.keys(binds.keys) root.buttons(binds.buttons) -- Load client methods awful.rules.rules = require("clients.rules") dofile(configuration_dir .. "clients/signals.lua") require("clients.render")