local config = {} config.battery = { enabled = false } config.backlight = { enabled = false } config.simple_widgets = { enabled = true } config.launcher = { enabled = true } config.screenshot = { enabled = true } config.core = { wallpaper = "/home/assets/wallpapers/Themed/Stellaris/Gigapixel/City.png", -- -- Dynamic: a table of files and times -- {file = "path", start_time = {hour, minute}} --[[ config.wallpaper = { { file = "morning-file.png", start_time = {04, 00} }, { file = "noon-file.png", start_time = {11, 00} }, { file = "night-file.png", start_time = {19, 00} }, } ]]-- -- The position of the bar on each screen bar_position = "bottom", -- Bar size in dpi bar_height = 50, -- Size of bar widget margins bar_margin = 3, -- Preferred terminal. terminal = "kitty", -- Preferred browser. browser = "firefox-developer-edition --new-tab", -- Table of layouts. -- This is not handled by the regular awesomewm facility. -- It's handled by layoutmanager, to add extra features. -- -- This table is a table of tables. -- (see the example) -- the tables it contains are groups, switched through using the main -- layout keybind. -- -- groups contain one or more layouts. The first layout is selected by default, -- and is used whenever that group is seleced. -- Likewise, the first group is the default, and is applied to all tags at the start. layouts = { { awful.layout.suit.tile.left, awful.layout.suit.tile, }, { awful.layout.suit.fair, awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, }, { awful.layout.suit.floating, } --awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, --awful.layout.suit.tile.top, --awful.layout.suit.spiral, --awful.layout.suit.spiral.dwindle, --awful.layout.suit.max, --awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen, --awful.layout.suit.magnifier, --awful.layout.suit.corner.nw, --awful.layout.suit.corner.ne, --awful.layout.suit.corner.sw, --awful.layout.suit.corner.se, }, -- Run these commands, in this order, when awesome starts. startup_commands = { "ibus-daemon --daemonize --replace --xim", "keepassxc" }, continuous_tag_updates = true, app_icon_dir = "/home/assets/icons/papirus/", bar_shortcuts = { { "pcmanfm", "places/folder-green.svg" }, { "firefox-developer-edition", "apps/firefox-developer-icon.svg" }, { "thunderbird", "apps/thunderbird.svg" }, { "onlyoffice-desktopeditors", "apps/libreoffice-writer.svg" }, { "signal-desktop", "apps/signal-desktop.svg" }, { "keepassxc", "apps/password-manager.svg" } } } config.mpc = { enabled = true, -- If your MPC server has a password, do "passwd@host" host = "localhost", -- Fixed width of the mpc widget width = 250, } config.volume = { enabled = true, -- The pulse sink volume widgets and keybinds should use. -- To use the default, keep this value an empty string. -- Applies the --sink option to pamixer in wrapper.volume pamixer_sink = "" } config.ibus = { enabled = true, -- The first entry will be activated at startup. -- Use ibus engine to get the current engine name. -- DUPLICATE IBUS_ENGINE VALUES WILL BREAK THE SWITCHER! -- -- Some overlay layours require a switch to en:us first. -- For example, switching from russian (xkb remap) to pinyin (ibus overlay on en:us) -- will not work. `requires_engine` fixes this. -- If it is defined, we will switch to that engine before switching to ibus_engine. language_list = { { title = "English", indicator_code = "en", ibus_engine = "xkb:us::eng", }, { title = "Russian", indicator_code = "ru", ibus_engine = "xkb:ru::rus" }, { title = "Mathwriter", indicator_code = "∫x", ibus_engine = "table:mathwriter-ibus", requires_engine = "xkb:us::eng" } } } return config