# Mark's Awesomewm Config ## Setup Copy config.lua.template into config.lua before using. ## Modules See the [modules](./modules/README.md) README. ## Dependencies Some features require extra tools. Tools each module requires are listed below. If a module is disabled, its tool is not needed. Applications required by `core` MUST be installed. - Core: `fish`, `sox` (and plugins) - Backlight: `xbacklight` - Battery: `upower` - Ibus: `ibus` - Launcher: `rofi` - Lock: `i3lock, imagemagick, scrot` or `lightdm` (For `dm-tool`), depending on configuration. - MPC: `mpc` - Picom: `picom` - Screenshot: `flameshot`, `tesseract (and data)`, `xclip`, `lpr` - Volume: `pamixer`