local widget_types = { arc = require("classes/battery/arc_widget"), prog = require("classes/battery/prog_widget") } local P = { name = "battery" } --- -- Internal methods --- function P:_get_status() awful.spawn.easy_async( script_dir .. "battery", function(stdout, stderr, exitreason, exitcode) local bat = string.match(stdout, "(%d?%d?%d)%%") bat = tonumber(string.format("% 3d", bat)) local discharging = string.match(stdout, "discharging") or false self._ready = true self.battery_percent = bat self.charging = not discharging self:_update_widget() self:_check_notification() end ) return true end function P:_update_widget() if (not self._ready) then self.widget:set_state("error") self.widget:set_value(100); self.widget:set_tooltip("Battery error"); return end if (self.charging) then self.widget:set_state("charging") else self.widget:set_state("discharging") end self.widget:set_value(self.battery_percent); self.widget:set_tooltip("Battery " .. math.floor(self.battery_percent) .. "%"); end function P:_check_notification() if not self.charging then for i=1, #self.warnings do local v = self.warnings[i] if (self.battery_percent <= v) and (not self._warning_log[i]) then self._warning_log[i] = true naughty.notify({ title = "Low power", text = "Battery is at " .. tostring(self.battery_percent) .. "%", icon = beautiful.icons.battery.caution, timeout = 5, ignore_suspend = true, border_color = beautiful.color.battery.danger, preset = beautiful.notification_templates.bottom_right }) break end end else for i=1, #self.warnings do if (self.battery_percent >= self.warnings[i]) then self._warning_log[i] = false end end end end --- -- Create new --- function P:new(args) -- Arguments local b = { update_interval = args.update_interal or 5, widget_type = args.widget_type or "arc", warnings = {5, 10, 25, 50}, -- Percentages to warn at (must be in order) _warning_log = {}, _ready = false, -- is all the information in this class up-to-date? -- if this is false, ui will show an error and most methods will -- do nothing. Updated in _get_status() } -- Initialize warning log for i=1, #b.warnings do b._warning_log[i] = false end b.widget = widget_types[b.widget_type]:new() setmetatable(b, self) self.__index = self -- This timer keeps mute and volume status up-to-date. b.timer = gears.timer { timeout = b.update_interval, call_now = true, autostart = true, callback = function() b:_get_status() end } return b end return P