local P = {} function P:set_value(value) -- Set widget value. (0 - 100) self.progressbar.value = value if value > 60 then self.progressbar.color = beautiful.color.battery.good elseif value > 40 then self.progressbar.color = beautiful.color.battery.low elseif value <= 40 then self.progressbar.color = beautiful.color.battery.danger end if (self.state == "discharging") then self.rotator.direction = "east" else self.rotator.direction = "west" end if (self.state == "charging") and (value > 90) then self.progressbar.border_color = beautiful.color.battery.good elseif (self.state == "discharging") and (value <= 25) then self.progressbar.border_color = beautiful.color.battery.danger else self.progressbar.border_color = beautiful.color.bar.active end end function P:set_state(state) if (state == "discharging") then self.state = "discharging" elseif (state == "charging") then self.state = "charging" elseif (state == "error") then self.state = "error" else error("Invalid state " .. state) end end function P:set_tooltip(text) -- Set widget value. (0 - 100) self.tooltip.text = text end function P:new() widget = { state = "error" } setmetatable(widget, self) self.__index = self widget.progressbar = wibox.widget { max_value = 100, widget = wibox.widget.progressbar, paddings = beautiful.dpi(2), color = beautiful.color.bar.active, background_color = beautiful.color.transparent, border_color = beautiful.color.bar.active, border_width = beautiful.dpi(1), margins = beautiful.dpi(3) } widget.rotator = wibox.widget { widget.progressbar, forced_width = beautiful.dpi(15), direction = "east", layout = wibox.container.rotate, } widget.widget = wibox.widget { { { -- Right space widget = wibox.widget.separator, color = beautiful.color.transparent, forced_width = beautiful.dpi(3) }, { widget.rotator, top = beautiful.dpi(2), bottom = beautiful.dpi(2), layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { -- Left space widget = wibox.widget.separator, color = beautiful.color.transparent, forced_width = beautiful.dpi(3) }, layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, }, layout = wibox.container.background, } widget.tooltip = awful.tooltip { objects = { widget.widget }, text = "" } widget.widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(result) widget.widget.bg = beautiful.color.bar.hover_bg end) widget.widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(result) widget.widget.bg = beautiful.color.transparent end) return widget end return P