local hotkeys = require("awful.hotkeys_popup") local layoutmanager = require("core.layouts.layoutmanager") local function shutdown(confirm_prompt) if (string.lower(confirm_prompt) == "y") or (string.lower(confirm_prompt) == "yes") then awful.spawn("shutdown now", false) elseif (string.lower(confirm_prompt) == "r") or (string.lower(confirm_prompt) == "reset") then awful.spawn("shutdown -r now", false) end end return gears.table.join( awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "s", hotkeys.show_help, { description = "Show help", group = "Desktop" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4", "Control", "Shift"}, "r", awesome.restart, { description = "Restart awesome", group = "Desktop" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "r", function () awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:run() end, { description = "Run prompt", group = "Launcher" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "Return", function () awful.spawn(config.core.terminal) end, { description = "Open a terminal", group = "Launcher" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "\\", function () awful.spawn(config.core.browser) end, { description = "Open a browser tab", group = "Launcher" } ), -- Layouts awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "=", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end, { description = "increase master width factor", group = "Layout" } ), awful.key({"Mod4"}, "-", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end, { description = "decrease master width factor", group = "Layout" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4"}, ",", function () layoutmanager:next() end, { description = "select layouts", group = "Layout" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4"}, ".", function () layoutmanager:next_alt() end, { description = "cycle alt layouts", group = "Layout" } ), -- System awful.key( {"Mod4"}, "p", function () awful.prompt.run { prompt = "Really shutdown? (y/n/r) ", textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget, exe_callback = shutdown } end, { description = "Shutdown", group = "System" } ), -- Tags awful.key( {"Mod1", "Control"}, "Left", function () awful.screen.focused().tagger:left() end, { description = "Left", group = "Tags" } ), awful.key( {"Mod1", "Control"}, "Right", function () awful.screen.focused().tagger:right() end, { description = "Right", group = "Tags" } ), awful.key( {"Mod1", "Control"}, "Up", function () awful.screen.focused().tagger:up() end, { description = "Up", group = "Tags" } ), awful.key( {"Mod1", "Control"}, "Down", function () awful.screen.focused().tagger:down() end, { description = "Down", group = "Tags" } ), --[[ awful.key( {"Mod4", "Shift"}, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx(1) end, { description = "Swap with next window", group = "Client" } ), awful.key( {"Mod4", "Shift"}, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx(-1) end, { description = "Swap with previous window", group = "Client" } ) --]] )