sectalign off ; stage 1 is sector 0, loaded at 0x7C00 %include "stage1.asm" ; GPT area from sector 1 to 33, loaded at 0x7E00 times (33*512) db 0 ; stage 2, loaded at 0xC000 stage2: %include "stage2.asm" align 512, db 0 stage2.end: ; the maximum size of stage2 is 4 KiB times (4*1024)-($-stage2) db 0 ; ISO compatibility, uses up space until 0x12400 %include "iso.asm" times 3072 db 0 ; Pad to 0x13000 ; stage3, loaded at 0x13000 stage3: %defstr STAGE3_STR %[STAGE3] incbin STAGE3_STR align 512, db 0 .end: ; the maximum size of the boot loader portion is 384 KiB times (384*1024)-($-$$) db 0